Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Meanwhile Mahesh met Aman and informed him at the right time that he is resigning.

Aman- What mahesh... why do u want to resign at this point of time?

Mahesh - Sir the man you met yesterday rohit is my friend and he is promised me to give a good share in the new company ... i would be highly obliged if you can relieve me at the earliest

Aman- I am happy to hear that... .but dont you think i would be disabled if you leave you know how i work and most of the important and confidential information is with you???

Mahesh- i know sir... but... i wont get this oppurutinies again in u know im already reaching my forties...

Aman- I am not stopping you mahesh ..but i need you to atleast stay 6 months with me more... to handover things

Mahesh- sir thats too much to stay ... (he thought this is the right time to bring swathis topic) .. but i have an alternative for this that u can relive me immediately and sitll not handicapped for work

Aman- Hows that possible mahesh?

Mahesh- Sir..Swathi can replace my position ...and since i am always there to help ..i can help swathi for whatever work or informaation she wants...

Aman- I accept it with immediate effect... im sure swathi will be a good replacement... and i have seen her she is intelligent too...
Mahesh was so happy that he dint need to negotiate...

AMan- I wanted to increase your salary to 1.25 lacs mahesh.. nwo that will go to swathi he smiled

Mahesh-Sir thats a warm gesture..thanks sir.. i would be happy to help you out any time..even when im not with you.

Aman- ok then all the best and keep in touch ... you can let Swathi know... that i gave her this job on her merits and not bcos of recommendations

Mahesh- she would love that sir..

Aman- Bye can come to office on monday and handover files to Swathi ..and she can start work with immediate effect

Aman was so happy inside that he is gonna get swathi full time..he was imagining her to be fully hers now....

Mahesh was calculating inside that my salary almost 3 lacs and swathi ..1.. they will be able to live the life they wanted now..

Mahesh came to the room and knocked..Swathi and Rohit who were kissing at that shocked and rohit rushed into the kids room...

Swathi set herself right and opened the door.. Mahesh was fully happy and he enquired her for Rohit.. Rohit was playing with the kids of anamika and Swathi...

Mahesh came inside and hugged Rohit... and told him that he has resigned and Aman has agreed to relieve him immediately... and Swathi would be joining Aman... from monday....Hearing that Swathi was surprised, happy , shocked and all kinds of thoughts came in her mind.... a chill ran through her spine...

Rohit and Mahesh had partied for an hour... and Swathi was in mixed thougths.she knew ..she was happy to get to work..but she knew

Aman.... is not going to spare her... if it was Rohit she was atleast fine..but Aman??? she remembered the night she spent on bed with aman ... thank god..that day latha had saved her..but this time..she is always gonna be around..with aman..and definitely ...he is going to take his chances... is she gonna enjoy with him too..she .. knew rohit...was her love defintely over aman..oh my god..what is she making comparisions betweeen them..that too over Mahesh...

In the evening.. mahesh , chotu swathi packed off things and went to meet Aman.. Aman looked at swathi like he is won the battle..and smiled and congratulated her.Swathi looked at him smiling... his lil grey hair sides made him look more handsome for her....he wasnt strong like rohit..but he had his own charm..she thought...she was remembering that night where she had romance with him ..and he almost reached her panty.. now this guy is gonna get more than that may be.... how to control him...

But why is she thinking so much in this angle?? oh . .Rohit had spoilt her with his body treatment...she wanted to really kill rohit for making so much think abt romance....

Rohit dropped mahesh and swathi first in their house... Anamika was with them too.. She informed sir abt his next days assignments

ROhit- Thanks Anamika.. you have been helpful to get mahesh on board..and all our plans of getting information and work on track

Anamika - Yes sir , mahesh will give lot of relief in work for you .. i have seen his good at gettting things done..(she remembered the night and she was lil happy and unhappy ]

Rohit- Ya definetely , im happy today that things are going in right way..and also swathi bhahbi also got a job..she was so much interested to prove herself[but the thought of aman may be having her... was eating him away..he was cursing himself for waht he is doing]

Anamika- Sir your are the draftsman of their future... so whatever u do .. wil be for all good...

Rohit- Thansk anamika, you understand me well... have a good night [he dropped by her home and left to his home.which was a km away from nirmalas house]

Swathi felt a bit different and happy as she entered the house after almost a week. Mahehs informed nirmala and her sister everythign abt job and how they are going to make good money now...she was happy .. and a lil unhappy that Swathi will not be doing much household works..She was however convinced that they can take a servant who can do all works and help them out...

All had dinner and Swathi wrapped up things and she wanted to have fun with mahesh expecting him also to ..... as her spot was heavy she coudl nto get orgy after rohits fun with her..she was feeling lil irrirated over it..and she wanted to ...have something she went..chotu was sleeping on his father who already aslept long back...Swathi had no other option other than to turn her back and sleep..

Next day Swathi got up early and she was feeling irritated.. in her pussy lips..she went to bathroom got fresh ..and called Rohit...But Rohit dint get up yet... so she could not talk to him.. she was checking if he can come to home... may be some romance can subside her spicy lips
Mahesh got up .. and Swathi and mahesh had breakfast .. and slowly she started planning for her next day to office..she planned to wear a saree ..elegant yet.... homely ..and she spent lot of time in taking care of her body ..last one week romance fun and treatmetns made her feel like a royal lady ..her skin started appearing fair and smooth

as she was doing... cleaning of her body the thoguth of Rohits cock inside her made her leaking and somehow she got excited adn pussy lips started leaking..she felt so good with the thought of rohits cock entering her pussy... she thught how must be amans cock? ...oh my god ..what is she thinking...

she quickly wrapped up..herself ..and she thougth she shoudl not be idle. and slwoly started spending time with kids and in laws... Rohit called swathi .. but she silenced it as inlawas were around and mahesh was in his bedroom..she dint have space to talk to him..she left him a msg.. ppl around.. she sent entire chat history to her email and deleted entire chat history ..she hadwith rohit

she got a msg and she thought rohit and was suprrised to see the msg of Aman.

