Misc. Erotica Young Journalist & The Handsome Politician
There was an air of nervousness, anticipation and hectic activity from the first light of dawn; it was the day of the count. People's mandate was to be declared today and all the political parties were on the edge.
Politicians, their activists, workers and proteges and even journalists like me were up before sunrise and looking forward to a very hectic day. Most party offices were crowded and many watched the television from 8 am when the counting started.
Fifteen minutes later the first leads were declared. Across the 4 states that went to polls, the first leads showed Uday's party leading. When other parties hadn't even opened an account, his party was already leading in more than 10 seats across all the states. Just half an hour into the count everyone knew who the winner was.
The news channels flashed the mandate and celebrations broke out across the city. Every party branch office was distributing sweets, bursting fire crackers and Dhol Tasha teams were called in to set the mood. Inebriated party workers danced in the street and random hooliganism ensued.
I straight away headed to Uday's house where I knew even bigger celebrations must be on. As I got out of the cab, I saw several television news crew vans on the street in front of his house.
Each journalist taping his brief, some beaming live, others just recording. Hundreds of party workers gathered outside and the scenes across the city were being repeated. Fire crackers, loud music was accompanied by loud sloganeering, cheering, screaming Uday's name.
I pushed through the crowd and stood in front of the gate. I showed my permanent visitor's card to the armed security guards who promptly frisked me before letting me in. I thought perhaps the celebrations inside would be a little measure but I was wrong. Inside the compound too there was loud music, fire crackers and some even had gulaal which they threw around.
The celebration was wilder and louder than any Indian festival, after all, it was the celebration of a modern Indian festival; the festival of a democratic election.
I walked over to the lobby and I was frisked again. Just as I entered, I saw Naina. She looked very happy. Covered in gulaal, her white saree had turned pink and her mouth was stuffed with sweets. She smiled at me and walked to me. We exchanged pleasantries before she escorted me to the war room.
Inside, Uday and his team were busy congratulating each other. Hand shakes and hugs were being exchanged. The entire campaign team was ecstatic from the landslide victory they had achieved. He was busy speaking on the phone and shaking hands and nodding in acknowledgement. He was being congratulated in person and perhaps also over the phone.
A huge flat screen TV in the room showed the results. By now, wins in many seats had been declared. It seemed that his party was going to achieve single party majority in all the states. The other parties, the erstwhile regional players were decimated. I knew that there were no celebrations at their offices.
I knew Uday would be too busy to talk to me. I just stayed there and watched; watched him walked around speaking on the phone, flashing that charming smile the whole while.
He walked over to me with a party worker behind him. He picked up a handful of sweets and brought it over to my mouth. I giggled and tried to turn away but he literally grabbed my face and stuffed my mouth with the sweets. It was indeed a sweet victory for everyone around.
I knew this was just the beginning of the day and it was going to get even more hectic. I stayed with Naina the whole time and did not interfere in Uday's work. A while later, Uday, his wife and his confidants stepped out of the house and walked over to the huge lawn in front of it. The media crews had been let in and they started photographing and shooting the moment he emerged from the house.
Pushing his wheelchair bound wife to the lawn; they both looked very happy. He flashed the usual victory sign in front of the media and they all went crazy photographing. The camera flashes almost made me blind but I knew this was his moment in the sun.
He made a victory speech and then many photographs were clicked. I knew all the media channels and news papers would credit him for his party's massive victory. This was the moment when he graduated to being the super heavy weight of Indian politics.
Like a fighter who staked claim to the heavy weight title, it seemed that he too was poised to stake claim to the title of Indian politics. He surely was the number one contender and surely had the champion mojo juice.
An hour later the activity shifted from Uday's house to the party office. All the leaders of the party gathered and a massive press conference was arranged. Uday was seated in the centre of the dais and almost all the questions were thrown at him or at the party President.
The other leaders smiled and waved like they were genuinely happy, which to some extent they were because they and their chosen men had won many seats in all the states but there was a sense of jealousy and hatred behind their smiles.
Most of the leaders were old party loyalists. They had emerged from the grass root, student activist level. They had spent their years, greying hair and balding heads, knee deep in political muck to reach where they had today but this 'Kal Ka Chokra' Uday had just parachuted or perhaps crash landed into their party. Most of the leaders who were on the dais with him were as old as his late father. Uday was simply stealing everyone's thunder.
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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