Misc. Erotica Indian Teacher Trained as slave by Arthurboon
Chapter 10

"I am a slave girl and property of my Master!"

Two naked girls said the exact words in the morning in two houses not so far apart. At Dr. Rao's house, Neeta was doing squats. Once she squatted, hands clasped behind her head, she was supposed to say those words slowly and stand up. She had to do twenty squats.

Everything was caught on camera.

Meanwhile, at Ramesh's house Ruby said that to Isha.

Isha woke up to see a naked girl standing by the bed. She realized she was nude too.

"Who are you?" she asked. "What is happening here?"

"I am Ruby. I am a slave girl and property of my Master."

"What? What does that mean?" Isha said. But she vaguely recalled things she had read about BDSM and slaves. She sometimes had wondered how it is to be a slave. Despite this, she was caught unawares when a woman actually said this to her.

"Come. You must be in need of a pee. Besides, you really need to take a shower."

Isha was still feeling lost. The hangover was too much. She smiled at Ruby and nodded.

"Come," Ruby said, extending her hand towards Isha. "I will show you the bathroom."

When she turned, Isha saw the tail protruding out of Ruby's asshole.

"What the fuck is that?" Isha asked.

"That, that thing in your..."

"In my ass Madam?"


"Oh, that is my tail" Ruby said matter of factly.

"But what is that for?"

"My Master thinks I should wear a tail."

"What a Master you have" Isha said. Then it occurred to her. "Is it Ramesh?"

"No Madam. But he owns me for the weekend."

"Owns you?"

"Yes. My Master gave me for the weekend."

So Ramesh owned her for the weekend? Did he own other women? Was Neeta one of them?"

She wanted to clear her doubts.

"What about Neeta?"


"Neeta. His girlfriend."

"I am not sure," Ruby lied.


Naked, Neeta made breakfast for Dr. Rao. He had breakfast while watching TV and let her have her meal from a bowl. Then she made lunch for them.

After her cooking was over, Dr. Rao took her to the garden. It was small and there was a high wall. In one corner was a small pool. It was just a dozen by half a dozen feet and five feet deep. Besides the pool, was the kennel. Dr. Rao showed it to her.

"You know, my slave girl sometimes sleeps here."

"The kennel?"

"Yes. It is for her. Take a look inside."

Neeta knelt before the kennel and peered inside. She saw the small space where she suspected one could find enough room to sleep. She also saw the bucket there and guessed its intended use.

"So, she sleeps here Sir?"



"You mean my slavegirl?"


"My slavegirl sleeps here occasionally. Especially when the nights are warm."


"Come here and bend over!" Dr. Rao said. Neeta was apprehensive. What did she do wrong? But she carried out her instructions.

"Spread legs more slut! Touch your feet with your fingertips!"

"Yes Sir."

"Good," Dr. Rao said inspecting the exposed girl. "Wait till I am back!"

Neeta could watch him between her legs. He walked inside slowly. As she waited, naked, she felt increased discomfiture. She wondered what would happen if a stranger suddenly walked in.


Ruby took Isha to the washroom and let her be. Isha showered. She then wiped herself with a towel hanging there in the washroom itself since it looked new. Wrapping it over her naked body, she came out.

Ruby was waiting in the bedroom.

"I am afraid that has to go" she said.

"What?" asked Isha.

"The towel."


"Those are my instructions Madam. Since you are a free woman you will not get punished if you do not remove it. But I will be."

"Because I am a slave and I failed in my duties."

"Oh. But, it should not be my concern, right? I cannot be naked while someone I do not know is here."

"It is your choice Madam," said Ruby, head lowered. "But you must see that I am a slave and I am naked. I also have my tail."

"It is your choice."

"No Madam. Slaves do not have a choice" Ruby said. "Let's go. Breakfast is ready."

Ruby led Isha downstairs. The sight of Ruby's tail gave Isha goosebumps. When Ruby led her to the dining table, Isha relented.

"Ok. I will remove this."

"Thank you Madam," Ruby said, fully aware that it might not have been enough to convince Ramesh. But it was better than nothing. Ruby took the towel from Isha's hand and cast her eyes down. From what she had seen, Isha was a pretty one.

"Take a seat Madam" she said, pulling out the chair at the head of the table.

Isha found this utterly surreal. Here she was sitting at the head of the dinner table, naked. Another naked woman with a tail coming out of her asshole was serving her. She is apparently a slave. She was in a stranger's place. It was all too crazy.

Breakfast was a simple traditional meal which Ruby served Isha, who ate silently. She realized that she was pretty much starving and had a hearty meal. Ruby served as much as Isha wanted.

Once Isha was done, Ruby cleared the table. Isha followed her to the kitchen. Despite her protests, Isha helped Ruby wash the dishes.

"How long have you been living like this?" Isha asked.

"Two years."

"A slave for two years?"

"Yes. That is right."

"That is so long. I cannot even imagine."

"Life is good. My Master is like a daddy to me. He is actually older than my real father. He treats me well. Serving him is enjoyable."


"Yes. I have a simple life. I have nothing of my own. As you can see, not even clothes. He owns me completely but in return he gives me all I want and I have only simple needs to worry about."

"But you are afraid. You wanted me naked since you were afraid of punishment."

"That is the most important thing to worry about. Serving the Master without fail."

"Ok. What kind of punishments do you get?"

"Different things Madam. You will probably find out."


Dr. Rao returned with a cane in hand. Seeing him, Neeta knew what would happen. She felt sorry for herself as she prepared to take a caning on her buttocks.

