Misc. Erotica Teacher Blackmailed ( copied from Net )
Summer then slipped her feet into the new four inch black heels. Summer placed each foot onto the bench at the end of the bed to fasten the ankle straps of the heels. Summer then wrapped the black skirt around her waist and over her hips. She buttoned the top button to fit the skirt snugly in place. The skirt, though with front buttons, was somewhat form fitting and fairly light weight. If she was not careful, Summer feared that anyone would be able to see the outline of the tops of her hose and quite possibly the outline of her tiny thong. She thought to herself that she would need to be very careful writing on the board and picking things up off of her desk as she buttoned all but the last button on the skirt. She did not like the idea of having her back turned towards her teenage students as there was no telling who the girl was that knew about her orgasm episode in the bathroom on Tuesday.

Summer then grabbed up her bag that contained her college paperwork and headed down the stairs. Summer remembered the container of cum in her refrigerator and looked at it disgustingly as she placed into her bag. Summer quickly made a salad and tossed the container into her bag. Ready to leave, she headed for the door to the garage. Once she reached the garage, she hit the door release and the garage door leading to her BMW convertible rolled up almost noiselessly. Summer popped the lid on her trunk and dumped the bag containing her college work, lunch and the container that held the cum from her adventure in the glory hole room at Bill Fraser's store. Summer checked to make sure that the white collar and leash are in her purse along with the pink butt plug. She also saw the tube of KY lubricant as she gets into the car.

When she finally rested in the driver's seat, Summer noticed that the black vibrating egg was not in her purse. It was her intention to insert the egg once she got to college when she could use the women's bathroom. Now she frantically ran back into the house, through the kitchen, up the stairs and into her bedroom. Summer could not find the black egg. She remembered having all of the items displayed on her bed. She walked over to the bed and looked through the unmade covers of the bed. The egg was not there. Frantically, Summer threw the covers from the bed and tore the sheets off of the bed. She started feeling every square inch of the bed covers, but could not find the egg. Summer, down on her knees in her bedroom, began to cry. She could not believe that she was in such a frantic state searching her room for an egg that she knew would only cause her discomfort and quite possibly embarrassment today.

Summer pulled herself together and looked under the bed and fortunately the egg was staring back up at her. She grabbed the egg, rushed out of the bedroom and walked down the stairs as quickly as she could. She was now running behind schedule and she did not want to get to the college late and miss the appointment with Principal Harding. Summer shivered at the thought of him gawking at her and being able to see what she was wearing clothing that quite possibly could be viewed as in violation of the teacher implied dress code. But, Summer could not think about that as she was adhering to the instructions of her high college student master. When Summer reached her car door, she heard the familiar sound of a text message being received.

"Why haven't you inserted the egg into your cunt slut?"

Summer then felt the phone buzz alerting her to an incoming call. Of course it was her young master. She pressed the "accept call" green button and answered, "Hello Master T."

Todd then went off, "Keep your mouth shut and listen to me slut. Why didn't you follow my instructions exactly? Your continued disobedience forces me to punish you. As I am not there at this moment, we will start your punishment now and it will be completed when I arrive tonight. Put your phone on face time and place it on the trunk of your car so that I can see you."

Summer immediately complied as she was running out of time, but worse she did not want to suffer too much for her innocent mistake, but a mistake all the same to her young master.

"Alright slut, stand behind your car, pull your skirt up over your hips, slide your thong down to your ankles, insert the plug into your cunt and lay flat against the lid of your trunk," were Todd's instructions.

To which Summer pleaded, "Master T, please don't make me do that. One of my neighbors may see me and I would not be able to explain what I was doing. Please Master."

"I can see that you are going to be troublesome slut. For questioning my directions, strip your blouse and skirt off, pull your thong down to your ankles, insert the egg and lay flat against the lid of your trunk. If you have any more pleadings, then you can just strip all of your clothes off and kneel on the driveway so any of your neighbors paying attention can see what a slut you are. Then I can be sure you understand that you have disobeyed me again and you questioned my directions," Todd said as he looked into Summer's eyes via the face call feature of their iphones.

