28-02-2025, 09:39 AM
(This post was last modified: 28-02-2025, 09:44 AM by Salir. Edited 2 times in total. Edited 2 times in total.)
As I promised- We crossed 50,000 views, thank you….
And here is an update. It is longer than usual, then, in two parts.
The second part follows today, too.
Enjoy it… and please rate it…
Sparrows and Sparrowhawks 7 (I)
Nadir ‘s Narration:
The week after Cyrus’s visit was for us a very busy week. We had normal sex a few times up until
then, but we hadn't gotten to it much. Our or my fantasies had not much room to expand and blossom.
It was just too stressful at work. I was waiting impatiently for the weekend and for our ranch visit. I didn't want to
talk much about it with Meena beforehand and wanted to give her time, as she was very busy at work.
Meena was informed that she is officially not more an assistant professor but a professor in her clinic. This
was a surprise for us as we expected this in two years. Her previous colleague, Hamed, who was in
Canada on sabbatical before, returned a few weeks ago, but contrary to expectations he was appointed as
Meena's deputy despite having retained his professorship, too. Hamed was the son of an older, very
famous surgery professor who was dean of the university for a long time and all Meena's colleagues believed that
Hamed would become the next chief of their clinic because of protection. But I knew that her old boss,
who had held her in high esteem, would make sure that Meena got his job at the end of his career.
Meena became thus the youngest clinic head and professor in the Faculty of Medicine.
We have planned to have a party and celebrate this at the beginning of spring, which means about 4-5 weeks
from the weekend of Cyrus visit.
Unfortunately, on the Thursday before our planned farm visit, Meena received a call about Mansour's son.
He was now a teenager and had been having problems at college. Meena had to go there on Thursday
evening and take care of him and his college problems on Friday.
Meena confirmed this over the phone with Farzan and apparently, he was very disappointed but claimed
that we could plan it for the following week.
Meena told him that unfortunately it wasn't possible because I was on a short training trip, and she wouldn't
be going alone, and we had to postpone our visit to the ranch for a few weeks and Farzan stressed that
Tahir would be very sad and disappointed but he has to accept it.
At the same call, Meena informed him about her new career move and invited him and Tahir to her party, which was
now fixed.
The only incident that was somewhat interesting and exciting, was Hamed's invitation on Meena for dinner
after I left and was out of town.
It was on the Monday evening after my trip when Meena informed me via cell phone that he had invited her
to dinner and asked if she should accept. I knew that they used to be good friends and got along well.
He was a pleasant guy who seemed very friendly but as far as I knew he had no family.
I asked if anyone else was there. She said no, it was just the two of them and if I had any concerns she
would cancel. I replied that I trusted her fully and no matter what, she could decide for herself.
I could have been relaxed because he wasn't the type for an adventure, although you can never be sure
with things like that, but I knew my wife and had complete trust in her honesty and also knew what kind of guy she
was interested in.
But they didn't meet until Friday, the day I was coming back that evening, and as I expected, there wasn't
much going on.
The weekend after that, we were invited by Mitra for lunch.
The next weeks went by very quickly. As always, I didn’t have much time after my trip which lasted six days
and had to work more before and after.
It was the last Saturday in March that we celebrated Meena's new career advancement and her
appointment as professor and as head of the clinic. The party was at one of the fancy restaurants in town.
Many colleagues from the university were there.
Meena's closest relatives, her sister and brother as well as her mother, were supposed to be there but due to
the sudden death of her brother-in-law’s father, they could not travel.
Some of Meena’s old friends were there, as well as Mitra, Tahir, Farzan and Sara. Tahir was never present at
such events and said that he only came because of the pretty professor and as a present he had a 6-pack
of wine from his vineyard and wine cellar, from the year 1961, which was apparently one of the best wine years.
The wine was actually his father's product.
During the party when Meena was taking care of guests, Farzan and I were alone together for a few
minutes and I asked if he was in touch with his family or if he or Tahir had any new relationships now.
He told me that he and his ex-wife have a good friendship because of their daughter. He said that he
always has a fleeting relationship or date and that's it. But with Tahir it's a bit complicated he added, , then he laughed.
I asked why is it complicated? After meeting Tahir in the ranch and experiencing the intimate story of my wife
and the old farmer, I was curious to know more about him in order to avoid possible complications later and
at the same time have control over everything, who knows what might happen next.
Farzan replied,"You don’t know him as well as I know him, as far as his personality is concerned, he is
perhaps, not perhaps, but certainly the nicest and most considerate person I have ever met and I have met
many! No matter whether human being or animals, he treats everybody like himself, especially in relation to
women. He could be a great father or husband but unfortunately, he is in his own world, nature is meant,
and he will not give in, in that regard." and added, "Otherwise he has an incredible libido. Many women who
met him couldn't keep up with him and came up short. We, Jalal and I, have known that since our youth.
Sometimes he is a bit depressed about it and needs support, but it's like that. Fortunately, he loves his
nature, his farm and his animals and he says that’s enough for him, and today he is there because he likes
and respects you two, as his friends," and laughed. We had to interrupt our conversation because Mitra
joined in.
