Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Swathi went inside the bathroom and Rohit left the room.

Meanwhile when Rohit had come .... to swathis room, Mahesh was waiting for the party to finish , but they party was beyond two now and few ppl left , but aman and latha were in their own swing... Mahesh just left to the backyard and was playing games in the mobile now... and
Mahesh thought Rohit too slipped away to sleep... he had no idea of his wife getting some cream out of Rohit...

Suddenly a hand fell on his back and he turned back .. to his utter surprise it was Nirmala..Mahesh was fully surprised to see her ..for the first time she was fully made up with nice cosmetics, lipsticks and a lovely ghagra to fit the party.

Mahesh- Hey nirmala ... how come you are here

Nirmala- Hi [she hugged him gently ] i was here ..but came late... my son was not i left.. and he is asleep i cme back ...

Mahesh- Rohit dint tell you were here..

Nirmala- Oh is it..may be he was busy ... and i m not that important to say ..

Mahesh- (some how her hug disturbed him) - oh you are such a beautiful lady .. no one can ignore you .. (she is beautifully dressed to the occassion.. and mahesh has realised her beauty today..always he had a negative impact ... but for the day where rohit had briefed about her..he started feeling for her)

Nirmala- Oh i never knew mahesh flirts ..(nirmala teased him]

Mahesh- I never got a chance..but really .. ur looking gorgeous today....

Nirmala blused and returned thanks to him

Mahesh - Shall i bring you something to drink?

Nirmala- No mahesh .. its fine

Mahesh- Let me get you vodka... we rarely get this chance .

Nirmala assertively replied okay..but only if u join with me

Mahesh- Ya i think pretty much ...

They both seem to be disturbed... Nirmala who controls her feelings lot.. was somehow feeling loose in that party atmosphere where everyone was so close..and somehow.... she was feeling a bit good too in that environment.. Mahesh returned with 4 glasses and snacks..he kept them on the stones pile

Nirmala - Why 4 glasses .. rohit and swathi also coming?

Mahesh- Na they are slept already i guess.... 2 rounds for us [mahesh winked at her]

Nirmala- Ha ha love ur planning and arrangements.. no wonder rohits likes u so much

There was definitely love in the air and both could feel it... mahesh was so attracted to her now.. that given a chance ..he would do anything..drinks were adding to it..

Mahesh after a drink asked her abt her family..

Nirmala- (Huffed) - its going on Mahesh./ Had it not been for Rohit she would have died... she is really obliged to him .

Mahesh - I know how tough it is..with kid around..and definitely rohit.. is friends god...

Nirmala- (had tears in her eyes)- ya i know its very tough..but thankfully ppl around me are good the ones u r

Mahesh moved near and held her a bit - Its ok ..we are all here to support you.

Nirmala could not talk as the throat got blocked due to her tears ..she controlled them ..which she has been good at.
Mahesh held her and softly hugged disturbed both of them ..the touch of a man after long time made her melt..and she felt good..she normally would have not even allowed mahesh to touch ..but she was getting weak due the party weather... and adding to it the vodka effect.... and no sleep..she was a bit easy on mahesh he held

Nirmala let her hands on his shoulders and stayed still... Mahesh was somehow disturbed by her beauty ....he looked at her..she was so beautiful... her eyes were a bit wet and her lips..were red..
Both their eyes met and the music became more loud on the floor.. both smiled to each other..

Mahesh- Looks like we can dance too ...

Nirmala- ha ha ... i am not a good dancer.. ppl will die see me dancing..

Mahesh- Im already dyign for u ..u see ..Nirmala blushed..and hit his shoudlers softly

Mahesh was feeling a lil hot with so near other than swathi... The man in him raised and held her waist softly and took a position to dance..

Nirmala felt his hands ... she felt a chill in her spine... a guys hands she felt after almost 2 years and that too on her waist.. and she immediately gripped his hands over to remove..but her half hearted approach dint work

Mahesh moved his steps in a bit mass style and that made nirmala laugh a bit and left his hands over hers and allowed him... Mahesh left her waist they danced for a full mass song that got played. and they were lil sweating as they never moved their bodies so much in the recent past.

The next song played.. which is a slow song and romantic from hindi film... Mahesh slwoly looked into her eyes.. this is my fav song..she replied...

