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An example of this was my first successful masturbation session was after accidentally seeing Leanna in her undies. Basically, all of my fantasies early in life were about my sister. I even dated girls as close as I could to my sisters' appearance which was hard to find. When she had finished growing she was tall for a girl (5'9") with an athletic build and reddish-brown hair. Later in my teens, I even used a porn star search website that allowed me to put in my sister's face and find similar-looking porn stars. The closest fit was Cassie Young who unfortunately left the business around 2018.

As you can see my lust for my sister was over the top and even when she had gotten married and had a couple of kids, I still had the same feelings I had harbored from my youth, maybe worse. She remained the kindest to me of all my siblings and since she was sheltered and church-raised beyond my experience, there was never a proper setting to share anything beyond a normal affection of a close brother and sister.

My only safe outlet for all of the lustful energy I was producing was with my girlfriends. That's not really the right word. It's better categorized to say I had three girls similar to Leanna in one way or another that were my fuck buddies. I'm a charming and good-looking guy, so having this arrangement worked out well and I was good at my craft. I learned early how to please the ladies pretending they were all my sister. I love oral both eating pussy and ass and although not everyone is into it, these girls seem to be. That's why pretending to go down on my sis or tongue fucking her ass is one of the quickest ways for me to get going. If you're going to be a dirty boy you might as well go all the way.

A few years ago, my problem hit a fever pitch and I decided that the only way to free myself from this fascination with my sister was to join the marines and get the heck out of the country. Maybe getting away and seeing new sites and people would free me from this cage of lust for my sister where I found myself. So on my 25th birthday, I enlisted and was scheduled to be in southern California for basic training. Having never traveled in that direction I kinda wanted to road trip out but didn't want to leave my car there so my brother was going to go with me to drive the car back. Everything was set until his girlfriend got needy so my brother asked Leanna if she would fill in. She jumped at the chance for a little adventure away from her kids.

So there we were, the object of my lust for most of my young life and I headed across the county. We launched around 5 am to get a good jump on the day and we were a little quiet other than normal pleasantries. At some point to break the silence Leanna said, "Look Josh, I'm sorry that Zach couldn't come with you as you wanted and here you are stuck with me."

"Are you kidding me?" I said, "You're my favorite out of the entire family, I just didn't want to trouble you with the kids and all."

"Well, I'm glad we got that out of the way. I will always jump at the chance to temporarily abandon my mom life for a little adventure and, you are my favorite as well."

With that, we spent the next hour talking about the connection we shared and it seemed that we both felt part of the family but still on the outside looking in. I learned that Leanna never really wanted to have kids and she was pressured into the mom role by her husband Jason and partially by our mother. She also felt a little cheated by remaining a virgin since marriage when her husband was able to play the field as it were before they settled down. Since we were being so chummy she said, "I don't even know if he's a good fuck or not since I have nothing to compare to."

A little shocked by her language I said, "Wow sis, I've never heard you use the F-Word before."

"Oh little brother, there's a lot you don't know about me."

"Like you secretly have a potty mouth?" I inquired.

"It's one of the rebellions I kinda keep to myself. But I figure since I'm about to turn 30 it's time I allowed myself to talk like a big girl," she said with a wink.

"What else do you keep hidden in that rebellous little mind of yours?"

"Nothing that I want to share speeding down the highway. Maybe if we decide to stop somewhere for the night we can talk more after a couple of drinks."

"So you're a drinker now too?"

"I've always liked the taste of flavored whiskeys, but I hate beer and wine. Cocktails have too much sugar so yeah, I like a shot or two every once and a while."

"Well, I had planned for us to drive straight through but the thought of getting drunk with my favorite sister is appealing."

"Who said anything about getting drunk? I've never been drunk nor do I want to. I like to be in control of my actions too much but it's nice to feel all warm on the inside from time to time."

"Ok, two shots it is and I'll keep you honest."

My mind was going a million miles an hour as I was trying to understand what I was learning about my sister while at the same time I wanted to live in the moment and enjoy our connection. Hanging with Leanna was so natural it seemed like we were more alike than I realized. About the time we hit Albuquerque New Mexico it was getting late and there appeared to be a traffic back up on the highway west of town. Leanna was driving and unexpectedly exited the highway and pulled into a higher-end chain hotel and handed me two $20.00 bills.

"What's this for?"

"I would like for you to trot over to that store and buy us a bottle of Old Camp, Peach Pecan flavored and I will get us a room."

"Sis, this hotel is a little higher end than I had budgeted and,"

She interrupted and said," Look, Josh, we've spent most of our lives rising out of poverty, and Jason and I have been doing pretty well. Let me handle the food and lodging on this trip as a going away gift."

"Wow, that is very generous sis! Are you sure?"

"Of course! Now get going and I will text you the room number and order some takeout."

With that, we divided and conquered and I had the room number by the time I had the bottle. I approached the correct door and knocked but it took a bit before she opened up.

"Sorry for the wait, I wanted to grab a quick shower before you returned but you were too fast!"

"No worries, be careful with that towel, we don't want to overshare before you've been drinking."

"You mean be careful not to scar you for life seeing my mom bod?"

"Ok that's ridiculous. You are one of the best-built women on the planet."

Her smile and shrug told me she knew I was right. She trains nearly every day and has the muscle and build to prove it.

"I do work hard so thank you for that. Not everybody likes the lean muscular look but I do and that's important."

At this point, I was pouring us some shots as she was headed into the bathroom to finish getting dressed. I handed her a plastic cup on the way by which she grabbed and downed in one gulp.

"That was a heavy pour there Josh, don't get too heavy-handed or we both might regret it."

"I doubt that there's anything that could happen tonight that I would regret."

With that, she paused and stared me down like she wanted to say something but did not. When she was finished she emerged in her normal athletic leggings and a tee-shirt and flopped down on one of the beds. I showered and came out in my boxers and tee shirt. She said, "So you're going to make me see you in your boxers while we drink and have dinner?"

Thinking I had done something wrong I said, "I'm sorry sis, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'll put on some pants if you would prefer."

"No, I will allow this for now. It's just that you have a very nice body as well and I want to be sure I am only thinking sisterly thoughts."
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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THE PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER - by neerathemall - 27-02-2025, 03:38 PM
RE: THE PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER - by neerathemall - 07-03-2025, 01:47 PM
RE: THE PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER - by neerathemall - 07-03-2025, 01:49 PM
RE: THE PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER - by neerathemall - 07-03-2025, 01:50 PM
RE: THE PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER - by neerathemall - 07-03-2025, 01:51 PM
RE: THE PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER - by neerathemall - 07-03-2025, 01:52 PM
RE: THE PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER - by neerathemall - 07-03-2025, 01:53 PM
RE: THE PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER - by neerathemall - 07-03-2025, 01:55 PM
RE: THE PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER - by neerathemall - 07-03-2025, 01:58 PM
RE: THE PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER - by neerathemall - 07-03-2025, 02:00 PM
RE: THE PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER - by neerathemall - 07-03-2025, 02:07 PM
RE: THE PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER - by neerathemall - 07-03-2025, 02:08 PM
RE: THE PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER - by neerathemall - 07-03-2025, 02:12 PM
RE: THE PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER - by neerathemall - 08-03-2025, 11:33 AM

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