22-02-2025, 10:42 AM
(22-02-2025, 09:48 AM)Sarran Raj Wrote: Amazing. I did not see Esha is having any guilt even when kunal said she cheated him. For her now Aniket is the world. She does not have the mind to think how kunal would feel. what if kunal had done something similar and made another girl pregnant. Can esha digest it. The mindset of esha is not crafted well. She thinks its ok to cheat. Nothing is wrong in love, sex and war.
Its pretty ironic because Love , Sex and War is actually the title I chose for my story. And to answer your point , yes , Esha has no guilt because at the end of the day that is indeed a cheater's mindset. This new world she built , this new love for Aniket , this overwhelms her , she is no longer concerned whether Priya betrayed her trust or manipulated her into getting pregnant because in her mind Aniket is everything she wants. But then again , she also wants Aditya but the realization that Aditya can never be hers for whole breaks her. Sure she has no regret , because there is no point in regret anymore. She made her decision , or was forced into it because she was unwilling to divorce Kunal. But she has expressed that she wished she never met Aniket so that she could've been happy with Kunal. But Aniket gives her more than Kunal apparently gives. And that has made her believe that Aniket is the future for her. But like I said in the past , Love is a big joke in this story. Love has that power and bond as long as you have a bigger dick , if not then your love is in life support.
Esha will live a life of consequence eventually. She will never have Aditya for herself and soon Kunal will distance himself from her for good , and thus the co-parenting will switch from alternate days to six months each with mother and father and their separate partners. I just hope there is a chapter dedicated to Kunal finding love again with someone because honestly , many cheating stories like this often only narrate the wife perspective and ignore husband's second life. I believe the writer should consider that idea and eventually have Kunal get his own perfect romance. But more importantly let this new game played by Kunal transform him and his perspective. He should not be a mellow and the simple man he was in the beginning. Let the story ending culminate with some change in his personality.