The and lasted from 5 pm to 10 pm. After that, almost all the guests had left and the last ones were Mitra, Tahir,
Farzan and Sara. Sara took Mitra home in her car and Tahir said that he hadn't seen us in so
long and that we should go to Farzan's.
I suggested that we prefer to go to us and relax and if it gets late, the two of them can stay overnight, without having
to worry about being late, in our guesthouse like they did back then.
When we got home, we first made ourselves comfortable in the living room. Meena asked if we wanted
something to drink, but before anyone could answer she said, "I'm sorry, I have to take a quick shower, a
two minutes shower, I was sweating at the party because of the very hot air and my tight dress. I'll be there
soon”, and she left up to stairs. We spoke about party and admitted that it was really hot there, in
As Meena after some minutes stepped the stairs down, her hair was back up in a pony tail and wearing
her above knee jeans shorts, sandals and a figure-hugging tank top, written on it: “Happy Wife, Happy Life!”.
She noticed the three of us staring at her as she made her way to us.
"What?" she asked, looking directly at me and then the two old men.
"Oh, just admiring the view," smiled Tahir as she passed me and headed toward kitchen and stood in front of the door.
Tahir looked at her from top to bottom and whistled, “breathtaking, very sexy madam director,”, and
"Tahir…" she blabbed, resting a hand on my shoulder. "And how!" Farzan said with a grin, his
gaze set firmly on Meena's backside. Meena looked over and noticed just that.
Farzan confirmed his statement, “The lady professor looks great, what are you planning to do?”, and
Meena smiled and said, “Nothing special, I am here just to serve,”. The she went into the kitchen and came back with
wine bottle and glasses tray in her hands. She gave all a glass of wine,”, You are allowed now to drink, we
are at home,”.
Tahir drank at one and demanded a second glass. I was standing still but the two men were sitting on the
sofa, each in the other end, and opposite them were 3 free chairs. Meena wanted to sit on a free chair, but
Tahir took the space between himself and Farzan and said, ""why not between us, we’ll be happy to have
you join us,”. Meena smoothed her shorts, certainly aware of her hands modelling her ass as she sat
between them, “If you are happy, I am happy too,", she said, with a smile at Tahir then Farzan to mate
with his.
Tahir spoke, “Now, that is a rare angel, a bad girl, you have disappointed us; you didn’t accept our invitation
and didn’t appear in farm. It is a great sin, especially as it concerns us, two old men, we were very
unhappy. Was your last visit unpleasant, my lady?”, he looked at Meena with a devil's grin, an Ironic and
I, and for sure also Meena, didn’t know if Farzan is informed about Tahir and Meena’s sex game in ranch.
I guessed that he won't pretend that he knows anything about it, he is a lawyer and very careful not to make
any mistakes, as I know him.
Meena answered lightly blushed, “No, no… It was nice there…”, and then apologized and talked about Ali,
son of Mansour and that she is responsible for him and then said about my trip.
Farzan said, “But I told you, you could come alone, we are not a wild bunch, “, and laughed.
Tahir said, "We will talk about this seriously later,”, then added while looking at Farzan, “, the sexy young
professor must expect consequences, right? What do you say as a lawyer?” and made a serious face with
a tilt of the head.
Farzan confirmed, “Yes, legally it is also justified, I can as a man of the law confirm that”, with a devil smile.
Meena was sitting between them on the sofa, and I was sitting on the chair vis-à-vis.
We spoke about Tahir’s vineyard and wine production and his horses. They both made steady eye contact
with my wife. Meena caught her finger in her hair sometimes, twirling a strand, while listening, as she
looked into Tair’s more often, or Farzan’s eyes less often, depending on who is already speaking, as they
were speaking. I caught Farzan giving exquisitely sneaky glances at Meena’s boobs nestled under her
top generously visible.
An hour later, the two old men were obviously flirting with my wife and she responded with certain eye
contacts; the three of them showed off their dressed sex appeal.
I had the feeling that during that one-hour, sudden feelings of naughtiness and tingling excitement arose in
the two old guests and in her too, similar to the excitement that I had had since the beginning of arriving at
our house.
Tahir had his arm behind Meena on the back cushion of the sofa and every now and then, when he thought
I didn't notice, he would stroke her far shoulder. I also often noticed that he would touch her knee with his
own or occasionally put his hand on her upper leg for a short time.
It was around midnight when I said that I was tired, but they could stay up longer.
I actually wanted to sit down at my study monitor. I expected, or rather hoped, that something would
happen, and thought that when I stay there, it wouldn't start.
Meena looked at me and nodded with her head briefly, which meant she knew I would be watching her from my
study monitor.
I was rapidly in my study and the screeen of monitor was on.
"We are so happy to see you again, although you didn't want to see us in the last few weeks," Tahir looked
at Meena and said if complaining. Farzan nodded in agreement.
"Well, I said I am sorry, and it's flattering from you and I am happy too to have you here…” Meena said,
crossing her arms.
A cell phone rang, Farzan got up and grabbed his jacket and his cell phone and answered. Meena said to him that
he can talk in other room and showed the door to the dining room.
Farzan nodded and walked to the door while he spoke on phone.
