28-02-2025, 10:50 PM
(28-02-2025, 08:01 AM)Bobbyprasad753 Wrote: Brother i understamd english language but i can't speak and wrinting skills in english because i am telugu reader.i like this story and i translated in google to read this story because i like the story.u don't criticise me.i am also like the story persons in one of the person the person.
(28-02-2025, 08:10 AM)Bobbyprasad753 Wrote: Writer k k brother u critisicing me.actually i am telugu reader but ur way the story telling is super i google translated option using to read this story.i like the story.i know my english writing skills is to week.but i like this story that's why i am also shared also my point of views brother.u dont't critisice me brother...i know u all r very well speak and writing skills in english language brother.i am also one of the person ur stories liked persons.thank you for what the way ur receiving brother.and sorry brother i did't comment in this thread again.
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