14-07-2019, 08:13 AM
On one of those long and forlorn evening, suddenly I saw a water nymph, a mermaid emerging, with splash of water (Advantage of pool facing flat).
An orange swimsuit exactly like bay watch girls and her figure …I gasped.
Sculpturesque boobs, firm and taut, water drops hanging on fair glistening body…. as she slowly turned, her perfect ass made my bulge grow. Her face, perfect body and demeanor, almost basking in radiance of her beauty, just lingered in my mind, stoking my longings.
I accosted her again after a few days, from a very close quarter.
It was Sunday evening and I was going out.
And there was she, coming back from tennis court. Tall, slender perfect boobs glued to her tennis shirt wet with sweat, fully stretched. I could not stop myself from looking back and ogling her heavy swinging hips, must be late 20s. But agility of a teen, charm of a nubile.
We accosted each other many times and it lead to waving of hands and a certain recognition but no talks…she had come recently, an expat and was living in a tower just across mine.
Source: My maid.
But then again work claimed me.
It was end of first quarter, pressure for results, PPTs and Pie charts, company was not doing well, shares have plummeted and we were tightening our seat belts.
Let me confide in you, it is hard to move up the corporate ladder but harder still to retain your place, I had become a pro in SCM , led my team, did well in CRM, learn all the lingos and was always looking down at those ‘ piranhas’ but my interest in literature also gave me an edge.
It looked nice on CV for creativity, was good for networking and of course provided me a breather. I was member of many groups and societies which helped me to mingle with ‘socialites’.
And again I met her in such a group, in our gated community only.
We were discussing Sanskrit poetry and talks turned to erotic poetry as is wont with a lot of lecherous old men. It was my forte. Starting from quoting Amaru I went to recite something from Caurapâñcâśikâ, of Bilhana 11th century Kashmir poet,
Still when her eyes, as lotus petals long,
Like Fortune’s, goddess lotus-born, I see,
And see her wearied by her bosom’s load,
With both my arms clasping her close to me.
And our eyes met. She was listening to every word, attentively, appreciatively, almost devouring like a gourmet,
And everything else ceased for me.
Hand painted saree dbangd in a careful carelessness, a kutchi heavily embroidered choli barely able to hold her voluptuous assets, a bindi on her forehead, but no sindoor, no mangal sutra.
And we were alone immediately (actually after 45 minutes) sharing Masala chai, from authentic kulhads in an ethnic tea shop. And before I could ask who she is, she recited,
“I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?”
And I completed,
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! They’d advertise – you know.
We completed together, Emily Dickinson’s rest of lines,
How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!
So exchange of name was ruled out but she did blurted that she is a Mumbai girl, did collegeing from Sofia , went out to US, Masters from Wharton, joined a company out there, but is now back.
And some more notes were exchanged, boxes were ticked, I had a senior from IIM days who was associate at Wharton and she knew her. But no talk shop, no names ,no exchange of numbers and of course nothing about our jobs.
She was not only into poetry but astro, palmistry and guessed, of course correctly I am Cancerian. And before I could say anything she guessed another thing,
“Your birthday must be close?” she fluttered her kohl laden large eyes,
“Share it with Julius Caesar and Lady D.”
I replied while coming out and then jobs reclaimed us, she had a conference call coming from States and I had piles of PM to reply , give a finishing touch to my report of first quarter and be ready for new quarter, first day of new week.
But before that we had shared a lot about our common interest nay passion and although I am introvert but once I start talking, horses cannot drag me.
An orange swimsuit exactly like bay watch girls and her figure …I gasped.
Sculpturesque boobs, firm and taut, water drops hanging on fair glistening body…. as she slowly turned, her perfect ass made my bulge grow. Her face, perfect body and demeanor, almost basking in radiance of her beauty, just lingered in my mind, stoking my longings.
I accosted her again after a few days, from a very close quarter.
It was Sunday evening and I was going out.
And there was she, coming back from tennis court. Tall, slender perfect boobs glued to her tennis shirt wet with sweat, fully stretched. I could not stop myself from looking back and ogling her heavy swinging hips, must be late 20s. But agility of a teen, charm of a nubile.
We accosted each other many times and it lead to waving of hands and a certain recognition but no talks…she had come recently, an expat and was living in a tower just across mine.
Source: My maid.
But then again work claimed me.
It was end of first quarter, pressure for results, PPTs and Pie charts, company was not doing well, shares have plummeted and we were tightening our seat belts.
Let me confide in you, it is hard to move up the corporate ladder but harder still to retain your place, I had become a pro in SCM , led my team, did well in CRM, learn all the lingos and was always looking down at those ‘ piranhas’ but my interest in literature also gave me an edge.
It looked nice on CV for creativity, was good for networking and of course provided me a breather. I was member of many groups and societies which helped me to mingle with ‘socialites’.
And again I met her in such a group, in our gated community only.
We were discussing Sanskrit poetry and talks turned to erotic poetry as is wont with a lot of lecherous old men. It was my forte. Starting from quoting Amaru I went to recite something from Caurapâñcâśikâ, of Bilhana 11th century Kashmir poet,
Still when her eyes, as lotus petals long,
Like Fortune’s, goddess lotus-born, I see,
And see her wearied by her bosom’s load,
With both my arms clasping her close to me.
And our eyes met. She was listening to every word, attentively, appreciatively, almost devouring like a gourmet,
And everything else ceased for me.
Hand painted saree dbangd in a careful carelessness, a kutchi heavily embroidered choli barely able to hold her voluptuous assets, a bindi on her forehead, but no sindoor, no mangal sutra.
And we were alone immediately (actually after 45 minutes) sharing Masala chai, from authentic kulhads in an ethnic tea shop. And before I could ask who she is, she recited,
“I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?”
And I completed,
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! They’d advertise – you know.
We completed together, Emily Dickinson’s rest of lines,
How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!
So exchange of name was ruled out but she did blurted that she is a Mumbai girl, did collegeing from Sofia , went out to US, Masters from Wharton, joined a company out there, but is now back.
And some more notes were exchanged, boxes were ticked, I had a senior from IIM days who was associate at Wharton and she knew her. But no talk shop, no names ,no exchange of numbers and of course nothing about our jobs.
She was not only into poetry but astro, palmistry and guessed, of course correctly I am Cancerian. And before I could say anything she guessed another thing,
“Your birthday must be close?” she fluttered her kohl laden large eyes,
“Share it with Julius Caesar and Lady D.”
I replied while coming out and then jobs reclaimed us, she had a conference call coming from States and I had piles of PM to reply , give a finishing touch to my report of first quarter and be ready for new quarter, first day of new week.
But before that we had shared a lot about our common interest nay passion and although I am introvert but once I start talking, horses cannot drag me.