When he was outside Meena turned to Tahir and asked, "Does he know about the ranch… I mean about
us...?". Tahir stroked her shoulder again with his left hand and then caressed her right right cheek and lips
with his right hand , "you don't think I tell everyone everything, do you? I'm a secret keeper and I respect you a
lot, so you can trust me everything...".
"And now you want to offer me to your friend or share me? Hmmm?", Meen asked teasingly.
"I don't do anything, I am just interested in you and if you want to be shared, I am not going to stop it, you
are the one who decides," Tahir sounded serious, then he added, "Do you want us to leave? Or him to
leave, or me to leave,”, "Your decision. In my presence always you decide, anytime, anywhere, you are
one who decides… don’t forget you are now the director… ", and smiled and kissed her cheeks.
Meena smiled and said,” A new experience, I like to go through, I am curious…”, and after a short pause
kissed his cheek back and said, "No... I want you to stay, both of you...".
Tahir kissed the corner of her lips and said, “You are the one who has to be satisfied… Always…”.
“Thank you for comply w…”, Meena stopped mid-sentence and inhaled loud enough.
I looked at my second screen which showed another camera from other angel and saw her eyes were closed.
Tahir had reached up behind her and was running his fingers up the inside of her shorts. Without opening her
eyes she slowly uncrossed her arms and placed a hand on both Tahir's shoulder.
This made my cock jump. At this moment Farzan came back. He got his Glass and sat down.
Only then did he realize that something was going on and looked at the two of them.
"Would been nice if you had kept your promises and visited us in farm, even alone...," Tahir repeated to
her. I saw his arm move again and Meena tightened her grip.
I looked down behind Meena. I could see from the camera angel that most of Tahir's hand was up inside
her shorts. "We tried, Tahir, to get back to farm as soon as we could, I swear," Meena said, looking up at
Tahir. Her eyes half opened, she winced and moaned, hypnotically twitching and swaying on Tahir's
"You believe that Farzan?" Tahir asked.
"Not for a minute," Farzan replied solemnly. Meena stared back at him through hazy eyes.
"Oh, Farzan," she breathed, closing her eyes again and letting out a whimper.
"He's been waiting there, too," Tahir said, his hand moving slowly.
"Ohhh," she whispered softly. That Tahir was doing this to her at will was a tremendous turn on for me and I guess for Meena too.
"Ohhh…" she breathed.
Tahir looked at Farzan. His arm moved quickly, and Meena stiffened.
I was starting to sweat. Meena looked as she was in the midst of some sort of miniseries of electric shocks. She
stood up if she cannot stand more.
Tahir removed his hand “I get water,” she said, and left quickly for kitchen.
When she came back Tahir stood up too. He approached her while she was standing on the other side of the table
and sipped her water.
"You wouldn't have let us wait so long, starving, young lady." Tahir's voice never raised above a low
grunt as he slowly ran it up and over Meena's backside. "I do love this ass," he said, gazing up at her. "And
you are...oh, so beautiful, girl, aren’t you?" He looked her up and down. Meena breathed heavily down at
Tahir, like she was expecting him to jump her at any moment. "And...my, my, what a body you got, lady
director," he added as he once again ran his hand up the back of her thigh. " you do gym, don't you? You
been keeping that body in shape for us, have you?"
"Yesss," she answered softly.
"Cause you want to look good for us, is that it?", Tahir insisted.
"Yes, I...I do...." Meena said in all innocence.
"You certainly are looking fit," he said, eyeing her legs. "It makes it easier for you to hold your position
while I have my way with this cute little ass."
"Ehmm!" Meena moaned louder.
I was mesmerized by the sight of Meena trying to keep her composure as Tahir worked his fingers.
"God, I like watching him seduce her... It's so hot I can't get enough of it," I groaned to myself.
Meena whimpered again and slowly turnedher head slightly up to face the camera for first time.
"Tahir…" she said softly, turning to him and struggling to maintain her composure.
I guessed, as I knew her body reaction, her pussy is getting wet at this moment, for sure, shifting in my
seat and pulling at my cock through my shorts. My state of lust was getting just too much.
She looked as if she'd been drugged, stepping out of a hole in the ground as she squirmed off of Tahir's
"Yesss..." Tahir said to her through clenched teeth as stood there and unbuckled his belt. "I have been waiting
So long for this moment."
Farzan stood up too and approached Meena. He began to undress Meena, and she whimpered as he
moved her with ease. She just let him hold her arms up to get her top off and she kept them up, staring at
him as he dropped it on the floor next to her and undid her bra. She went slightly unstable as he undid her
shorts and pulled them down around her ankles, placing a hand on her shoulder as she stepped out of
I noticed then, when Meena went to change before, she had changed her usual underwear briefs or
bikini panties into a red, hot thong.
She kept eye contact with Farzan as he stood and turned my wife around to face Tahir.
"Very nice," Tahir said with half a grin, then he smiled as he took her by the waist and pulled her to him. He
leaned forward and began kissing her neck and shoulders and pulling on her nipple.
Meena held on to his forearms and her head rolled to both sides. "Mmm!" , she moaned.
"Yesss!" I groaned with lust. "Oh God…"
Tahir bent over and kissed at her nipples and Meena held the back of his head in one hand. She screamed
as he ripped off her thong panties in one motion. He stood up and looked at Meena as she swayed in his grip.
