Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories Part 2 (You Only Live Once) by smitanair_999
Horse lay dying, tubes and electrical contacts attached to every part of his body. His eyes were closed. Mr. Malik pushed through the crowd to stand by his father's head. His sister was right with him. Madhu stood where Horse could see her.

Horse's eyes fluttered and he looked at us. Mr. Malik leaned his ear to his father's mouth as the old man tried to speak. As Mr. Malik turned to speak to Madhu, he stood back and moved his sister out of the way.

"Take off your blouse, Madhu. He wants to see your tits."

Madhu's tears started flowing again as she quickly undid the two buttons of her blouse which were attached. She ripped off the blouse and dropped it to the floor. A male nurse groaned. A female nurse whimpered.

Madhu took Horse's hand and held it to her milk filled breast, both her hands over his.

"Please don't die. I love you. I love you, Horse. Don't leave me," she sobbed.

Horse's hand squeezed and milk shot everywhere, rich and thick and full of life. The milk was still flowing down his fist clenched on her breast when the heart monitor alarm sounded.

Doctors and nurses rushed to assist Horse. Madhu fell to the floor and shrieked.

"Help me, Ajay. My baby's coming," she screamed.

One spirit departs. Another spirit arrives.

Fortunately, we were in a hospital. The baby was a month premature and came very quickly. The CCU room doctors decided to deliver there. Horse, dead now, was on the other side of a room separator. I was by Madhu's side as the baby entered this world. The doctor and nurses assisting looked shocked and fearful, as if expecting a confrontation. They held the baby up so I could see.

I held my wife's hand as I looked down at her face. We had already decided on the children's names depending on who the father was.

"A very healthy, hearty Subarmaniam Khanna has entered the world," I said.

"Subarmaniam? Oh, Ajay. I got my south indian baby. I got my rainbow."

Her eyes closed. The doctor gave her medication and she rested.

The time following was very difficult for my Madhu. She was physically exhausted. She was severely depressed. As happy as she was with her children and with Sonya and me, the loss of Horse weighed heavily on her. I think a large part of it was the way he died, having sex with her.

The doctor had not given her antidepression medication because she was nursing. She sat and looked out the window most of the day. She refused sex and affection. She ate only because Sonya and I insisted it was necessary to have healthy milk for the babies.

Sonya was a Godsend, caring for Madhu and the four babies with tenderness and joy. She was very much a part of our family and Madhu and I both loved her as she loved us.

Madhu loved Horse. She loved him deeply and honestly. That didn't bother me. I knew she loved me, too. Madhu was a slut, but she had a big heart. It was a heart big enough to love more than one man. Or, more than two or three.

I hired a maid to help at the house. Sonya was busy with four children under the age of four and Madhu did little except nurse and rest.

A month after that day Roy, as we called our son, was born, Mr. and Mrs. Malik and Horse Malik' lawyer came to the house. They had asked us to join them downtown, but Madhu wasn't up to it. Graciously, they agreed to come to our house where we all sat in the living room.

"Mrs. Khanna," the lawyer said in measured and well-modulated tones. "Mr. Yusuf Malik thought highly of you. He put you in his will."

"I don't want to be in his will," she answered in a monotone as she stared blankly out the window. "I want to be in his bed with him between my legs. I want to hear his breathing as he lays on me. I want his hands on me and his cock in me. That's what I want."

The lawyer sputtered and his face turned red from Madhu's statement. I saw a tear in Mr. Malik eye.

The lawyer composed himself and continued, "he left you quite a sum of money."

Madhu stared at him, no emotion on her face, her eyes dead.

"Is this about money? Money? I don't want to hear it."

Laboriously, Madhu stood. She kissed me softly on the lips. As she walked toward the door, she stopped by Mr. Malik' chair. She kissed him softly on the lips, as she had kissed me, and exited the room. The lawyer and I were watching Saheen Malik. She showed no emotion from Madhu kissing her husband. Neither of the Malik seemed a bit concerned about Horse leaving part of his wealth to Madhu's darling children. My children, too. The lawyer turned to me.

"Actually, Mr. Khanna, Mr. Malik left the money in trust for your wife. You are the trustee so you'll manage it and distribute the income for her needs. I understand she bore Mr. Malik a child."

"Yes," I replied. "He fathered Colt, our son. Colt is the first of our four children."

"Mr. Malik fathered only the one boy?" the lawyer asked.

"Yes. All four of them have different fathers," I said. He looked aghast.

"Amazing. To continue, Mr. Malik is, I mean, was, an unusual man. The trust document provides after your death and that of Mrs. Khanna, the trust proceeds will be distributed to all your children equally, no matter who the father."

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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories Part 2 (You Only Live Once) by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 02-07-2019, 02:38 PM

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