27-02-2025, 10:42 PM
(27-02-2025, 04:26 PM)kk007007 Wrote: Exactly!
Ur story is to good bro.this story in srinu in hospital admited 3 weeks.ganga in this 3 weeks so many people is fucked her men's and women's also.may be chacha and javedh death's is also mystory..may be ganga planed murder's with rani gunz people.now present also the thief is huged fanga infront of srinu...may be she's like affair's with rani gunz people person's.these all mysterie's is main point is ganga.may be ending is ganga is agree all attraction fuck's and intensional sex with other..she's accept to srinu but she's tells only loving only srinu,than ganga tells this all crap she did't repeat agree infront of her srinu.than srinu also accepted the her points and than ganga and srinu happy marriage and sex life continue there journey.