Adultery Cuckold---Is wife worthy for Second chance? by INDIAN_MAVERICK1190-Completed
As the music ended, they all returned to the table where Laxmi had just returned as well. She indicated that she was tired, and so bid them all good bye and good vacation. Gita commented on what good dancers Komal and Mahesh were, and told Mahesh she had to dance with him as well.

More drinks were ordered and they all danced a couple more fast ones. Punit finished his drink and called it a night. Gita, Komal, and Mahesh were left in the lounge and decided to order one last drink. Komal realized that the warm and relaxed feeling she was experiencing was from the several drinks she had had since dinner was over. But she felt fine, not at all like she was close to intoxicated. Gita, on the other hand was looking a little bit tipsy and both Mahesh and Komal noted this in their glances to one another. As the band began a slow number, Gita excused herself to the ladies room, and Mahesh seized upon the opportunity to ask Komal to join him on the dance floor.

Komal felt warm and comfortable as she placed her hands on Mahesh's shoulders. She did not place her head on his shoulder; rather she kept her body away from his by just a couple of inches. But, she could feel his thickly muscled shoulders, and she could feel some of his taut upper body touching hers. And it felt so good to her. Her abdomen was experiencing a strange sensation of excitement as she danced with this hot stud. Mahesh placed his hands on the back of Komal's waist, almost onto her ass cheeks. He loved the feel of her soft body next to his, and he wanted in the worst way to cup his hands on her ass and pull her mid section into his thickening shaft.
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RE: Cuckold---Is wife worthy for Second chance? by INDIAN_MAVERICK1190 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 01-01-2019, 01:34 PM

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