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Adultery The New Car -bdrew86 - Continued
Perhaps this didn't end as bad as it could. Perhaps I still would have been at the side of that road, with no help. Worse, the bandits caught me, now that was bad.
This was not the perfect situation but at least it was a consolation. I had two men, one who I knew and his friend repairing my car. I had a roof over my head, blanket over my body. I knew my car would be fixed up and I would be home in the morning. The whole day had been exhausting and in some time I drifted to sleep.
The howling dogs in the distance woke me up. The cold air, the swift wind and the howling dogs woke me up with a start. Another thing that woke me was hunger. I hadn't eaten anything since afternoon and I was now pretty hungry.
The worry, the nervousness had kept my mind off my hunger but now that things had settled down, it acted up again.
I looked at my watch my watch, it was 11.05 pm. I couldn't here all the hammering going on a while ago and the whole place was very quite. 'Where were they?' I thought as I got off the bed and slowly walked to the door of the room. I stepped out slowly and started walking to the garage.
I gripped my arms tightly and shivered as a blast of cold air hit me. Steam came out from my nose and mouth as I exhaled in the biting cold.
I walked to the garage and saw that both men weren't there. My car, Gurnam's car and Pappu's truck were still there but there was no sign of the men.
"Gurnam... Pappu... where are you?" I called out. I heard some noise coming from the tool shed and looked at it.
"We are here... in the tool shed." Gurnam called back. I walked over to the tool shed. The door was closed but not locked. I gently pushed the door and saw Gurnam and Pappu sitting on the floor.
They had laid out some newspapers and were sitting on their edges. In the middle of the sheets were two bottles of liquor and a bowl of snacks. Both men had cigarettes in their hands and they gently flicked the ash into the ash tray near them.
"Ohhh... sorry... uhhh... " I said as I tried to walk away from the room.
"Aditi Madam... what happened?" Gurnam asked me as he puffed in the cigarette.
"Uhh... nothing... I just wanted to see what you guys were doing so I came here." I replied, feeling absolutely awkward at that moment.
"We have done all that we could to fix your car. Now we have to wait for the fabricators to show up in the morning and get the welding done." Pappu spoke and sipped his drink.
"Uhh... okay... I will go back... uhh... " I said as I turned around to walk back to the room.
"Aditi Madam... relax... please have a seat. I insist." Gurnam said.
"No... it is alright. I will go back... you guys carry on." I replied trying get out of that awkward situation.
"Madam... Please don't hesitate. Just relax and sit with us. If you can't sleep then it's no point in staying in that room all alone. At least you have someone to talk to and pass time here." Pappu said.
Pappu was right. I would be bored to death in that room all alone and both these men had been complete gentlemen all this while. I knew Gurnam for quite sometime and his friend Pappu seemed like a nice guy.
Besides, if they wanted to do something, they could have done it long back, in fact they could do something to me even if I go back to the room. Thinking so, I stepped inside the room and walked over to them. I sat on the small 2 seat couch near Gurnam.
"You couldn't sleep?" Gurnam asked as he turned around to face me.
"No... I did go to sleep but I woke up because I was hungry." I replied.
"Ohhh... I completely forgot. Sorry madam, usually I cook a meal for myself but because I had to come to pick you guys and with all the work to be done, I just forgot to offer you some food." Pappu said.
"No problem... " I replied with faint smile.
"You can have these snacks, it will help a little." Gurnam said as he offered me a bowl of chips. I took the bowl and started eating the chips one by one.
I had left the shed door open and a cold gust of the winter wind flew inside. I shivered and winced as it hit me.
"Ohhh... one second madam, I will get a shawl or a blanket for cover." Pappu said as he got up and walked out of the room, closing the door.
"Aditi Madam... do you want to have a drink? It will help you stay warm?" Gurnam asked me.
"Noo... it is okay, Pappu is getting a blanket. I will be fine." I replied.
"Aditi Madam... you don't have to be so formal around me. I am your friend. So just relax." Gurnam said.
"Hmm... okay... what drink is it?" I asked.
"It is rum. Man's most loyal and faithful companion after a dog, Old Monk XXX rum." Gurnam said as he raised a half filled bottle of the rum and waived it in front of me.
"Hehee... what was that all about?" I asked Gurnam, amused at the phrase he used.
"Madam... The Old Monk is a fantastic thing. It is inexpensive, very effective and can take you places you can only imagine. In fact I feel that it is best thing that man has invented after language." Gurnam said with a big smile on his face.
"Ohh... very articulate and philosophical... hehehe... " I replied with a giggle after hearing Gurnam.
"See... it is the effect of Old Monk, the wise monk imparts his wisdom with each gulp." Gurnam said as he gulped down some rum from his glass.