"Hold her," he said, pushing her back to Farzan.
"No wait," Meena said to Farzan, out of breath. "I can...I can do this," she said, turning to look back at Tahir.
"I can do this," she whispered to herself as she adjusted her stand. She placed her hands on Farzan’s
shoulders and took a step back and bent forward, arching her back. She pushed her ass out for Tahir, then
turned to look back at him as she gave it a wiggle.
"Yesss," I said under my breath. "That's it.".
She looked breifly at camera one time more if she was asking me, "Am I doing it right?",
"I want to do it right for you…".
"God, yes, baby, just...just keep it out for him." I said quietly and nodded.
Tahir nudged up against her and Farzan brushed the hair from her eyes. “You okay?” he mouthed.
Meena was so overtaken with lust she could barely nod.
'Good. She looks so good,' I murmured.
"I am going to have this girl, my girl…" Tahir said to Farzan as he dug his fingers into Meena's thrust out
ass, giving it a good smack.
"Yesss!" I said quietly.
Meena breathed to Farzan. "Hold me?", he nodded.
"You ready, girl?" Tahir said. Meena stared at my camera, for a short moment. Then looked at Farzan and
after a long moment she pulled him, for first time, in for a kiss.
Tahir pressed into her and she winced, then just as quickly opened her eyes wide on Farzan.
Meena went to speak and Tahir thrust more of his cock into her.
"Mmmuhh!" she grunted low. Tahir pulled out and pumped in again and she clawed at Farzan’s shoulders.
"Oh! Oh, God easy, Tahi… Oh!!"
Tahir slowly pulled out, adjusted his angle, then thrust himself back in.
"She's tight," he grunted to Farzan.
"Really? ideal for me, I love driving in narrow tunnels…" Farzan stammered as he rubbed his crotch.
"Oh, Gawd!!" Meena said, turning to look at Tahir, trying to talk as he eased out of her.
"H'aaaahhhhh!" Tahir shouted down at her. "Hahhh… Shit, you are tight girl!"
"H'ohh fuck," I moaned and talked to me, "I like looking that old farmer standing behind my naked wife and
gripping her by the waist and telling how tight she is... It makes me so hot!".
Meena grabbed the back of Farzan’s head and kissed him wildly.
Tahir slowly pumped deep into Meena and her whole body stiffened.
"Mmmbuhh!!!" she moaned, breaking her kiss without opening her eyes. Tahir smacked her ass and then
again. "Oh, God Tahir!" she panted at him.
It was so hot hearing Meena say Tahir's name while in such a state. He was fucking her and she shouted
his name as a result. I stared intently.
"Their cocks are hard for my wife's body!" I thought, "Oh, God, he fucks her hot little pussy...".
Tahir gripped both of Meena's shoulders and pumped away at her.
"Mmm, ahhh, ahhh!!!" she cried in pace with his rapid thrusts. He stopped, returning his grip on her hips
and pulling her back on him. He thrust at her a few more times, then suddenly pulled out and held Meena
up by the waist like an out of breath rag doll.
"Tahir!" Meena moaned, trying to look up at him behind her. "Ohhh… God… Tahir, I'm sorry I,...Oh! Oh!
Oh!..Mmm!! I'm...I'm sorry I took so long! Oh! Oh! Oh!"
"Take her," Tahir said, shoving her into Farzan's arms.
"Oh!" she groaned as she was pushed against him. "Farzan!" she exhaled.
Farzan still wasn't speaking too much except his previous remark about his love for narrow tunnels, and he
was no longer smiling but nodded with his head. He reached and pulled on a nipple of her with one hand
and groped Meena's face with the other. She moaned and her hands came down on his forearms. She
glared pleadingly up at him as he took her hands and put them on his belt, pushing his crotch toward her
and staring at her."Oh," she whimpered at him. Meena took it as the hint, and looked back at Tahir.
I took this as a request for approval from her side, and Tahir, with a nod of his head, granted permission.
Then Meena, After a moment's hesitation, with shaking hands, quickly reached for Farzan’s belt buckle.
her fingers worked to unbuckle his belt. Once she had his pants undone they
slid to the floor. His cock sprung out against the inside of his underwear. Farzan pulled the top of his boxers
down and his cock sprang out. It was dark and curved like a banana, and his scrotum seemed to hang in
dbangs from way up near the middle of the underside of his cock.
Once she was done, she looked up at him. She opened her mouth to speak but Farzan spun her around
and pushed her up against Tahir. She moved in to kiss Tahir, but Farzan pulled her back to him by the
waist. Being so much taller, he stepped one foot to the side of Meena and bent at both knees to work his
cock up into her, immediately setting a rapid paced fucking.
I liked that Tahir and Farzan would take Meena standing up. It really added to the mood of our game and
embodied what I liked best about what she and I were doing. And it allowed me to take in more of the
spectacle that was these men taking her senseless.
Farzan grinned at Tahir as moved if he is drilling in and out of Meena.
Tahir stood stroking his cock as he watched. Farzan but kept up a forceful pumping. At one point he let go
of one of her hips and reached around and covered her mouth. He stood with his long legs bowed out so
he could get under her for better thrusting and just pumped into Meena.
