Yesterday, 10:49 PM
(Yesterday, 03:52 PM)Lollobionda Wrote: It's a good time to visit Switzerland, the whole winter sports circus has moved to Norway (World Ski Championships),
so visitors have more freedom of movement and do not have to face crowds.
I do not know exactly where you will be in Switzerland, but if you visit Geneva, you should definitely stop at the:
‘Corde Coffee, Rue du 31 Décembre 32’
drink a cup of coffee from the hand of Carlina Rinaldi and enjoy the wonderful ambience.
I wish you a pleasant, stress-free stay and a safe journey!
Liebe Grüße
Hi Lolo,
Unfortunately, Meena's trip is a surprise trip to Zurich where her younger sister works as a neuroscientist at the university.
Her mother, who has been living there for months, unfortunately experienced an acute outbreak of her chronic illness.
Now Meena is accompanied by our son, who has been living in the USA for three years and is a doctor.
He happened to be visiting us and could accompany Meena.
Unfortunately, due to my responsibilities, I was unable to do that, and I'm glad he was there because Meena needs emotional
support at this moment.
I hope that the mother will soon be well again and then Meena can fly back with peace of mind.
Best wishes,