Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories Part 2 (You Only Live Once) by smitanair_999
The Party (Twelfth Part)

While party was going on Ashu and mom were trying to be not looked as close. Ater sometime Ashu's father approached mom. They seemed to be in very serious conversation. Then they went to dance floor, where mom danced with him several songs, I could see it clearly, what he was trying to do, his hands were all over mom, I knew what might possible happen, so I tried to be as close as I could to them.

Raj was very close to mom. his hands were all over her body. It seemed he was checking what was inside.

"Its very crowed here, lets move there, less croweded", Raj said.

After some time they moved to corner, where not all of them, in party could see because of darker there, what was going on. But I could see, benefit of darkness was to me too, I was closer to them. His hands were all over her butts, he was caressing her hips with his hands, mom did not seem to object. At some point he pressed her butts so hard that see had to gasp.

"Oucchh! you are very naughty"

"Ohh yes you dont know me very well yet"

"Really? So what is it about you I dont know YET?, Mr.hmm"

"Ahluwalia, Raj Ahluwalia, But call me Raj, my friends call me Raj"

"Yes Mr..I mean Raj, what is it?"

"Well to start with I am as naughty as you are right now?"

"What do you mean by that, Raj?"

"Like, You are not wearing underwear , are you?"

"What! why do du..?"

"You see? I can tell by just touching you butts, but you had one when you came here so..."

"You have been watching me?"

"Well, never mind, we always talk later.."

Mom seemd embarrassed, but continue dancing with him, it must have been very long, because she was now very comfortable with him. Mom clinged at some point, then saw what actually was going on. Raj has his one hand between them, and they were very close so it could not be seen what exactly he doing with hands,, but as close I was and with loking at them continuously, I saw his hands were inside mom's dress. He was touching her front side, her Pussy. He must have been playing with her for quite a time. Mom's eyes were closed. After some time, it seeems he just pressed too hard, mom opened her eys.

"Ouch..what..I ..I think we.."

"Dont worry, everything is fine"

"What about your son, and you wife must be here, they would see us"

"Are you saying that we shoud do it in private?"

"No!..I mean I dont what, I mean what if they saw?"

"No one going to see us, they are all busy, so dont worry

"Dont you worry? you wife might catch us here"

"Hmmm. See that lady there in that yellow dress?"

"The one talking to Asha?"

"Hmm yes, she's my wife"

"What!, she is your wife.. but she is not.. i mean you are so .."

"I know , everyone says that, but I dont mind having her, as my wife, even if she is not that beautiful.. but I can have all i want?"

"She does not mind?"

"Dont know, I think she she knows about me, may be she does not, but she never said anything to me,"

"But, what if..."

"Dont worry, what if's...but you are right we should go to some private."

"What i did not say that"

"Well, I am going to basement, you come after some time, then you can tell me what were you trying to say, okay?

"But..", before she could say anything he moved away, and dissappeared in the house. Mom was stunned, and looking nervous. She looked here and there, if anyone was watching her. She must have wandered here and there for about ten minute. Then she made her way, in to the house, I knew what i have to do or where I have to go 'again'. So I followed her.

The Party episode to be contd.......
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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories Part 2 (You Only Live Once) by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 02-07-2019, 02:53 PM

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