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Over the years of visiting Stacey with Lorna, and on all my overnight stays in the spare room, we had become close as family, and sometimes stayed up late chatting. I had grown to love her as a sister in law but I'd be lying if I said I didn't still spend time thinking about how her bare breasts would look or whether she had a shaved or hairy pussy. Those were not the thoughts a brother in law should be having but I couldn't seem to help myself.

So when Lorna had to change shifts at last minute and couldn't make our anniversary night dinner, it was her who had suggested Stacey be my back up rather than reschedule. I was disappointed of course, as I'd wanted to spoil Lorna and had had been looking forward to a type B date night.

But there was a part of me that was looking forward to spending time with Stacey. She could be somewhat anxious and intense, and was always worrying unnecessarily about whether she was a good mom or not. But she also had a good sense of humour and was sharp and intelligent.

Also, more shallowly, I wondered what Stacey would wear for our 'date' and hoped for a dress which showed plenty of her ample cleavage.

The Red Vine restaurant was half way between our places. It was quite posh in the pictures, had good reviews, and I'd had to book it a month in advance.

Fortunately, Stacey's mum and dad had been able to take the kids overnight at their place so we were all set. I'd stay in the spare room as usual, then head back home to meet Lorna.

I sat waiting in my car in the restaurant's small car park and waited for my sister in law's 4 x 4 to turn in. She spotted me, and pulled up one space over from me.

I got out and saw her check herself in the driver's mirror before opening the door. A long bare leg ending in a black strappy high heel came out followed swiftly by the rest of her.

I knew I was staring but couldn't seem to tear my gaze away. Stacey had gone all out tonight and looked sexy and sophisticated. She was wearing a spaghetti strapped black cocktail dress with a V neckline. Those beautiful big tits I sometimes dreamed about were partly on display, with a cleavage that gave me all sorts of wrong ideas. She had curves for days and her makeup had that strong evening look - the smoky eye shadow thing really did it for me. Her warm red lipstick emphasised the fullness of her lips.

She had her brown and blonde highlighted hair pinned up with little curly ringlets framing her pretty face.

Basically, she was smoking hot. This is my sister in law, I reminded myself.

'Wow, Stacey, you look amazing,' I said, leaning in to kiss her soft cheek. The delicate scent of her vanilla perfume filled my senses.

She laughed and slugged me on the arm.

'You scrub up well too, Adam.'

I was wearing a casual jacket and trousers with a smart shirt, the kind that worked without a tie.

She hooked her arm through mine.

'Shall we?'


जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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THE SISTER IN LAW BACK UP PLAN - by neerathemall - 27-02-2025, 03:57 PM
RE: THE SISTER IN LAW BACK UP PLAN - by neerathemall - 06-03-2025, 12:31 PM
RE: THE SISTER IN LAW BACK UP PLAN - by ixmrt - 09-03-2025, 02:25 AM

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