When Summer hesitated, her phone went silent. Suddenly, Summer realized her predicament as at any time Todd could see what she was doing inside her house and he had all of those pictures of her that he could distribute to anyone he wanted to right now. Summer was terrified that she had made the final mistake that would cause her to be exposed as a slut for a teenager. Summer shivered at the potential ramifications to her professionally, to her marriage, in the community and then the impact that her exposure as the slut she was becoming (and may truly be) would have on her two children.

Summer quickly hit the speed dial function on her phone hoping to reach her young master. Her call went directly to her young Master's voice mail. Summer did not know what to do. She had hesitated when she had been given specific instructions and now she was afraid that her hesitation may have caused her young master to become tired of the relationship. In that event he could just send out a set of pictures and ruin her. Right then Summer's phone buzzed indicating that it was another face call from her young master. Summer dropped her call to her master and answered the phone as required,

"Master T this is Summer. I am so sorry for hesitating, but I am afraid of being seen by my neighbors."

"What you should be afraid of slut is what I will do to you when I see you or better yet what your husband James will do to you when he receives the email containing several pictures of you with cocks in your mouth as well as your ass satisfying Bill Fraser's clients. Is that what you want slut," Todd asked.

"Master T I am so sorry. I did not think my response through. Please let me please you," Summer begged.

"Because of your disobedience this morning, you are to be punished. Your first punishment is to strip off all of your clothes. Place the phone so that I can watch you strip. You may keep your hose and heels on, slide the egg into your cunt and then lay across the lid of your trunk until I tell you to go to college," Todd ordered.

"Yes Master T," was Summer's response.

Summer laid the phone against the convertible top of her BMW. While facing the phone and the eyes of her young master through her iPhone, Summer unbuttoned and then allowed her red blouse to slip off of her shoulders. She caught it and laid it on the trunk lid. Next, Summer unbuttoned the top two buttons of her black form fitting skirt and it fell to the ground. She quickly picked it up and placed on top of her red blouse.

Summer standing behind her car was clad only in her black and white lace lingerie set, black back seamed thigh hi's and her four inch black ankle strap heels. Summer's nipples were standing at full attention as they had escaped the lace top of the shelf bra and the nipple piercings were clearly visible in each. Then, while facing the display on her phone, Summer reached behind her back and unlatched the clasp of her black and white lace trim shelf bra, which joined her other clothes on the lid of the trunk. Next, Summer hooked her thumbs in the side straps of her thong and slide it down over her hips, down her legs until the thong stretched between her ankles.

Fortunately, Summer had placed the black egg on the back of the trunk lid when her young master had called the first time. Summer grabbed the egg, placed the tip against her surprisingly wet pussy lips and slipped it all the way inside her pussy. The receiver cord hung four inches outside of her pussy lips.

Once the egg was in place, Summer, as directed, lay across the lid of the trunk with her eyes looking directly into the phone display panel. She could see her young master's eyes filled with lust as she once again succumbed to his directions and his control.

As Summer looked straight ahead, she heard Todd's instructions, "Slut slip your right hand down between the trunk and your pussy. Start rubbing that already erect clit of yours, but you are not allowed to cum."

Without further instruction or hesitation, Summer ran her right hand down the trunk lid and between the folds of her pussy lips. She found her clit to be indeed erect and quite moist. Her fingers brushed the receiver cord dangling between her legs as her fingers went to work on her clit.

Summer did not even think about the scene she was putting on for anyone paying strict attention to her driveway as they passed by her house. She was a respected high college English teacher, mother of two college age boys, wife to a wonderful man and a slut to a high college student. Her ass was illuminated by the lights of the garage, her ankles were encased in the stretched material of the with thong with black lace, her feet were strapped into four inch heels and her legs highlighted by the stretched material of the black nylon back seamed thigh hi's.

