26-02-2025, 06:10 PM
Update 22
Sangeet has ended in a mixed feeling for Sukanya. The wedding was a grand affair that she enjoyed the euphoria, but somewhere her mind carried guild and betrayal. She had mixed emotions which Meena noticed. After the wedding before Sukanya was ready to leave, she wanted to talk with her.
Meena: Hey Suk. Thank you for coming and illuminating the function with your presence. Your presence means a lot for me. No matter how many people are around me. You are one person who makes a world of difference to me.
Sukanya turned emotional and hugged her.
Sukanya: I will miss you a lot dear.
Meena: Me too. But I’ll keep bugging you on phone. You have to bear with me.
Sukanya: I will do even if you don’t. Do visit me whenever you get a chance.
Meena: Of course. I’ll visit and will also bring Sharath with me. We shall also plan a trip together, we four. You, your husband, me and my husband.
She blushed when she called Sharath her husband although they had been in relationship for long.
Sukanya: That’s a great idea dear.
Meena hesitated for a while and asked her.
Meena: Hey, I want to ask you. I have been noticing that you look disturbed. Anyone troubled you? I’ll teach them a lesson.
Sukanya: Hey, not at all. Someone just tried to play mischief. It’s not a big deal. Leave it.
Meena: If you say so. But I’ll tell you something dear. Just don’t get bogged down by such things. If you feel troubled, just give them back. If you think they are harmless, try to enjoy baby. That’s what I do. When I take things in my stride, nothing troubles me. Sharath knows that I had a few affairs apart from him, and I know that he also had one affair other than me. All I care is that we love each other.
She thought she shouldn’t have said that because she was actually referring Sukanya. She was also taken aback. To make things cool, she tried to compensate.
Meena: I’m perfectly fine with it. I always say to him to enjoy as much as he wants and he says the same to me. No matter how much we have fun, at the end of the day, we love each other. And that’s what matters to me. He’d say to me; there’s one life and we should enjoy life without any regret. As long as we do not stop loving each other, nothing is a crime. Only thing is that we should know our safety limit.
She found that Sukanya was not sure why she was saying all this. Meena observed that and with a smile continued.
Meena: What I intended was, don’t mind anything about what others think or do. Just do what you like and enjoy your life. Just stay grounded to your family and mind the safety limit.
Sukanya: Of course, dear.
She was also wanting to say something, but she was hesitating.
Meena: What’s on your mind dear? Do you still think there could be something that should not be discussed between us?
Sukanya: Hey no. Nothing like that.
She was still hesitant, but wanted to clear it.
Sukanya: Did Sharath say something?
Meena thought for a while and responded.
Meena: Oh yeah. He was saying about our honeymoon trip.
She understood what Sukanya was asking, but was just toying with her.
Sukanya: Hey, not that.
She again thought and responded.
Meena: Oh yeah. He complimented you so much for the way you have organized the Sangeet.
She gave up and with an annoyed expression replied.
Sukanya: Thank you.
As she was about to leave, Meena held her by her arm and gave a suppressed smile.
Meena: I understood what you meant dear. Do you think I would know only if Sharath tells me?
She looked at her surprised.
Meena: I knew about your water games and I knew everything even before he told me. He did not tell me anything until you approved. I also knew you say Sharath as a naked wild tribe.
Sukanya knocked her on her arm and looked around to see if anyone could hear their conversation. She suppressed a laugh and gave a mock angry stare at her.
Meena: We play a lot of such games dear. Also, you will be shocked to hear a few of our adventures.
Sukanya: Really? What kind of adventures? Tell me.
Meena: I told you. You’d get shocked. You are still a child.
She winked as she said that.
Sukanya: No, you devil. Tell me dear.
She did not reveal that she read the slip that were meant for the game they were supposed to play.
Meena: Now is not the time dear. I will tell you when all this hustle bustle settles down.
Sukanya was eager to hear it from Meena. She derived a kick out of it. Meena however put a condition to her.
Meena: But here’s a deal. I’ll tell you about me. You should also update me about yourself. It’s a deal between sisters. Are you up to it?
She loved it when Meena referred to her as her sister.
Sukanya: Deal.
