Misc. Erotica Young Journalist & The Handsome Politician
 “I am here to meet the Editor in Chief” I told the receptionist who politely asked me to sit on the couch in the lobby. I saw her calling someone and a couple of minutes later she asked me to walk inside the office and walk to the corner office.
I knocked on the door and was asked to come in. I stepped into a swanky office of the editor in chief of one of the most influential and widely read newspapers in the country. His office was very well decorated with royal color schemes on the walls with a large glass desk in the middle of the room. One wall was covered in trophies which I guessed were earned over a remarkably long career and there was one wall covered with photos of him with the most influential personalities from around the world.
For a person who appeared to be influential, the man himself wasn't. He was sitting in his chair but one could clearly guess he was fat and short with a rapidly balding head. Glasses rested over his large nose and I could smell the stench of cigarettes from 5 feet away. But still, being a journalist he was a sort of a hero for me.
Rising during the most turbulent political times in the country, he had risen to become a force himself and his persona and attitude itself dislayed it.
“You are Mira Chauhan right?” He asked me peeking at me through his thick glasses.
“Yes Sir.” I replied standing behind the chair. I was dressed for an interview, wearing a black pant suit and a white shirt under.
“Sit...Mr. Singh has referred you.” He said as he looked into the computer.
“Yes.” Was all I could say a the moment.
“Give me you CV.” He said as he extended his arm all the while staring at the computer. I silently handed him the folder containing my CV and other credentials.
He looked at my CV, reading it carefully before looking at me and then again looking down at the CV. He nodded his head a couple of times as he read my academic history before picking up athe telephone.
“Send Manisha.” He simply ordered the person on the other side and kept the phone down. A woman who I guessed was Manisha walked inside the office a minute latter.
“This is Ms. Mira Chauhan. She will work with us from tomorrow. Get her joining formalities done.” He ordered Manisha.
I watched stunned as not a single question was asked to me as to why I should be hired. I was hired straight away. I was pleasantly surprised and also found it a little insulting but what the heck! I thought and thanked my new boss before walking out of his office.
After trying hard for a year through the college and outside the college, I got a job on the word of just one man. This was the first time I truely realised the weight which Mr. Uday Singh carried and I was thoroughly impressed.
A couple of hours later I walked out of the office with the appointment letter to my new job. I was happy; happy would be an understatement I was ecstatic. My first job was going to be in the news paper I had always dreamed of.
As I was walking down the street, my cellphone rang. It was an unknown number which i generally avoided attending but today, what the heck, so I picked it up.
“Hello Mira...This is Uday.” I heard his baritonic voice at the other end.
“Hiii...Thank you so much...so much for the job sir. I will always be indebted to you for this gesture.” I alsmost squeeled through the phone. I was sure he must have pushed the phone away hearing my loud, high pitched voice.
“Hahaha...The pleasure is all mine.” He replied, amused at my reaction.
“This calls for a celebration Mira.” He said.
“Sure...just tell me when and where.” I said without thinking about it for a second.
“Ohh..well...how about at the Taj in an hour?” He asked.
“Uhhh...ohh....okay.” I replied, completely bowled over by his offer. In the heat of excitement I had offered to meet him, not expecting him to be serious at all but he actually was.
“Good...where are you right now?” He asked.
“Uhhh...just a couple of blocks away from the media house.” I replied and looked around. I felt as if he had eyes on me.
“Ok...wait there...There'll be a car there in a few minutes to bring you to Taj.” He replied and cut the call.
Half an hour later we were at a restaurant in one of the plush hotels in the city. I was sitting on a small round table which could accomodate just 2 people. Uday was sitting opposite to me; wearing a white T shirt and a faded blue jeans, his folded sun glasses hanging off his collar. Clean shaven and hair neatly done he indeed looked more like a model than a politician.
I on the other hand had taken off my jacket and kept it on the extra chair at the side. My fabric of my white shirt was a tad bit ligter than usual and in the brightly lit restaurant, I was sure he could make out the black bra I was wearing underneath. I had kept the top two buttons of my shirt open which gave a tantalising view of my cleavage. The bra was a push up bra which perked up my already sizeable tits and made them prominent than usual. A delicate gold chain hung down my neck, resting an inch above my cleavage line. The white shirt, the contrasting black push up bra and the beautiful gold chain on my fair skin was a teaser to what lied beneath. I had not dressed up like this for Uday but for the editor but he didn't bother checking me out so what the heck, at least I could use this trick on Uday.
This time we were far more casual to each other than the last time. Last time he was my father's boss, helping me to get a job but since the last meeting I had noticed his lusty glances at me and this time I too had let down my hair a little and gave him space to maneuver. He was genuinely a laid back guy and had a good sense of humor but I made it a point to giggle and blush a little more than usual to his jokes and snippy comments. I knew this had an effect on guys.
“Are you married?” I asked him as I sipped on the beer in front of me.
“Why does that interest you?” He asked.
“No...I mean you are so much in the news but I have never heard about your wife.” I replied with a smile.
“I am married but my wife has been wheelchair bound for years. We have been married for 15 years but she has been physically challenged for 12 years. Her health doesn't allow her to come in public and my life doesn't allow me to stay away from public.” He replied. The moment he said that he was married I looked at his ring finger and there was no ring on it. That was perhaps a subtle signal that he was game.
“Ohhh...I am so sorry Mr. Singh.” I said as i bent foward and held his hand and gently squeezed it. I was aware that the deliberate move foward would give him an amazing view of my cleavage which I was sure was about to pop out of the tight bra. As I held his hand, he looked at me, his eyes showed that same glimpse of lust I had seen last night. I noticed that he stole glances at my cleavage which was exactly my intention. I gently tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear as I continued holding his hand. I knew that a beautiful young girl with her ample cleavage showing and doing such a delicate yet beautiful thing like tucking her hair her ear would break any man, not matter who he was.
“Call me Uday, Mira.” He said, looking into my eyes.
After giving him a good show for a few seconds I straightend up. He was snapped back a second later, mesmerised from what had just happened. I smiled at him, a smile which was a mix of naughty and innocent, something he'd have to figure out for a while.
We continued talking, sipping beer and munching on the snacks he would call for every now and them. The cleavage show wasn't the last thing on my seduction plan. I snuck my foot up to his leg, brushing it gently. He was startled at the move which was clearly showing on his face. I apologised, trying to make it look accidental.
A minute later, my foot brushed his leg again and this time, he didn't move an inch. This time he knew it was deliberate and his leg stayed put in his place. I looked at him and saw a knowing smile on his face to which I blushed. The game was on now I thought and I was sure he too was thinking the same.
We spent sometime there before he dropped me back to my house. Just like last night, I smiled and waved at him as he drove off. I went up to my apartment and collapsed on the couch. What a day it had been. I had just been hired in one of the widely read news papers, without even a proper interview, I had drink with a man like Uday Singh and I openly flirted with him. Whew!
I realised one thing which stood corrected. He helped me get a job but I wanted more. I knew he was very well connected and that meant he could be the ladder I need to climb up in life. What if I was bending some morals of my own but in this cruel, cut throat world, good guys always come last. It wasn't as if I was a virgin or had taken a vow of celibacy; I had my share of flings and hook up and this would be just another in the list but this one would take me places. I had to do this!
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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