Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
She looked at the shack and saw three men in it and, smiling, walked to it. Avinash dropped into the surrounding shrubs and ducked behind trees, edging closer to the hut.

Anuja sauntered into the shack. The three men stopped their conversation and looked at her in silence, their eyes raking her body up and down. It was getting darker. A lone naked bulb swung on a wire from the pitched roof.

"Yes?" one of them said. He was a tall, broad-shouldered, beefy man, dark and swarthy, wearing shorts and a tight T-shirt with horizontal stripes.

"I'd like something to drink," Anuja said.

The shack had three long wooden tables with rough-hewn benches. Towards the rear of the shack there was a tall counter with jars of sweets and biscuits and chocolates. An ancient refrigerator groaned and clunked in one corner.

Behind the counter, a curtain hung over an opening that evidently led to a room beyond.

The men were seated at the table closest to the beach. The edges of the shack were lined with waist-high plates of tin. Sturdy wooden poles propped up the roof. Anuja flicked a glance at the other two men.

They were wearing swimming briefs and nothing else. Their bodies were hard and lean and muscular, smooth and dark with very little body hair. They were clean-shaven and had hard faces.

Their trunks were tight and short and their crotches bulged thickly. There was a bottle of pale liquid with three glasses and a pack of cigarettes on the table.

Anuja sat down at the centre table. The men looked at her in silence. Finally, the one in the striped T-shirt spoke.

"The bar's closed."

"A glass of water is all I want. I'd like a coconut, if you have one, actually." And then she added, softly, looking at them directly, "with thick cream."

The men looked at her, then at each other.

"I said, the bar's closed," the man in the T-shirt scowled.

"Hey, c'mon, Moses, men. Give the dame a drink," one of the swimmers said.

The other swimmer sniggered and Anuja saw him wink quickly. Her pulse quickened. These were rough, tough men. She wondered what they would do with her body.

The barman, Moses, hesitated, then nodded briefly and levered himself from the table. He was tall and hefty and Anuja noticed how powerful his body was despite the bulk, for he walked smoothly and easily with a light step.

"So whaddya wanna drink?" he growled.

"What have you got?"

"Beer. Whisky. Rum. Gin. Feni."

"A soft drink?"

"No soft drinks."

"Mineral water."

"No mineral water. Tap water."

"Not good," one of the swimmers interrupted.

She looked at him.

"The tap water's not good," he repeated. "Well's bad."

"No coconuts either, I suppose?" Anuja said softly.

"No." The barman crossed his arms.

"Oh well, I'll just have to move along, I guess. Pity." She got up.

"Wait." One of the swimmers spoke. "Have a beer with soda. It's lighter. Not so bad. Have a drink with us, lady."

Anuja hesitated. The man grinned. He nodded to the barman. "Moses, get Khajuraho. And two soda."

The barman went to the refrigerator and pulled out the bottles. The swimmer motioned to Anuja to sit with them. She sat down opposite, on the bench where the barman had been sitting when she arrived.

"Hi," one of them said.


"My name's Eric. And this is my cousin-bro, Joe."

"I'm Anuja."

"You're alone?" Eric said.

"Yes. I came out of the hotel for a walk."

The men nodded. Moses ferried the bottles and more glasses to the table. He popped the caps with a rusty opener.

Joe half-filled a glass with beer and added soda and pushed it across to Anuja. Joe filled the other three glasses. Anuja lifted her glass.

"Cheers," Eric said.

Anuja sipped the drink. Even with the soda, the beer was vile, strong and sharp. For one who didn't drink, it was unpalatable. But it was liquid and cool and it quenched her raging thirst.

"Good?" Joe grinned.

"No. Terrible." She made a face.

The men laughed. "Wanna try the feni? Toddy? Home made. Ver' good."

"No thank you."

"C'mon, try it. Moses, get the feni."

"No. Please."

"Then finish the beer."


"Moses, two more."

Anuja sipped her drink. Moses sat down beside her. She could feel the hard heat of his body, the erotic, slightly musky smell of his flesh. The men opposite were very sexy, with hard, lean bodies, muscular and toned, their torsos V-shaped and hairless with broad, cleaved chests and flat bellies and broad shoulders
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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 30-06-2019, 01:20 PM

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