Her fingers were bringing her closer and closer to orgasm as her master only watched. But, the harder she tried to cum, the more frustrated Summer became. She felt empty in her ass and she needed to have that full feeling to truly experience an orgasm. Without permission or direction from her young master, Summer ran her left hand down her side, over her left butt check, down her crack until her middle finger found her puckered ass hole. Without any lubrication, Summer forced her finger inside her ass and she could immediately feel her body react to the added sensation. Her right hand was moving furiously over her clit with her pussy juice beginning to drip from her lips. She rammed the left middle finger deep into her ass as her right hand with three fingers on her clit brought her closer and closer to orgasm.

Todd was very pleased with what he was seeing through the camera display. He knew that any moment one of his three roommates would be banging on the bathroom door to relieve themselves to begin processing for their trip back to Atlanta. But, he had to make his slut cum when she was instructed and he wanted her to beg.

"Slut, are you ready to cum," Todd asked.

"Yes Master T, please let me cum," Summer pleaded.

"You may now cum slut," replied her young Master.

Summer's body erupted in orgasm with her fingers furiously rubbing her clit and her middle finger pushing deeper and deeper with each thrust. Summer's orgasm subsided as she was still spread eagle against the lid of her trunk, black lace thong around her ankles and her eyes gazing at her iphone. However, her young Master had already disconnected his call and she was alone in her orgasm when she realized that time was running out for her to get to college in time for the pre-college meeting with the principal, Mr. Harding.

Summer did not remove the egg as she slowly rose up off of the lid of her trunk. On unsteady legs, Summer brought her feet together and bent over to bring her thong back up to her hips easily slipping the thin strip of material between her pussy lips. She could feel the material between her lips; she did not try and arrange things better as she was running out of time. Summer quickly slipped on her black with white trim shelf bra and pulled the skirt back around her hips buttoning the top two buttons. She quickly slipped her arms through the sleeves of her red silk blouse and buttoned up the remaining buttons cursing herself for allowing her young master to get into her house and act as a tailor when he removed the top two buttons of the blouse before he sewed up the button holes. She looked down, and Summer could clearly see the support material of the shelf bra in her cleavage as well as her erect nipples straining against the thin material of the red blouse. Summer tucked the tail of the blouse into her skirt, grabbed her phone and jumped into the driver's seat of her BMW.

As she back down the driveway, she was startled to almost run into her lecherous neighbor, Mr. Johnson as he leered easily into her car as her convertible top was down as had been required by her young master whenever she drove the car. She apologized to Mr. Johnson by saying, "I am sorry I am just in a hurry. I hope that I did not scare you too badly Mr. Johnson."

"Looking into the car, down her blouse and gazing at the skirt pulled up he could see the wide lace of the tops of his neighbor's black hose, Mr. Johnson replied, "No Summer you did not scare me as I was watching as you got into your car and backed it down the driveway. You look ravishing today. I hope your students can concentrate on your lessons and not what you are wearing. Have a good day teach."

As he watched his sexy neighbor drive away, even at his age, he got a raging hard on while looking down the blouse and at the exposed lace tops of her hose. Johnson continued with his thoughts on taking advantage of the taped sex scene he had watched of Summer and the couple in Summer's back yard. He still could not believe that he had watched her suck the woman, the man, fuck the man and then fuck herself with the Corona bottle (as detailed in Chapter 7). He knew that he could use it against the teacher, but he had to make sure that the timing was right and the opportunity presented itself to him. He was a patient man.

Summer continued backing out of the drive and into the street. She changed gears and speed out of the subdivision. As she pulled to the stop sign just past the subdivision, she glanced down and saw why her neighbor had looked so intently at her. Her blouse was stretched tight against her breasts so he could easily have seen the outline of her piercings and the hem of her skirt was all the way up to the wide lace tops of her hose where the skin of her thigh was visible above the lace tops of the hose. Summer tried to adjust the skirt, but a pick-up truck behind her sounded its horn blaring her into an acceleration down the road.

"Catch up to her Mike. That is Ms. Wayne the senior English teacher who we will have next year. She is hot," shouted Mike's riding companion Terry.

