Adultery Cuckold---Is wife worthy for Second chance? by INDIAN_MAVERICK1190-Completed
“No, Mahesh. Here is okay. Actually, I think I am the only one left in the neighborhood. Everyone else must have gone away on vacation. It’s really quiet here. I was just lying by the pool, and there hasn’t been a sound anywhere around here.” She offered in response, as she realized it was really quiet in the neighborhood this afternoon.

“Cool, I’m in my car now and I can be there in about fifteen minutes. Do you need me to stop and get anything for you on the way?”

“No, I don’t need anything Mahesh. Thanks. When you get here, just let yourself trough the gate to the back yard. I’ll unlock it for you.” As Komal said this, she was continuing to experience excitement at the thought of seeing her one time lover, and dread at what she knew she had to say to him. And she felt fear within her that she would have difficulty in telling Mahesh that it was just a one night stand. It felt so dirty to think of it that way, and it was really the first time she had ever done anything like that. But, it was better to get this done today, rather than wait until sometime during the work week. She hoped that Mahesh would understand, and she thought that he would.

Komal made a second strong drink for herself and took a long drink of it, feeling the scotch wash into her making her feel slightly more relaxed. She had not eaten since leaving the mountains, and her first drink had done a good job of soothing her, particularly in view of the fact that she could feel the beginnings of her period. In the time before Mahesh arrived, she called Brijesh and the kids to tell them that the ride home was fine and to catch up with them about the afternoon’s happenings. She told Brijesh she was going to go to bed early because she was tired from the drive and from the past two weeks of non-stop entertainment of the kids. Brijesh laughed and said he envied her having to go back to work, that the kids were actually more tiring than work. They said their goodbyes, and Komal returned to the patio by the pool.

Komal lay in the heat of the mid afternoon sipping her drink and watching the glasslike surface of her pool when she heard Mahesh at the gate. She had forgotten to unlock it, and she jogged across the lawn barefoot to open it for him. “Sorry Mahesh, I forgot to unlock it.” She called over the fence as she undid the bolt. Mahesh was dressed for the weather in a sleeveless yellow t-shirt, which showcased his muscular arms, and was tight enough for Komal to see the impression of his beautifully formed ripped upper body. He wore a pair of short white athletic shorts, which hugged his muscular thighs and contrasted with his mocha colored legs. Like her, he too was barefoot. Komal noticed immediately that Mahesh’s eyes look in her body in her one-piece navy swim suit that hugged her tight shape. She then watched somewhat embarrassed as he stood for an extra moment, just long enough to look over her shapely legs.
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RE: Cuckold---Is wife worthy for Second chance? by INDIAN_MAVERICK1190 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 01-01-2019, 02:29 PM

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