Her muffled moans filled the room, and her brow was furrowed as she looked now and again at the camera,
To be continued…
And here is an update. It is longer than usual, then, in two parts.
The second part follows today, too.
Enjoy it… and please rate it…
Sparrows and Sparrowhawks 7 (I)
Nadir ‘s Narration:
The week after Cyrus’s visit was for us a very busy week. We had normal sex a few times up until
then, but we hadn't gotten to it much. Our or my fantasies had not much room to expand and blossom.
It was just too stressful at work. I was waiting impatiently for the weekend and for our ranch visit. I didn't want to
talk much about it with Meena beforehand and wanted to give her time, as she was very busy at work.
Meena was informed that she is officially not more an assistant professor but a professor in her clinic. This
was a surprise for us as we expected this in two years. Her previous colleague, Hamed, who was in
Canada on sabbatical before, returned a few weeks ago, but contrary to expectations he was appointed as
Meena's deputy despite having retained his professorship, too. Hamed was the son of an older, very
famous surgery professor who was dean of the university for a long time and all Meena's colleagues believed that
Hamed would become the next chief of their clinic because of protection. But I knew that her old boss,
who had held her in high esteem, would make sure that Meena got his job at the end of his career.
Meena became thus the youngest clinic head and professor in the Faculty of Medicine.
We have planned to have a party and celebrate this at the beginning of spring, which means about 4-5 weeks
from the weekend of Cyrus visit.
Unfortunately, on the Thursday before our planned farm visit, Meena received a call about Mansour's son.
He was now a teenager and had been having problems at college. Meena had to go there on Thursday
evening and take care of him and his college problems on Friday.
Meena confirmed this over the phone with Farzan and apparently, he was very disappointed but claimed
that we could plan it for the following week.
Meena told him that unfortunately it wasn't possible because I was on a short training trip, and she wouldn't
be going alone, and we had to postpone our visit to the ranch for a few weeks and Farzan stressed that
Tahir would be very sad and disappointed but he has to accept it.
At the same call, Meena informed him about her new career move and invited him and Tahir to her party, which was
now fixed.
The only incident that was somewhat interesting and exciting, was Hamed's invitation on Meena for dinner
after I left and was out of town.
It was on the Monday evening after my trip when Meena informed me via cell phone that he had invited her
to dinner and asked if she should accept. I knew that they used to be good friends and got along well.
He was a pleasant guy who seemed very friendly but as far as I knew he had no family.
I asked if anyone else was there. She said no, it was just the two of them and if I had any concerns she
would cancel. I replied that I trusted her fully and no matter what, she could decide for herself.
I could have been relaxed because he wasn't the type for an adventure, although you can never be sure
with things like that, but I knew my wife and had complete trust in her honesty and also knew what kind of guy she
was interested in.
But they didn't meet until Friday, the day I was coming back that evening, and as I expected, there wasn't
much going on.
The weekend after that, we were invited by Mitra for lunch.
The next weeks went by very quickly. As always, I didn’t have much time after my trip which lasted six days
and had to work more before and after.
It was the last Saturday in March that we celebrated Meena's new career advancement and her
appointment as professor and as head of the clinic. The party was at one of the fancy restaurants in town.
Many colleagues from the university were there.
Meena's closest relatives, her sister and brother as well as her mother, were supposed to be there but due to
the sudden death of her brother-in-law’s father, they could not travel.
Some of Meena’s old friends were there, as well as Mitra, Tahir, Farzan and Sara. Tahir was never present at
such events and said that he only came because of the pretty professor and as a present he had a 6-pack
of wine from his vineyard and wine cellar, from the year 1961, which was apparently one of the best wine years.
The wine was actually his father's product.
During the party when Meena was taking care of guests, Farzan and I were alone together for a few
minutes and I asked if he was in touch with his family or if he or Tahir had any new relationships now.
He told me that he and his ex-wife have a good friendship because of their daughter. He said that he
always has a fleeting relationship or date and that's it. But with Tahir it's a bit complicated he added, , then he laughed.
I asked why is it complicated? After meeting Tahir in the ranch and experiencing the intimate story of my wife
and the old farmer, I was curious to know more about him in order to avoid possible complications later and
at the same time have control over everything, who knows what might happen next.
Farzan replied,"You don’t know him as well as I know him, as far as his personality is concerned, he is
perhaps, not perhaps, but certainly the nicest and most considerate person I have ever met and I have met
many! No matter whether human being or animals, he treats everybody like himself, especially in relation to
women. He could be a great father or husband but unfortunately, he is in his own world, nature is meant,
and he will not give in, in that regard." and added, "Otherwise he has an incredible libido. Many women who
met him couldn't keep up with him and came up short. We, Jalal and I, have known that since our youth.
Sometimes he is a bit depressed about it and needs support, but it's like that. Fortunately, he loves his
nature, his farm and his animals and he says that’s enough for him, and today he is there because he likes
and respects you two, as his friends," and laughed. We had to interrupt our conversation because Mitra
joined in.
The and lasted from 5 pm to 10 pm. After that, almost all the guests had left and the last ones were Mitra, Tahir,
Farzan and Sara. Sara took Mitra home in her car and Tahir said that he hadn't seen us in so
long and that we should go to Farzan's.