"You know my love. You still forget good slave manners" Dr. Rao said. "You have to begin or end each statement with 'Sir' or 'Master' or some other honorific. Remember?"

"Yes Master."

"Let's make sure you do not forget the lesson."

Neeta heard the "whoosh" sound moments before the impact. She gasped as the pain was too much. Several strokes later, she almost begged for mercy.

She knew it would be of no use and stopped herself from doing so.

The cane crisscrossed Neeta's buttocks in different angles. She did not count but thought she was caned ten times. Or maybe it was twelve. Halfway through, she had stopped worrying about the count.

"That will teach you a lesson," Dr. Rao said.

"Thank you Sir" Neeta managed to say.


Ruby took Isha to the TV room. The TV was on but there was no one there.

"Sit down and wait here. I will be back." Ruby said. Isha looked at Ruby straight in the eyes. She was not expressing anything which Isha could pick up.

"Take a seat," Ruby said.

Isha was feeling awkward by now. Here she was walking around stark naked in a stranger's house and being asked to sit and watch TV. She did not know for how long she would have to stay.

Regardless, she sat down to one side of the sofa.

"I won't be long," said Ruby, leaving. For a moment Isha could not take her eyes from her tail.

So she waited, staring blankly at the TV as the pictures moved on.


Neeta cooked lunch for the two while Dr. Rao watched TV. She took her time and he did not interfere either. He did not want to add unnecessary pressure to the girl.

Once she was done, he took her to the bedroom. There was a TV there which had a video player. Dr. Rao attached a USB drive to a slot in the player.

"Come to bed. It's movie time."

"Thank you Sir."

"Your Master said that you have not watched a good educational movie. Time for one now."

"Ok Sir."

It was a story of a secretary being reprimanded for a work related matter. She was then made to bend over the desk before the man lifted her skirt up, yanked her panties down and spanked her. It ended up with her being fucked in all holes. A considerable part of the clip was about her begging to be fucked in her mouth, pussy or ass.

Neeta had watched porn before. But unlike her friend Isha, BDSM or other kinky stuff was relatively strange to her. Even her Master had not made her watch them.

During the 'screening' Dr. Rao observed the woman closely. Neeta stared at the screen and sometimes would look at him. He did not show much emotion and motioned her to keep watching, which she did.

"So, what do you think?"

"It was nice Sir."

"That is a lazy answer. Tell me. What do you think of the events in the clip?"

"Events, Sir?"

"Silly girl," Dr. Rao said, pinching her nipple. "The spanking. The begging. The fucking."

Neeta smiled faintly. "Thank you for teaching me Sir" she said. She saw Dr. Rao was pleased. "The spanking was good Sir. Her ass turned red."

Neeta knew that he could please the man by playing along with the game. She continued.

"I liked it when she begged him to fuck her in her mouth Sir," she added.


"I don't know. Perhaps it is the way in which she surrendered."

"Ok. This was a very mild incident. Except for the spanking of course. But even you have faced more intense canings and spankings."

"I think so Sir."

"This girl shows submissive tendencies. She is not a slave. But a slave needs to be punished for all transgressions."

"I know Sir."

"Good that you know. We'll have another movie after lunch."

"Thank you Sir."

"In the meantime, I want you to write an essay on what you learned and felt through the movie. Ok?"

"Ok Sir."


"Hey there," Isha heard a male voice say. She turned, instinctively covering her breasts. It was Ramesh. He sat by her side.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. More sober too." Isha said.

"Aha. No need to cover that up you see. There is nothing I have not seen."

"Yes. But times are different."

"How come?"

"I was drunk last night."

"Sure, I agree." Ramesh turned the TV off with the remote control. "But, you see. My home is beautiful because of girls like you."

"Girls who come here drunk you mean?"

"Not at all. Pretty girls who are here. They hardly wear clothes actually. Just like your friend Neeta."

"Where is she?"

"She is with Ruby's owner. She will stay there while Ruby stays here."

"Tell me why?"

"What Isha?"

"Why did you make me do this? I am naked."

"And fucking beautiful," said Ramesh. "Neeta was upset that I sent her away. She thinks I want you more."

"How could you send her away like that? To a stranger?"

"Ruby's Master is no stranger. He will take care of Neeta."

"I do not get this Ramesh. Why? How could you just hand over her like that?"

"Because she is mine darling. She is my slave."

Isha looked dumbfounded. "What?"

"Yes. Also, she is starting to learn. She enjoys life here."

"You mean, she... enjoys being a... a slave?"

"Sure she does. You want to ask her?"

"I sure would love to ask her many questions."

"You will have ample time," Ramesh said. "Actually, you could observe for yourself how she lives here. Tomorrow evening she will be back."

"Tomorrow evening?"


"But I want to go home."

"Sure. After that only."

"That is absurd. I am naked too."

"Well, we had some crazy sex. Your dress is torn. Ruby might find your panties in the car and I might let you wear it. But that is about it."


"See darling. This house does not have women's stuff. Also you have no other choice."



Ramesh took out his phone and showed her the video.

"Holy shit. Did I do this?"

"Of course. So, your principal and other people will also not believe it. Or they even might."

"No. Don't!"

"I do not want to Isha. I want you to accompany Neeta."


"She is your best friend, right?"


"Why don't you join her here? Imagine. The two of you, working together. Living together."

"But, you said she is... she is your slave."

"So can you be. The training can start today."

Isha looked at Ramesh in total surprise.
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