"I have never had rum in my life." I said to Gurnam.
"You don't drink?" Gurnam asked me.
"I do... occasionally and I prefer my specific brands." I replied.
"Madam... look around. Do you think we are going to find your brands of booze around here?" Gurnam asked me mockingly.
"Should I pour you one?" Gurnam asked me holding the rum bottle in one hand and en empty glass in another.
"Ok... but make me a small one." I replied. Gurnam poured a small peg into the glass and then filled it with cold water. He offered me the drink and I took the glass from his hands.
"Here is a blanket for you madam." Pappu said just about entering the shed at the same time.
"Thank you Pappu." I said as I took the blanket from him and passed him the glass as I dbangd the blanket around my body.
"Ohh... so you joined the party as well? Welcome to the club." Pappu said as he gave me back the glass.
"Hehe... thank you." I said to Pappu. Pappu went and sat in his original place and started drinking.I raised the glass up to my lips and sipped on it.
"Yaaakkkk... It is strong... very strong... " I said as I tasted the rum. Both men laughed loudly watching my reaction.
"It is strong but don't worry, it will taste okay after a few more sips." Gurnam said.
The bitter taste of the rum was too bad enough but the after taste was worse. I munched on a couple of salted chips to neutralize that taste. Gurnam was right, the rum became bearable after a few sips and I was almost done with my peg in a few minutes.
"It has been such a long time since I and Pappu sat for a few round of drinks." Gurnam said as he lit a cigarette.
"Yeah... long time my friend." Pappu said as he took the cigarette from Gurnam and smoked it.
"You guys have known each other for a long time." I said as I finished my drink and held the cold, empty glass in my hand.
"Yeah... we are childhood friends. I am older to Gurnam but he is still my best buddy. In fact he got into this profession after he followed me into working in a garage." Pappu said as he gave back the cigarette to Gurnam.
"So you live here alone? No family?" I asked Pappu.
"My family lives in my native village. I visit them once a year. I have a couple boys working for me but they go home at day end." Pappu replied.
"Ohh look... your drink is finished. Want another?" Gurnam asked me.
"No... no... its fine. I have had enough." I replied. I didn't want to get drunk here and not right now.
"C'mon madam... I told you not to be so formal around us. We are friends." Gurnam said as he took the glass from my hand and started pouring another drink. This time it was larger than the previous one. He passed it to me and I just took it from him. It tasted good now and with the chips it tasted even better.
"Is your real name Pappu?" I asked Pappu. Gurnam erupted in laughter as he heard the question.
"What... did I say something wrong?" I asked Gurnam.
"No... No... his name is Joginder but we boys used to call him Pappu back in the day. He was older than most of us but was a geeky kid, kind of a village idiot when he was younger. So the name Pappu stuck, which also means a fool." Gurnam replied.
"Ohhh... sorry... I will call you Joginder now." I said to Pappu.
"Hehe... don't worry madam, you can call me Pappu. I am very used to it now. In fact I at times don't reply if someone calls me Joginder." Pappu said.
"Hahaha... okay Pappu." I replied.
I spent time listening to Gurnam and Pappu recount their stories and adventure from their das in the village. I was enjoying myself in a company of men who had a great sense of humor. Their childish antics were very amusing.
In a matter of minutes I finished my second and then the third drink. I now started feeling the buzz. But I wanted to continue listening to these guys. They were great conversationalist and I just got hooked on to their talks.
"Aah... the floor hurts my butt. I need to get off it right now." Gurnam said as he stood up and sat on the couch next to me.
"You know madam; Gurnam was a very naughty boy back in the day. He used to sneak up to the river and hide behind a rock or a bush and watch the village girls bathe." Pappu said.
"Hahahaha... I laughed at Gurnam listening to this.
"Yeah... and when you tried that; the girls caught you and beat you black and blue." Gurnam replied trying to give it back to Pappu. I laughed out louder as I heard that story.
I was finished with my fourth drink and Gurnam immediately filled me another. I just didn't care and started drinking it. I was now clearly high from the liquor. The alcohol and their smooth talk and lowered my guard. My inhibitions had lowered and that's when Gurnam made a move.
I was so engrossed in the talking and the drinking that I just didn't realize when Gurnam brought his hand over to my shoulder and started slowly rubbing it. I had taken off my blanket since I wasn't feeling the cold after so many drinks. I noticed his gentle caresses and looked at him and then at Pappu. Pappu faintly smiled at me.
"How long have you've known Gurnam?" Pappu asked me.
"For a year now, he services my car." I replied.