Mike replied, "Terry, we will have to do it some other time as we have to pick up Jeff and Scott before college."

"Oh man, I wanted a good look at her tits again," whined Terry.

"Maybe we can sneak a peek at her at college sometime today. You know the seniors have been gone most of the week and she has been teaching smaller classes for those that did not qualify for the trip or chose not to go," replied Mike.

Summer approached the college parking lot and quickly found her assigned parking place. As she pressed the button for the automatic top closing of her BMW, she began tugging at her blouse in the hopes that she could give herself some relief from the tight fitting garment. She knew that it would be cold in Mr. Harding's office and with the piercings as well as her heightened erotic feelings; her nipples would be standing at full attention. Summer just did not want to have the principal gawking at her breasts.

Once the car top snapped into place, Summer closed the latches, grabbed her college bag and exited the car. As she walked the short distance to the main entrance, Summer could feel the interior muscle linings of her pussy grabbing and holding the egg that was buried deep in her pussy. She felt the moisture begin to leak around the thin material of her thong and she was hopeful that the meeting with Mr. Harding would be brief.

Summer reached for the door just as Sandra Wilson was exiting the building. Both women ran directly into one another with both smashing their breasts into the other. "God dammit, watch where you are going Wayne," blurted Sandra Wilson.

"I am sorry Ms. Wilson, but I was not expecting someone to be coming out of the college this early in the morning. I hope you are not hurt," Summer meekly replied.

Sandra Wilson was not someone to be taken lightly and someone who could cause trouble for any college system employee. Summer was already uneasy because of her daughter's grade as well as being cornered by her at the McDonalds last week. Summer felt like Melanie knew about her, but was unsure why she felt that way. And Sandra Wilson had already taken her complaint about Summer's grading system to Principal Harding.

"Just watch where you are going Wayne," replied Sandra Wilson in a huff.

Summer tried to catch her breath before heading into the principal's office. That felt funny to say it that way to herself as she did not deem herself to be going to the principal's office for punishment, but she had to watch herself given her state of mind, her servitude to a student and the threatening posture of Sandra Wilson.

Summer could feel the material of her red silk blouse begin to rub her ever hardening nipples. She tried to shield her breasts from Shirley's gaze, who is the college secretary, with her college bag. Summer remembered the session with Shirley where she controlled the secretary for a short time and how that felt to be in control. But, Summer remembered the egg in her pussy and knew that she was the one that was controlled.

"Go right in Summer, Mr. Harding is waiting on you as you are the last of the department heads to arrive," Shirley grinned.

When Summer was buzzed through the gate, she was caught off guard by the fact that she was the last department head to arrive. She had understood that the meeting was at 7:00 AM and it was only 6:55 AM by her watch. As she walked into Principal Harding's office she immediately realized that her wrist watch had stopped and that it was 7:15 AM. The principal, sitting behind his desk did not even look up when Summer came into his office. With the index finger of his left hand, Principal Harding motioned for her to sit. There was a round table with four chairs in the office along with a small couch about the size of a household love seat. Mr. Harding's gesture was towards the love seat and not the table.

As Summer started to sit on the couch, she was suddenly acutely aware that sitting there would make it almost impossible to hide the fact that she was wearing thigh hi hosiery as the tight skirt would ride up in order for her to sit on such a low couch. Summer placed her college bag, containing all of her servitude instruments, on the couch, grabbed the arm with her right hand and lowered herself in her most lady like manner until her ass reached the cushion of the couch. Summer was horrified to find that the end she had chosen was apparently the worst worn end of the couch as her ass settled into a rather deep rut in the cushion. The couch did not appear to be worn, but her placement had made it impossible for her to not give Principal Harding a fairly unobstructed view of the wide lace tops of her black thigh hi's. Noticing that her principal was not paying any attention to her, Summer quickly pulled her college bag onto her lap and she kept her knees pressed tightly together.
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RE: Teacher Blackmailed ( copied from Net ) - by hirarandi - 17-07-2019, 01:59 PM

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