Adultery Rama, A journey from a prude to Hot Wife by elder_guy (COMPLETED)
. He his roving eyes fell on Shanti, one of his colleagues who is married and has kids and aged about 45. In fact Rajesh was actually started reporting to her after some time. She was impressed by his work, his commitment and quality of his work which made her own task easier. She being a lady was also aware that he is checking her out on every occasion, she for reasons unknown to her is pleased that this young stud is attracted towards her despite she being almost double his age. Rajesh was complimenting her work as well as her on many occasions like saying you look very beautiful in this blue saree. She has soft corner at first but she too developed a crush on him. However she too knew too well she cannot cheat her hubby. Slowly Rajesh flirting with her increased and one day they were working late and he offered to drop her home. Her hubby has gone out as he normally picks her up from the office. So she decided to accept the offer and they drove in his bike. Rajesh was happy and though he never put brakes as excuse, she was sitting close and her tits were touching his back sending sensuous feelings and his dick became hard. They reached her house and she asked him to come in and have coffee and Rajesh naughtily asked just coffee. She is up to the tease and asked what more you want. He avoided it and she said let me refresh and I will be back. She went in and as is her routine took her bath and changed her clothes forgetting he is in the living room. When she came back she said sorry but he said mem, you look so beautiful. She teasingly asked just beautiful or and he was quick to say if u do not scold me then I will say you are very sexy. She blushed and as it happens for women of her age they get less attention from their hubby and this compliment works as tonic. Still she said why you checking me out, He are said you are so beautiful and I cannot help. She told him b better find girl friends as she is married but he replied he loves women like her with right kind of curves. She told him enough, let us stop.
She offered him dinner and post dinner as he was about to leave he asked her Shanti can I kiss you once, She was taken aback and said no, I am married and it is wrong. He came close to her and put his hands on her waist pulled her close to him and looked in to her eyes. He said Pl Shanti. His lips were moving closer to her and despite her wish to push him out she could not as she has a crush on him. Their lips met and initially it was just a simple kiss but soon became a passionate kiss. Their tongues were in each other mouth. Now she put both her hands on his back and pressed him closer in the process her tits were crushing in to his chest. They were consumed by passion and his hands now started caressing her tits initially and then squeezing her right tit. She was consumed by passion and their kiss lasted long but then they took time to regain their breath but he started kissing her on neck, chin, cheeks, eyes and earlobes. Shanti never had this kind of showering of kisses on her face. Her nails are digging in to his back and they had another lip kiss again. She was a good kisser and taught him how to kiss. He pulled her to sofa and sitting by her side and he removed her pallu and started kneading her tits from blouse and cupping the tits too. She said no. let us stop this is so wrong. But he is not in a mood to listen and he continued his kissing and pleadingly asked her to unhook her blouse hooks and show her lovely and sexy tits to him. She said no but he already started unhooking and she had no bra too. The lovely tits were out in all their glory and he just worshipped them. Shanti was caught in a peculiar situation. Her heart was telling her enjoy while her mind was telling her this is wrong. She succumbed to her heart and was enjoying when he led her to bed room when he removed her saree and petty coat in one swift motion and when she protested he told her permit me to worship this fabulous and sexy body of yours. I will just kiss every inch of you. Now this is something she never had as they had their sex in missionary position. Before she can protest or say anything he went and started kissing her legs. He started with her toe and alternated between the legs. The kisses were sending her in to erotic and feelings and she was aroused. He then alternated between her fair and sexy thighs. And inevitably his kisses reached her pussy.
She closed her eyes just as she felt his tongue softly press against the front of her pussy. Automatically her thighs relaxed and opened, giving him better access to her folds. She looked down her body, past her heaving breasts and flat stomach to her trimmed pussy and then his head pressed there. He began a slow invasion of her married pussy, spreading her lips apart, running his tongue along the sides, the top, and the bottom, inserting in her pussy deep; Pulling her swollen clit and playing with the button in there. Her legs began to shake as he ran circles around her. He then inserted one and then 2 fingers and she was his now for the taking and so he thought. She moved and took his cock in her mouth and started kissing his cock and licking it before sucking his cock. But then she pushed him away and said enough I have gone much more than I wished, Let us stop here. He looked at her but she hugged him, their naked bodies entwined together and said I cannot do it I am married let us stop. That was the end, for the day but Rajesh did enjoy giving and receiving oral to her on some more occasions with Shanti
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RE: Rama, A journey from a prude to Hot Wife by elder_guy - by dippadu - 15-07-2019, 04:49 PM

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