"Aditi is my best client. I look after all her needs... I mean her car's needs." Gurnam said as he continued caressing my shoulder and neck. Gurnam had never directly addressed me with my name.
He always added 'madam' to my name, even when we slept together before. I was surprised and looked at Gurnam to which he smiled back at me. I looked at Pappu who flashed a naughty smile and I smiled back meekly.
"Is she one of your specials clients Gurnam?" Pappu asked.
"Ohh yess... in fact she is the most special client." Gurnam replied.
"One of your specials clients? Are there more?" I mockingly asked Gurnam. What the fuck was I doing? I was drunk, being caressed in front of a stranger in a completely strange place and that statement didn't help.
"Nooo... Aditi... You are the only one, the most special." Gurnam replied with a smile.
"I have seen some of his special clients before Aditi Madam and you are the most beautiful of them all. No wonder you are his most special client." Pappu said.
I felt Gurnam's hand on my left breast. He had stealthily moved his hand from my shoulder, sneaked it under my left arm and cupped my breast. I gasped as Gurnam gave it a gentle squeeze.
I instantly looked at Pappu who flashed me a wicked smile. He gulped down the entire drink in one shot and got up. I watched him as he walked past us and out of the shed. As soon as he did, Gurnam turned my face towards him and kissed me.
"Hmmm... Gurnam... not here... not now!" I said as I broke the kiss and pushed Gurnam back.
"Why not Aditi?" Gurnam asked me as he yanked the dupatta off my body and threw it on the floor. He slid his hand down my chest into my kameez and squeezed my bra encased boobs. I moaned and closed my eyes as I felt Gurnam's cold hand play with my breasts.
"But Pappu... " I moaned trying to stop Gurnam.
"You don't worry about him Aditi. Just enjoy the moment... " Gurnam whispered in my ear before sucking my ear. He slowly kissed his way to my neck and gave it a gentle lick.
I moaned as I kept falling for his moves. I was completely lost in the erotic black hole and the way things were moving I didn't see a chance of getting out of it. Gurnam's gentle and sensual kisses broke down any resistance which was left behind after the rum guzzling.
"Aaaahhhh... " I moaned as Gurnam's hand slid inside my bra and flicked my nipple. The cold air had made them hard but the arousal made them rock hard.
Gurnam and I were busy kissing each other when I heard the shed door open. I opened my eyes and saw Pappu standing at the door. He smiled at me but I chose not to respond and closed my eyes and kissed Gurnam back.
A few moments later, Gurnam started kissing his way down my neck and settled on my cleavage. As Gurnam got busy licking and nuzzling my cleavage I opened my eyes again and this time I saw Pappu sitting close to us on the floor.
I could see the lust in his eyes; the blood shot eyes whose piercing gaze sent shivers down my spine.
Gurnam pushed me against the back rest of the couch and continued licking my cleavage. I saw Pappu slowly crawl towards me. He was slow and careful expecting me to kick him away but I didn't. My legs stayed in their place as Pappu finally reached me and placed his hands on my thighs.
I did not resist him. I don't know why but I simply did not resist him. Perhaps it was the cold, the alcohol and the erotically charged atmosphere that compelled me not to resist.
Perhaps it was the fear that if I resisted, the men would mercilessly bang me which I knew Gurnam was capable of if he wanted to. Or perhaps it was simply the deep underlying desire not to resist; letting things take their course.
Pappu caressed my thighs a few times and slowly slid his hands up to my pussy. He first cupped my pussy with his right palm before dragging his thumb along the length of my pussy. He did it again, this time applying more pressure and dragging his thumb over my pussy. I moaned as he did that.
"Gurnam... she is ready." Pappu said and as soon as he said, Gurnam stood up.
"Madam... this room is too small for us, let us go somewhere we have more space." Gurnam said as he held my hand and raised me from the couch. I quietly followed Gurnam as he held my hand and walked. Pappu was right behind me, carrying rum bottles and ogling my ass. We stepped out of the shed and started walking towards Pappu's room.
At that moment I felt like I was a death row convict being taken away for his executions. The emotions were mixed; fear, arousal, anxiety played havoc inside my inebriated mind. I was walking with two men to a room where I knew they would ravage me to their hearts content.
How did I get here? How did I let Gurnam manipulate me again? How could I fall for Gurnam's manipulation every time whether it was having sex in front of his employees or in the presence of his whore.
As these thoughts bounced around in my mind, we entered Pappu's room. We walked up to the bed and stopped right next to it. Gurnam grabbed me and started kissing me and Pappu got busy caressing my body over my clothes. He ran his hands down my waist and grabbed my ass before slapping it.
Pappu kneeled down as I and Gurnam continued kissing above. Pappu caressed my thighs before cupping my pussy with his palm. Gurnam moved his hands down to my breasts and started playing with them.