But she wondered what all she was prepared to share with her. She was not even sure about most of the things happening around her. If at all she had to share everything with her, what would she share? Would she talk about the conversation of the boys about her? Would she share about Samar? Would she talk about Praveen? Would she talk about the incident on the terrace? She did not want to think too much about it. As the event came to an end, all the relatives slowly left one by one. Sukanya found it hard to avoid Mr. Shetty as she could neither reveal nor digest the incident. Finally she was set to leave and somehow she was relieved that she did not have to face him again. When she was leaving, Mrs. Shetty came to send off.
Mrs. Shetty: It was such a pleasure to have you here dear. Thank you for all you did.
Mr. Shetty: I agree. It was such a pleasure.
He was slightly drunk, but she did not miss his intention. He was actually referring to the fateful incident on the terrace. She forced a smile, but only replied to Mrs. Shetty.
Sukanya: Thank you aunty. Please take care of Meena.
Mrs. Shetty: Of course, dear. She’s now our daughter.
She did not want to stay any longer.
Sukanya: Ok aunty. I’ll leave now.
She waved good bye to Meena and Sharath as she walked to the exit with her husband where their car was waiting.
Raghava: So darling, did you enjoy the party?
Sukanya: Yes dear. It was fun.
Raghava: Looks like you were the center of attraction.
Sukanya: Come on dear. You too.
They started their journey back home. It was a night journey and the weather was pleasant. They added music to the magic. The journey was like a breeze. She opened the windows and relished the cool night breeze and so did Raghava.
Sukanya: We should go on trips now and then. It feels so good.
Raghava: I agree baby. I’ll plan a trip soon.
The melodious music played as the fine speckles of rain permeated the atmosphere. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the weather. Then they had dinner at a dhaba. As they finished their dinner, Sukanya said that she was feeling sleepy.
Raghava: You should be tired dear. You go to the rear seat and sleep.
Sukanya: Thank you dear.
She kept her phone in the dashboard cabinet. She went to the rear seat, picked a pillow from the boot space and laid down. She was really tired and fell asleep as soon as she shut her eyelids.
She was woken up by the continuous honking. As she opened her eyes, she was in the busy road of Chennai. She got up from her sleep and stared into the sunlight that flowed through the window. Raghava observed that she woke up.
Sukanya: Good morning, dear.
Raghava: Good morning sweetheart. Just 10 more minutes dear. We’re there.
It was 6 AM. She knew she could make it to the college, but she was not sure as she felt tired. They reached their apartment and Raghava soon got himself fresh, as Sukanya dropped on the bed and drifted to sleep. As soon as she woke up, she found him already fresh and waiting for her to wake up.
Raghava: I need to go to the office dear. Don’t bother about cooking. I have made myself a bread omelet and also made one for you. Just brush your teeth and have your breakfast. I have also prepared coffee for you. Go to college if you feel like. Else take rest.
He walked up to her and gently kissed her on her lips.
Raghava: See you darling.
Sukanya: Try to come home early dear.
Raghava: Not sure, but I’ll try.
He left for office and she got herself fresh. She then had the coffee and the bread omelet prepared by her dear husband. She then contemplated if she should go to the college or not. She then thought of checking her messages, but she could not find her phone. She searched the house, but she did not find. She wondered where she kept the phone when she remembered keeping her phone in her husband’s car dashboard. She could not even call her husband regarding the same. She thought of reaching out to the neighbors for phone so that she could call her husband, but Meena was the only neighbor whom she freely approached. She felt lonely. She did not know what to do.
She watched TV for some time, then did some kitchen chores, took a walk in the terrace, but she felt like the clock was moving in slow motion. She then had her lunch and slept. Her tiredness due to the travel helped her fall asleep. Suddenly she woke up with a jerk when she felt shaken. When she opened her eyes, she saw her husband standing before her and was talking something which did not reach her ears. He shook her again.
Raghava: Her dear. What happened? I had been calling you since noon, but you never answered my calls.
Sukanya: Huh…
She rubbed her eyes and yawned as she stretched her body.
Sukanya: My mobile is in the car dashboard. I forgot to take it and you took the car to office.
Raghava: Oh shit. I was scared if you fell ill. Give me a minute. I’ll get your phone.
He rushed down to his car to pick her phone. Meanwhile she got herself fresh and looked at the time. It was already dinner time. She quickly started preparing dinner for both of them as her husband brought her phone. As she was feeling hungry, she quickly served dinner. After putting the vessels in the sink, she looked at her phone.
She was shocked to find 25 missed calls and 145 WhatsApp messages.