I suggested that we prefer to go to us and relax and if it gets late, the two of them can stay overnight, without having
to worry about being late, in our guesthouse like they did back then.
When we got home, we first made ourselves comfortable in the living room. Meena asked if we wanted
something to drink, but before anyone could answer she said, "I'm sorry, I have to take a quick shower, a
two minutes shower, I was sweating at the party because of the very hot air and my tight dress. I'll be there
soon”, and she left up to stairs. We spoke about party and admitted that it was really hot there, in
As Meena after some minutes stepped the stairs down, her hair was back up in a pony tail and wearing
her above knee jeans shorts, sandals and a figure-hugging tank top, written on it: “Happy Wife, Happy Life!”.
She noticed the three of us staring at her as she made her way to us.
"What?" she asked, looking directly at me and then the two old men.
"Oh, just admiring the view," smiled Tahir as she passed me and headed toward kitchen and stood in front of the door.
Tahir looked at her from top to bottom and whistled, “breathtaking, very sexy madam director,”, and
"Tahir…" she blabbed, resting a hand on my shoulder. "And how!" Farzan said with a grin, his
gaze set firmly on Meena's backside. Meena looked over and noticed just that.
Farzan confirmed his statement, “The lady professor looks great, what are you planning to do?”, and
Meena smiled and said, “Nothing special, I am here just to serve,”. The she went into the kitchen and came back with
wine bottle and glasses tray in her hands. She gave all a glass of wine,”, You are allowed now to drink, we
are at home,”.
Tahir drank at one and demanded a second glass. I was standing still but the two men were sitting on the
sofa, each in the other end, and opposite them were 3 free chairs. Meena wanted to sit on a free chair, but
Tahir took the space between himself and Farzan and said, ""why not between us, we’ll be happy to have
you join us,”. Meena smoothed her shorts, certainly aware of her hands modelling her ass as she sat
between them, “If you are happy, I am happy too,", she said, with a smile at Tahir then Farzan to mate
with his.
Tahir spoke, “Now, that is a rare angel, a bad girl, you have disappointed us; you didn’t accept our invitation
and didn’t appear in farm. It is a great sin, especially as it concerns us, two old men, we were very
unhappy. Was your last visit unpleasant, my lady?”, he looked at Meena with a devil's grin, an Ironic and
I, and for sure also Meena, didn’t know if Farzan is informed about Tahir and Meena’s sex game in ranch.
I guessed that he won't pretend that he knows anything about it, he is a lawyer and very careful not to make
any mistakes, as I know him.
Meena answered lightly blushed, “No, no… It was nice there…”, and then apologized and talked about Ali,
son of Mansour and that she is responsible for him and then said about my trip.
Farzan said, “But I told you, you could come alone, we are not a wild bunch, “, and laughed.
Tahir said, "We will talk about this seriously later,”, then added while looking at Farzan, “, the sexy young
professor must expect consequences, right? What do you say as a lawyer?” and made a serious face with
a tilt of the head.
Farzan confirmed, “Yes, legally it is also justified, I can as a man of the law confirm that”, with a devil smile.
Meena was sitting between them on the sofa, and I was sitting on the chair vis-à-vis.
We spoke about Tahir’s vineyard and wine production and his horses. They both made steady eye contact
with my wife. Meena caught her finger in her hair sometimes, twirling a strand, while listening, as she
looked into Tair’s more often, or Farzan’s eyes less often, depending on who is already speaking, as they
were speaking. I caught Farzan giving exquisitely sneaky glances at Meena’s boobs nestled under her
top generously visible.
An hour later, the two old men were obviously flirting with my wife and she responded with certain eye
contacts; the three of them showed off their dressed sex appeal.
I had the feeling that during that one-hour, sudden feelings of naughtiness and tingling excitement arose in
the two old guests and in her too, similar to the excitement that I had had since the beginning of arriving at
our house.
Tahir had his arm behind Meena on the back cushion of the sofa and every now and then, when he thought
I didn't notice, he would stroke her far shoulder. I also often noticed that he would touch her knee with his
own or occasionally put his hand on her upper leg for a short time.
It was around midnight when I said that I was tired, but they could stay up longer.
I actually wanted to sit down at my study monitor. I expected, or rather hoped, that something would
happen, and thought that when I stay there, it wouldn't start.
Meena looked at me and nodded with her head briefly, which meant she knew I would be watching her from my
study monitor.
I was rapidly in my study and the screeen of monitor was on.
"We are so happy to see you again, although you didn't want to see us in the last few weeks," Tahir looked
at Meena and said if complaining. Farzan nodded in agreement.
"Well, I said I am sorry, and it's flattering from you and I am happy too to have you here…” Meena said,
crossing her arms.
A cell phone rang, Farzan got up and grabbed his jacket and his cell phone and answered. Meena said to him that
he can talk in other room and showed the door to the dining room.
Farzan nodded and walked to the door while he spoke on phone.
When he was outside Meena turned to Tahir and asked, "Does he know about the ranch… I mean about
us...?". Tahir stroked her shoulder again with his left hand and then caressed her right right cheek and lips
with his right hand , "you don't think I tell everyone everything, do you? I'm a secret keeper and I respect you a
lot, so you can trust me everything...".