As I was busy kissing Gurnam and getting my boobs squeezed, I felt a tug at my waist. Pappu was busy untying my salwaar and was successful. He untied it and it slipped down in a jiffy. Gurnam wasn't left behind as lifted my kameez up over my raised arms and took them off.
My white bra came off with a click as Gurnam unhooked it with a flick of his right hand. Pappu was a little patient as he went around kissing and licking my thighs but soon enough got his hands inside my panties. In one swift downward pull, Pappu got them down to my feet. I gingerly stepped out of them and stood still.
Pappu took a step back as he admired my naked body whereas Gurnam stood right where he was. Gurnam wasn't a stranger to my naked glory having tasted it many times before. But Pappu's eyes appeared to be popping out of their sockets. Just the look confirmed that he hadn't seen a woman as beautiful and sexy as me.
The dirty look in his eyes made me awkward and I covered my breasts with my right arm and covered my pussy with my left palm. Gurnam swiftly pulled my hands away and let his friend enjoy the sight.
Once done with the sight seeing, Pappu stepped forward and grabbed my right breast. Gurnam followed suit and grabbed my left breast and both of them settled with one breast each. Both men simultaneously lowered their heads onto my breasts.
"Aaaahhh... haaaa... " I sighed as I felt my nipples being sucked. My boobs were my best asset and I was no stranger to them being sucked whether by Arjun or later by Gurnam. But this was the firs time; the very first time that both my boobs were being sucked on at the same time by two men one of whom I had never met before.
Even though both men were doing the same thing, their way of doing things were completely at odds. Pappu, the desperate guy was hungrily biting and sucking on my right tit, even making a futile attempt to take my entire tit into his mouth. He slobbered, licked and bit, leaving behind a wet boob with teeth marks over it.
Gurnam on the other hand knew exactly what he was doing, sucking my breast the way it should have been. He went about calmly licking my areola, gently squeezing my tit before sucking on my puffed up nipple. He knew his way around my body and knew how each caress, each kiss, each lick and each suck would evoke a different reaction from me. He knew every curve and contour of my body, having seen, touched and tasted it so many times before.
I gently placed my hand behind Gurnam's head, silently encouraging him. Pappu raised my right arm and moved his mouth to my underarm. I heard him take a deep breath, inhaling my scent and exhaling loudly in satisfaction. He dragged his tongue up along the length of my underarm and then all the way down.
I shivered and giggled a little at being tickled. Pappu again settled on my breast and resumed sucking it as hungrily as before.
Gurnam cupped my pussy and rubbed my clit sending a jolt up my spine. Pappu's hand too found my butt and caressed, squeezed and slapped it a few times. Two large pairs of hands were roaming freely on my body. I felt violated and aroused at the same time.
Violated, because two filthy low class men were playing with my body; one whom I had taken as a lover and the other, just a random guy who came out of nowhere just a few hours ago and was now enjoying the pleasures of my luscious naked body. I was aroused from these very facts and also that, two mouths and two pairs of hands were leaving no part of my body untouched.
Gurnam gently pushed me back and I fell on the bed. The two men stood right in front of me and started undressing. Here too, the things were different. Gurnam calmly shed his clothes and
Pappu dressed down as if his clothes were on fire. But however were their methods, they stood naked in front of me in a matter of seconds.
My eyes locked onto both their cocks as they dangled in front of me, erect and ready for action. I looked up at Pappu, checking out his naked body.
Pappu was a large guy but I wouldn't call him fat. He was a hefty, well built guy unlike Gurnam who had a chiseled, pumped up body. Pappu's large arms and forearms must have lifted a lot of weight in their time and their strength was evident. The only thing wrong about Pappu was his stomach; large and round from years of drinking and bad eating habits. A very hairy body made him look like a bear.
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The New Car -bdrew86 - Continued - by Gulfansa - 28-08-2023, 02:44 PM
RE: The New Car -bdrew86 - Continued - by sri7869 - 28-08-2023, 08:53 PM
RE: The New Car -bdrew86 - Continued - by xtremex - 29-08-2023, 01:05 AM
RE: The New Car -bdrew86 - Continued - by sri7869 - 29-08-2023, 02:11 PM
RE: The New Car -bdrew86 - Continued - by ViniMav - 29-08-2023, 06:09 PM
RE: The New Car -bdrew86 - Continued - by Mampi - 01-09-2023, 09:27 PM
RE: The New Car -bdrew86 - Continued - by sri7869 - 02-09-2023, 12:29 PM
RE: The New Car -bdrew86 - Continued - by Gulfansa - 20-02-2025, 04:00 AM

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