Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
Calvin grinned, moving his hips slowly and rhythmically up and down under her. She rocked back and forth and to and fro on her hands and knees and Shirlyn saw her cunt running up and down the length of his swollen cock, her buttocks bobbing off his thighs.

"You can't go on forever, you know," he said.

"What?" she looked down at him puzzled.

"Your whoring. It can't go on endlessly, Sheila, can it?"

"No, it's going to stop sooner or later. I figure I might as well enjoy it while it lasts. It's a good thing I'm so randy and love fucking so much."

"I'm not joking, babe. Have you thought about the future? Planned ahead? Put some money aside? Marriage?"

"There's just about enough, Uncle. I'm expensive. And I'm saving nicely till Harry gets settled. Then we'll be fine. You don't seem me splashing it around unnecessarily, do you? It comes in steadily, though it's hard work. Good thing I enjoy it so much!"

"Good. That's good. What about Shirlyn?"

"What about her?"

"Have you thought about her future? Studies, going abroad, marriage?"

Sheila paused and smiled down at him. "Uncle, Shirlyn is my sister. I know her. I look at her and I see myself in her. I was just like this at her age. You know that. You fucked me first when I wasn't much older. Believe me, she'll find her way. I'm not going to stop her, not in anything she wants to do, and I mean *anything*. We're good friends and I'll always be there to help her. Even if she decides to follow in my footsteps. And I mean that. I won't stop her even then, and I'll help her if I can."

Calvin stopped and stared at her, dumbfounded. "What are you saying, Sheila? You mean ... you mean ... she ... you ... you want her to be like you?"

"What's wrong with that, Uncle? I'm happy, aren't I? She can be happy like me, can't she? And have you seen her recently? I mean, really *seen* her?"

"What d'you mean?"

"Haven't you noticed? How good she's looking? How sexy her body is? I know her, Uncle Calvin. I know she's hot. It won't be long before she's fucking someone. And I'd like her to do it, enjoy it like I do, even making a life from it, like I have. Don't forget, I wasn't forced into whoring. I wanted it. I wanted to be a whore, ever since I was her age, and, if I know her, she does, or will, too. I just don't want her to get hurt, that's all. If I knew she was fucking, and she wanted help, some guidance, pointers, instructions, the kind of things to do, how to make it better, believe me, I'd teach her. I'm just not rushing it. Let it happen, and it will. Harry and I will always be there to help her along, if whoring is what she wants. It's what *we* want."

"You're ... you're incredible! You're mad!" Calvin gasped.

"Am I?" she smiled wantonly, writhing her hips on his groin, flexing and unflexing her buttocks rhythmically, squeezing her cunt over his cock so that he groaned and lurched up under her.

"See? See how good that is? Now that's a trick few women know without being taught. It's good for me, too, and why shouldn't my own sister know it? Think about it, Uncle, next time you see her. Think about how it would be to fuck her. She's lovely, she's young, she's hot, she has a great body. Just imagine her, moaning and gasping and sweating, sucking your cock, squeezing it in her cunt ... she'll be a great fuck, just watch. She'll be very good, and you're going to love every minute of it. Just imagine! Wouldn't it be grand? If you were fucking *both* sisters? All of you?"


"Uncle, I've had a good life, better than you in your marriage. I decided not to marry because I like men too much, I love their bodies and their cocks, and I want them in quantity, not just one man. So why should my sister have less? Tell me that? I love sex, and she's like me and she's going to love it, too, I know, more but not less. So I'm going to help her get everything she wants out of life, take all its pleasures and none of its pain. That's what life should be. Fun. Happiness. Why shouldn't I want that for my own sister?"

"But ... but you're asking *me* to fuck *her*! Your *sister*!"

"So? Harry did the same when he asked you to fuck me, offered my body to you. You didn't say no then, why are you hesitating now? Better you, who I know, a guy who fucks well and knows how to keep a woman happy, better one of you I know than some idiot who will give her only pain and no pleasure. And what's new about it in this family, tell me? You've always fucked me, you and Stan, ever since Harry introduced me to you.

We've always enjoyed our sex. We still do. You've often told me how you used to fuck our mother, while Dad watched and encouraged you. How, often, all three of you would fuck her together. So I guess it must be in our blood, Uncle, yours and mine, too. I'm just like you. I fuck my own brother, Harry, and your elder boy and Stanley's. You've seen me with Jerry and Kenny, haven't you? Weren't you the one who asked me to help Jerry? Like Stanley did for Kenny? And didn't I do it? Give them their first fucks? Show them how to fuck a woman like a woman should be fucked? So I'm asking you to return the favour. Do for me and my sister what I did, and still do, for you and your sons. And let them fuck her, too. They're good and they'll be good for her."

Calvin grinned. "Oh you wonderful, horny, hot piece of ass! God, I love you, Sheila! I love you!"

She grinned and, bending over, kissed him deeply. "I love you, too, Uncle Calvin. You and Uncle Stan and the boys ... I love you and I love fucking you. C'mon now ... enough of this serious stuff ... Now I want it in my ass, Uncle ... c'mon ... fuck my butt!"

She slid off his cock and turned around again on her front, bending steeply this time, spreading her legs wide, and thrusting her buttocks up at him. Calvin rose, his eyes glittering with lust and dropped in a deep squat over her flared hips.

He pushed his cock between her buttocks and then, taking a breath, flexed his buttocks and eased his hips forward.

His cock-head popped into her anus and Sheila cried out, her face twisting in a paroxysm of excitement, her fingers scrunching the sheets, her head whipping up, her lips snapping back, her mouth tearing open, her long neck craned. Above her, Calvin groaned, his fingertips pressed into the flesh of her buttocks and flung his head back, his eyes closed.

"Take it!" he cried. "C'mon, Sheila, take it! Take my cock! OHHHHH uhh oh fuck your ass is so good! Take it, Sheila, bitch, take it!"

"AHHHHHhhuhh ohmauhhhhhh ahhh uhhhhh OHHH!" Sheila cried. "Yes uhhh oh uhhh ohh ma uhh yes ... c'mon ... fuck me! Fuck my butt, baby ... fuck it deep! Shove your cock right up my ass, baby ... do it! OHH yes ... c'mon ... deeper ... ahhhhh uhhh yeh ... there! Ohh yes!"

"Ahh uhh ahhh uhh oh baby yes!" Calvin gasped.

"Do it, Uncle! Fuck my ass ... fuck it hard! Just like you're going to with Shirlyn ... just like the others will ... just like ... Uncle Stan ... and Kenny ... and Jerry ... and Harry and Shankar ... will fuck her ... like a whore, baby ... like a whore ... like a rutting whore, Uncle Calvin ... like a whore! Like ... like *me*!"
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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 30-06-2019, 01:37 PM

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