Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
Twin patterned gold strands with dainty tassels curved down along her hairline and disappeared behind her ears. A third strand swept up from the centre of her forehead and through the parting in her hair, meeting the others under her long braid.

The three strands then twined with her thick plait. A *bindi* dotted her forehead. Her eyes were lined freshly with *kajal*. Gold earrings hung from her earlobes. Around her neck, she wore several gold necklaces of different lengths, ranging from a short loop that hung just above her breasts, to a long, thick strand that touched her belly below her navel.

Her arms were bare, and she wore twin gold bands on either arm, the ends snaking upward in a little curve.

Several gold bracelets and bands adorned her wrists. Her fingers were studded with gold and diamond finger-rings, and, on each hand, a complex arrangement of finger-rings linked together with gold strands that lay along the back of her wrists.

Her toes had rings and delicate, fine anklets hung around her ankles. Around her bare midriff, there was a gold girdle, riding high on her hips and low under her belly and above her buttocks.

The jewellery was the major part of her attire. Her breasts were covered with a thin, taut band of twisted cloth, wrapped around and tied behind her back, leaving her shoulders bare.

The cloth was tight and translucent; her breasts strained at it, squeezed together in a deep and sexy cleavage, but clearly visible. Even the hard points of her nipples were discernible.

Slung low under her belly, precariously close to her crotch, she wore *dhoti* pants of the finest, totally transparent pale chiffon. The pant legs had long slits from ankle to waistband on the outside.

The inner legs were similarly cut up to the crotch, so that both her cunt and ass were easily accessible. The pants were wound so close down her legs that every line and curve was visible; even the dark delta of her cunt.

A single strand descended from the middle of the girdle and disappeared down the line of her cunt-lips and rose between her buttocks to rejoin the girdle in her back.

She stood framed in the door from the bedroom, her arms outstretched, her hands on the door frame at her shoulders, her ankles crossed.

Her body was curved like an hourglass, curving from the succulent swell of her breasts to her narrow waist and flat belly and flaring to her rounded hips and buttocks.

"My god," Avinash breathed, awed.

Anuja smiled and walked across the room to them, sexy, earthy, irresistible. Her skin glowed; the delicate birth-marks on her face and neck, the inside of her left breast and on her midriff just above the girdle made her look even sexier.

"You should get going," she murmured to Avinash as she turned to Salman.

Avinash hurried to his equipment. Anuja smiled at Salman and took the leather cod-piece from him.

"You won't need this immediately. Use it later, when you fuck me."

Salman stared at her breathlessly. He had never seen a woman so gorgeous, so utterly sexy. She was a fantasy come to life.

Anuja looked at Salman, holding his eyes and felt the first frisson of excitement ripple through her body. The man was superbly built, very sexy. He was rugged and handsome, with clean-shaven, aquiline features.

He had sharp, piercing, deep-set eyes, a knife-blade nose, slender lips that were almost cruel in their line, and a rock-hard jaw with a sexy cleft in the chin.

His cheeks had sexy hollows in them and his hair was thick and cropped short. His body was superbly sculpted. The neck was strong and hard and descended to broad shoulders that bulged with muscle.

His arms and legs were strong, rippling with thick, long, smoothly curved muscles. His torso was a savagely slashing V, tapering from his broad shoulders to a ballet dancer's high hips and narrow waist.

The belly was flat as a washboard. His chest was deeply cleaved, with thick pectorals that hung like slabs of granite. His shorts were tight and she noticed again the thick, promising bulge in his crotch.

The singlet he wore had a low neck and wide arm holes and Anuja noticed with a rush of pleasure that his body was glabrous and smooth, with even the armpits depilated.

She didn't like hairy men. As she often said, who wants to fuck an ape?

"Take off your vest," she murmured. "Slowly."

Salman grinned and, crossing his arms, slowly lifted the singlet off his head. Anuja moistened her lips. He really was an immense turn-on. His nipples were small and hard and dark, pulled wide and low on either side of his chest.

She smiled and slid her hands up his body gently, caressing the contours of his body with her fingertips, tilting her face to his. He bent his head and their lips met, fluttered, hesitated, then opened sensuously and she pressed to him, her jewelry cold and hard between their bodies, exciting rough on his dark skin.

He cupped her face as he kissed her, their tongue fencing erotically. Her mouth was warm and soft and her tongue probed in his mouth. He slid his hands down to her shoulders and then lower, caressing her back, her hips, her buttocks, her thighs, rising with tantalising slowness to her breasts. Anuja murmured as he cupped her breasts.

They swelled and grew harder and heavier and her nipples stiffened in the taut cloth band and he flicked the hard stubs through the cloth.

Anuja's lips parted reluctantly from his. Her eyes were bright with desire, her mouth open, her breathing shallow and rapid, the nostrils flared. With a soft moan, she dragged her lips and tongue down his face and neck to his chest.

Bending her head, she ran her tongue across his chest, lapping gently at the deep cleft in the centre, then gliding sensuously over the swell and down to one nipple, flicking it rapidly with her tongue. Salman grunted.

His nipple stiffened and she rapped it rapidly, then opened her mouth and clamped her lips around the nipple and dark aureole and nibbled sharply. Salman gasped. It felt wonderful.

Her shapely fingers crawled across and she scbangd his other nipple with her sharp fingernails. Salman quivered in pleasure. Her mouth was soft and moist and her tongue worked his nipple steadily while her teeth scbangd across its hardness.

She moved to the other slowly, then returned to the first, then the second. It was slow, exquisite, agonising. His cock quivered and began to swell. Her fingers crept down his belly and into his crotch and she squeezed the bulge of his penis through his shorts.

Salman pushed her down gently and Anuja sank to her knees before him. He looked down at her, his eyes glittering with excitement, his muscles corded with tension and pleasure, breathing heavily.

She smiled gently and, her eyes tilted up to watch his expression, opened her mouth and took the tip of his penis in her lips through his shorts. Salman moaned softly. He could feel the heat of her mouth, the muffled softness of her tongue.

Reaching up, she drew down the zipper fly of his shorts slowly. His circumcised penis bounced out, already hardening and she moaned it pleasure. It was magnificent. Already over eight inches long, an inch and a half thick, it was growing still, hardening, rising, lengthening, thickening.

The balls were low and heavy. The cock-shaft was shaved clean and smooth to the hilt. The circumcised cock-head bobbed against her face. Her breath was hot on his penis as she cradled it in her hands and caressed her face with it, running it sexily over her lips and cheeks and eyes.

Slowly, she slid her tongue out and ran it over his cock-head. Salman gasped softly, his belly rippling inward.

"Oh fuck yes!" he murmured. "C'mon! Suck it!"

Anuja resisted the temptation for a few seconds, plying the bulging cock-head with her tongue. Salman held still, his pulse quickening, his breathing shorter and sharper.

At last, her lips flowered and slipped around his cock-head and part of his shaft, enveloping his erection in her warm, moist, soft mouth.

"Oh fuck yes!" Salman gasped, his head bent, his mouth open. "Oh fuck yes, c'mon, suck it! Ohhhhhh uhhh yeh ... fuck yes, that's it! Mm ... yeh ... c'mon ... suck my dick, baby ... do it! Ohhhhh uhhhh yes!"

His words of excitement and the tangy taste and musky odour of his penis aroused Anuja. She sucked his cock slowly and deeply and heavily, her head moving back and forth and from side to side.
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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 30-06-2019, 01:08 PM

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