"And now you want to offer me to your friend or share me? Hmmm?", Meen asked teasingly.
"I don't do anything, I am just interested in you and if you want to be shared, I am not going to stop it, you
are the one who decides," Tahir sounded serious, then he added, "Do you want us to leave? Or him to
leave, or me to leave,”, "Your decision. In my presence always you decide, anytime, anywhere, you are
one who decides… don’t forget you are now the director… ", and smiled and kissed her cheeks.
Meena smiled and said,” A new experience, I like to go through, I am curious…”, and after a short pause
kissed his cheek back and said, "No... I want you to stay, both of you...".
Tahir kissed the corner of her lips and said, “You are the one who has to be satisfied… Always…”.
“Thank you for comply w…”, Meena stopped mid-sentence and inhaled loud enough.
I looked at my second screen which showed another camera from other angel and saw her eyes were closed.
Tahir had reached up behind her and was running his fingers up the inside of her shorts. Without opening her
eyes she slowly uncrossed her arms and placed a hand on both Tahir's shoulder.
This made my cock jump. At this moment Farzan came back. He got his Glass and sat down.
Only then did he realize that something was going on and looked at the two of them.
"Would been nice if you had kept your promises and visited us in farm, even alone...," Tahir repeated to
her. I saw his arm move again and Meena tightened her grip.
I looked down behind Meena. I could see from the camera angel that most of Tahir's hand was up inside
her shorts. "We tried, Tahir, to get back to farm as soon as we could, I swear," Meena said, looking up at
Tahir. Her eyes half opened, she winced and moaned, hypnotically twitching and swaying on Tahir's
"You believe that Farzan?" Tahir asked.
"Not for a minute," Farzan replied solemnly. Meena stared back at him through hazy eyes.
"Oh, Farzan," she breathed, closing her eyes again and letting out a whimper.
"He's been waiting there, too," Tahir said, his hand moving slowly.
"Ohhh," she whispered softly. That Tahir was doing this to her at will was a tremendous turn on for me and I guess for Meena too.
"Ohhh…" she breathed.
Tahir looked at Farzan. His arm moved quickly, and Meena stiffened.
I was starting to sweat. Meena looked as she was in the midst of some sort of miniseries of electric shocks. She
stood up if she cannot stand more.
Tahir removed his hand “I get water,” she said, and left quickly for kitchen.
When she came back Tahir stood up too. He approached her while she was standing on the other side of the table
and sipped her water.
"You wouldn't have let us wait so long, starving, young lady." Tahir's voice never raised above a low
grunt as he slowly ran it up and over Meena's backside. "I do love this ass," he said, gazing up at her. "And
you are...oh, so beautiful, girl, aren’t you?" He looked her up and down. Meena breathed heavily down at
Tahir, like she was expecting him to jump her at any moment. "And...my, my, what a body you got, lady
director," he added as he once again ran his hand up the back of her thigh. " you do gym, don't you? You
been keeping that body in shape for us, have you?"
"Yesss," she answered softly.
"Cause you want to look good for us, is that it?", Tahir insisted.
"Yes, I...I do...." Meena said in all innocence.
"You certainly are looking fit," he said, eyeing her legs. "It makes it easier for you to hold your position
while I have my way with this cute little ass."
"Ehmm!" Meena moaned louder.
I was mesmerized by the sight of Meena trying to keep her composure as Tahir worked his fingers.
"God, I like watching him seduce her... It's so hot I can't get enough of it," I groaned to myself.
Meena whimpered again and slowly turnedher head slightly up to face the camera for first time.
"Tahir…" she said softly, turning to him and struggling to maintain her composure.
I guessed, as I knew her body reaction, her pussy is getting wet at this moment, for sure, shifting in my
seat and pulling at my cock through my shorts. My state of lust was getting just too much.
She looked as if she'd been drugged, stepping out of a hole in the ground as she squirmed off of Tahir's
"Yesss..." Tahir said to her through clenched teeth as stood there and unbuckled his belt. "I have been waiting
So long for this moment."
Farzan stood up too and approached Meena. He began to undress Meena, and she whimpered as he
moved her with ease. She just let him hold her arms up to get her top off and she kept them up, staring at
him as he dropped it on the floor next to her and undid her bra. She went slightly unstable as he undid her
shorts and pulled them down around her ankles, placing a hand on her shoulder as she stepped out of
I noticed then, when Meena went to change before, she had changed her usual underwear briefs or
bikini panties into a red, hot thong.
She kept eye contact with Farzan as he stood and turned my wife around to face Tahir.
"Very nice," Tahir said with half a grin, then he smiled as he took her by the waist and pulled her to him. He
leaned forward and began kissing her neck and shoulders and pulling on her nipple.
Meena held on to his forearms and her head rolled to both sides. "Mmm!" , she moaned.
"Yesss!" I groaned with lust. "Oh God…"
Tahir bent over and kissed at her nipples and Meena held the back of his head in one hand. She screamed
as he ripped off her thong panties in one motion. He stood up and looked at Meena as she swayed in his grip.
"Hold her," he said, pushing her back to Farzan.