Aman- Hi swathi . . hope everything is ready for start of your job

Swathi- Yes sir. I am .. Thansk for trust laid on me sir

Aman- Swathi, no need to are intelliegent... over and above ur such a lovely friend of mine.. wish we are gonna enjoy our association

Swathi knew what he meant and she was thinking how to control him...

Swathi- Thanks sir . ... hows latha mam ..will she be coming..[she diverted the topic to latha] sure im gonna work with her too right?

Aman- Ya .. ya..we all wiill be togehter..ok see u then .tomorrow [topic of latha made aman irritated and he sent a bye]

Swathi- bye sir ..see u tomorrow thanks.

Swathi felt relaxed...She thought she can always take help of Latha mam if things are out of control... but aman was such a cute faced man..he was handsome..and he was dying for her ... the thought of his lips...rolling over her body and his tounge made her go into a trance.until distrubed by her inlaws

Swathi shaked her head and got up and made tea for all..the day went by ..and Swathi could not get her share of entertainment he was planning to handover works and works to be started with rohit..

Swathi and chout slept off early. .. Mahesh got busy and he worked till late night..Swathi was in delight as she got up early in the morning..she was so happy that her will to work is paying off now..and thanks to rohit....

Swathi made chotu ready in the mornign and she got ready .. and applied light make up and lipstick her red lips were more thick and shiny ....
Mahesh looked at her and thought she is growing beautiful day by day..and she is defintely going to get comments from his x colleagues... he was happy he is going to get his own cabin very soon..he wanted to handover everything to swathi and aman in next couple of days and finish off.. with aman..

Swathi, Mahesh left to office..the office was fully poshly interiored... Aman, Latha welcomed Swathi and mahesh ... ... and they quickly got into work pattern.. mahesh started briefing everything to swathi and swathi was getting lil scared of the amount of work mahesh used to do...she felt no wonder why he is so important to everyone...she thought...

Her scare of aman being behind her..vanished as the first day went without any counters of such 2 days.. mahesh and swathi were busy in handing over things and discussions.... aman briefed swathi very meticulously his requirements... He always watched staff working in cc camera and really dint bother if any one did long as his work is not hampered...he seemed to be a thorough professional and
swathi got a sigh of relife as the three days went without any hiccups... swathi was now feeling happy and appreicated aman of his

Amans office was fully automated ..and his cabin too was fully automated and sound proof... he had a passion for gadgets and new he made sure everything is in his office or cabin..even his home can be operated fully from office and viceversa./.. his cabin was almost a 1000 sft cabin with his table.. a big sofa.... a conference table if many guests coem and a small discussion table incase fewer guests... Latha almost had a similar faciliites in the cabin besides..both had interconnection facility..but they mostly used the main doors of their cabins only for them to enter and exit.... he had a book shelf having lot of collection of books..

Mahesh has decided to spend three more days with swathi in he could see her scare of handling too much work... Rohit msgd swathi..but she was busy with mahesh so she dint reply him back.

Swathi started taking extra care for her body .. mahesh appointed a servant for household works and nirmala aunty and her sister were taking care of swathi wasnt worried about him..occasionaly msgs with rohit were happening but she could not talk to him or meeting him..
she was able to devote time in the morning for yoga and other warmup exercises.. mahesh was feeling light too as his stress levels considerably came down.. t hhis is the life he was expecting...

Swathi dressed up in black saree for friday and she was looking so fair in almost backless blouse...mahesh and swathi ...went to office.... Aman and latha werent yet in office...other colleagues were now aware of Mahesh resignation..and they were talking him to much these days... but inherently everyone was happy that such a beautiful lady is going to be around with them.
Most of them knew she cannot be even to be dare to be touched bcos swathi had such richness and firm face... Mahesh had a lunch program with his x colleauges... he thought it wont be right to take Swathi with so many guys around..he informed her that she can carry on her work and he will have lunch and come....might take couple of hours..

Aman walked in as mahesh left... seeing her in black saree and a lovley lipstick and latha not around..his wish to enjoy her woke up..he left to her cabin wishing her good day..after few minutes he called swathi..swathi knocked door and waited a second to hear his come in ...

Swathi- hi sir.... good day{

AMan- Good day swathi.... where is mahesh.... ? i wanted some clarifications on one file..

Swathi- Hes left for lunch sir..with colleagues.... everyone wanted to have lunch with him..

Aman- Oh thats ok.. no probs.. u had ur lunch?

Swathi- Not yet sir.. need to ...

Aman- Order some pizza for us na... lets have it together

Swathi- Sure sir ..ill ..(she got.. up]

AMan- you are looking amazing today he smiled..

Swathi- Thanks sir...[saying that she left him..not wanting to give more scope..but she liked the compliment.]

Swathi got it ordered and she picked it and took it inside Amans cabin.... Aman asked to serve it in the table besides and he would join her..
Swathi started serving pizza and her back was facing aman..aman could not resist her beauty and her being alone...slowly he picked his mobile and locked the cabin door...and he casted the office camera view into his bigger that he can see if someone is walking into his cabin...
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick - by harithick - 17-07-2019, 03:28 PM

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