Mahesh looking into her eyes .. slwoly moved her and held her by waist and made her near him... Nirmala was quiet surprised by his act but dint stop him..she held his shoulders and allowed him to get more access and both of their bodies touched now..some flames were fuming inside each other
they started moving in rhythm to the song.. and mahesh was caressing her waist... some unknown communication happening between their bodies and slowly nirmala felt her hands caressing his neck as they both danced...

oh nirmala mahesh whispered and his breath fell on her forehead. Nirmala dint wanted to look at him..she remained calm.. Mahesh hands were soft ..and slowly he circled them to her wasit and pulled her to him now .. at once.. her heavy bossoms hit his chest and a heavy breath wave felt over her forehead.. she was becoming weak with this..

She lifted her head and looked at him and both their eyes knew what's going to happen ... yes Mahesh she whispered him back and her awesome hot breath fell over his face.. Mahesh moved and hugged her more to him and slowly moved his face towards hers.

Mahesh felt her hot breath and moved his lips to hers.. a drop of tear was forming in the eyes of nirmala.. she wasnt ready for this nor she expected this to happen..but somehow she wasn't in a position to control the situation or her body wanted.. it to happen

Her lips trembled and her boobs were heavy for her..she rubbed it to his chest ...igniting mahesh more to have her... she closed her eyes as her heavy breath sighed into Mahesh face making him feel the aroma of her breath and the vodka

Nirmala felt Mahesh nearing more and slowly her lips got covered by his lips.. hmm she hugged him and held her hands over his back firmly and allowed the pressure .. to take over her.. Mahesh himself was feeling so hungry for her and his lips slowly occupied her lips and locked them sucking like a hungry child

Nirmala played along with him.. a drop of tear fell from her... and she slowly allowed him to invade her lips by opening and giving him access to play with her tongue..both their tongues were now being in full swing and were trying to have each others into theirs... the saliva was oozing as both their bodies melted in pleasure and becoming tight by crossing their hands..
nirmala moved her hands into Mahesh hairs and French kissing him.. both their lips were breaking and enjoying the tongue kiss

Nirmala slowly shredding her shy and enjoyed the kiss by fully enjoying his lips with hers... her tongue was oozing saliva which was being eaten by Mahesh...both were struggling for breath as both were getting hot for each other
the lips kiss became intense with the song ending..and mahesh was playing his hand on her bare back of the ghagra choli ..his hands were hugging her completely to him and her assets were getting the soft touch of his chest

she pusheed herself into him and allowing him to suck his lips.. the kiss broke as they were struggling.. nirmala looked at him with a drop of tear in her eyes..but quickly turned away with shy as their eyes met.

As she turned his eyes well on her bare back wrapped with threads making it so sexy for him .. her fair skin in that dark dress was oozing at her beauty... Mahesh could not control and started kissing her neck and back ... ooh.. nirmala was enjoying it silently as her breath felt like fuming... she wrapped her hands over his which covered her waist and slowly she was conceeding to him .. mahesh got so hot that he started a bit rough and kissing her back in entirety..such roughness was new to her but though she dint like it the heat of the moment..she alllowed him too.

Nirmala was so hot by now and her body was wanting what she hassnt got from so long..she allowed him..and slwoly mahesh started to open her ghaghra back blouse threads with his fingers... she looked was a bit dark and it would not be easy for ppl to make out soon whats happening.... and the shades of trees were covering them from fast access
oh Mahesh .... pls dont do it here.... nirmala quirked... but mahesh had let her threads untied and slowly touched his finger running them into her blouse ..a nd then the lovley boobs... as its a backless dress. there was no bra.. and nirmala could feel the hurry of mahesh to hold them.. wish h e had been a lil soft on and slow on her she thought..but she was too hot to tell him now
she gave him access and mahesh kissed her neck and quiclky held her boobs hmmmmm oh they were so soft and cannot be cupped easily .... he went on straight to squeese them and slwoly kissed her neck .. and his pants wer e touching down...

Nirmala felt mahesh was too quickly taking control of her ... she tried to move away ... but his touch on her boobs which weren't touched for ages were getting squeezed in his handshmm she was llowign him to kiss her back madly and push his pants into her ass.. she moaned as he held her tits..and pinched them .. she moaned... be soft.. mahesh ............... mahesh was not wanting to hear and he pounched and pushed his pants into her ass.. nirmala was moaning and kept her hands over his and made him squeese but she was trying to get rid at he was being squeesing it for hard ..too hard to bear...she felt how swathi is handling his rough treatment... hmmmmmm

Mahesh pushed her bossoms into his and kissed and was moving his pants and poking her ass..she felt awkward of that situation ... but was somehow enjoying ..she never did this in open any time.. even with her husband...
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick - by harithick - 10-07-2019, 01:13 PM

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