"No wait," Meena said to Farzan, out of breath. "I can...I can do this," she said, turning to look back at Tahir.
"I can do this," she whispered to herself as she adjusted her stand. She placed her hands on Farzan’s
shoulders and took a step back and bent forward, arching her back. She pushed her ass out for Tahir, then
turned to look back at him as she gave it a wiggle.
"Yesss," I said under my breath. "That's it.".
She looked breifly at camera one time more if she was asking me, "Am I doing it right?",
"I want to do it right for you…".
"God, yes, baby, just...just keep it out for him." I said quietly and nodded.
Tahir nudged up against her and Farzan brushed the hair from her eyes. “You okay?” he mouthed.
Meena was so overtaken with lust she could barely nod.
'Good. She looks so good,' I murmured.
"I am going to have this girl, my girl…" Tahir said to Farzan as he dug his fingers into Meena's thrust out
ass, giving it a good smack.
"Yesss!" I said quietly.
Meena breathed to Farzan. "Hold me?", he nodded.
"You ready, girl?" Tahir said. Meena stared at my camera, for a short moment. Then looked at Farzan and
after a long moment she pulled him, for first time, in for a kiss.
Tahir pressed into her and she winced, then just as quickly opened her eyes wide on Farzan.
Meena went to speak and Tahir thrust more of his cock into her.
"Mmmuhh!" she grunted low. Tahir pulled out and pumped in again and she clawed at Farzan’s shoulders.
"Oh! Oh, God easy, Tahi… Oh!!"
Tahir slowly pulled out, adjusted his angle, then thrust himself back in.
"She's tight," he grunted to Farzan.
"Really? ideal for me, I love driving in narrow tunnels…" Farzan stammered as he rubbed his crotch.
"Oh, Gawd!!" Meena said, turning to look at Tahir, trying to talk as he eased out of her.
"H'aaaahhhhh!" Tahir shouted down at her. "Hahhh… Shit, you are tight girl!"
"H'ohh fuck," I moaned and talked to me, "I like looking that old farmer standing behind my naked wife and
gripping her by the waist and telling how tight she is... It makes me so hot!".
Meena grabbed the back of Farzan’s head and kissed him wildly.
Tahir slowly pumped deep into Meena and her whole body stiffened.
"Mmmbuhh!!!" she moaned, breaking her kiss without opening her eyes. Tahir smacked her ass and then
again. "Oh, God Tahir!" she panted at him.
It was so hot hearing Meena say Tahir's name while in such a state. He was fucking her and she shouted
his name as a result. I stared intently.
"Their cocks are hard for my wife's body!" I thought, "Oh, God, he fucks her hot little pussy...".
Tahir gripped both of Meena's shoulders and pumped away at her.
"Mmm, ahhh, ahhh!!!" she cried in pace with his rapid thrusts. He stopped, returning his grip on her hips
and pulling her back on him. He thrust at her a few more times, then suddenly pulled out and held Meena
up by the waist like an out of breath rag doll.
"Tahir!" Meena moaned, trying to look up at him behind her. "Ohhh… God… Tahir, I'm sorry I,...Oh! Oh!
Oh!..Mmm!! I'm...I'm sorry I took so long! Oh! Oh! Oh!"
"Take her," Tahir said, shoving her into Farzan's arms.
"Oh!" she groaned as she was pushed against him. "Farzan!" she exhaled.
Farzan still wasn't speaking too much except his previous remark about his love for narrow tunnels, and he
was no longer smiling but nodded with his head. He reached and pulled on a nipple of her with one hand
and groped Meena's face with the other. She moaned and her hands came down on his forearms. She
glared pleadingly up at him as he took her hands and put them on his belt, pushing his crotch toward her
and staring at her."Oh," she whimpered at him. Meena took it as the hint, and looked back at Tahir.
I took this as a request for approval from her side, and Tahir, with a nod of his head, granted permission.
Then Meena, After a moment's hesitation, with shaking hands, quickly reached for Farzan’s belt buckle.
her fingers worked to unbuckle his belt. Once she had his pants undone they
slid to the floor. His cock sprung out against the inside of his underwear. Farzan pulled the top of his boxers
down and his cock sprang out. It was dark and curved like a banana, and his scrotum seemed to hang in
dbangs from way up near the middle of the underside of his cock.
Once she was done, she looked up at him. She opened her mouth to speak but Farzan spun her around
and pushed her up against Tahir. She moved in to kiss Tahir, but Farzan pulled her back to him by the
waist. Being so much taller, he stepped one foot to the side of Meena and bent at both knees to work his
cock up into her, immediately setting a rapid paced fucking.
I liked that Tahir and Farzan would take Meena standing up. It really added to the mood of our game and
embodied what I liked best about what she and I were doing. And it allowed me to take in more of the
spectacle that was these men taking her senseless.
Farzan grinned at Tahir as moved if he is drilling in and out of Meena.
Tahir stood stroking his cock as he watched. Farzan but kept up a forceful pumping. At one point he let go
of one of her hips and reached around and covered her mouth. He stood with his long legs bowed out so
he could get under her for better thrusting and just pumped into Meena.
Her muffled moans filled the room, and her brow was furrowed as she looked now and again at the camera,
To be continued…