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Adultery Anita Singh - Story of a Seductive Housewife
(11-03-2025, 01:48 PM)shdas Wrote: Folks waiting on this story and of course frustrated with no update /no plot progress, instead of venting out here - please consider :
a) Maheen...Mohy rang de - pinkbaby --- masterclass slow seduction and now in full swing- regular updates
b) Supriya - ek jawaan bibi - nice one - decent updates
c) The Cheating wife ( in eng section ) - masterclass
d) The Rural posting - Shipra ordeal - again great  plot , great descriptions - great pace ( for a change)

Somewhere in  parallel universe in X**rum
a) Meri Fantasy ( By Flymovers777)  -  this is epic ..
b) Faithful to unfaithful transformation story of an IPS wife - There is  an ANita in this story too ....does more ...

Just leave this Writer and this story alone ...if he wishes to write he will...if you wish to read you do..

Bro the above mentioned story are really nice.... They have good plot and regular updates..... Even I have read the X**rum stories..... Both the stories are also good with regular updates.....
But this Anita has got my sleep taken away atleast.... Sean also does not understand it.... What else can we do but to request and wait.... Atleast there should be small update that will be good or a long update once a week ..... But I don't know let's hope for the best and see if the update comes in a day or two.....
I just hope Sean gives us small or long updates in the future but the updates should be regular.... That would be fun to read the story
Val Namaskar
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RE: Anita Singh - Story of a Seductive Housewife - by val.coutinho - 11-03-2025, 02:50 PM

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