13-02-2025, 01:33 PM
(13-02-2025, 12:04 PM)Harry Jordan Wrote: Like I said I am somewhat fine by Kunal's characterization and his reasoning. Its natural , he is heartbroken and in anger so there is justification to his action. And please I don't want Kunal to ruin Esha's life himself or anything. At this point , my expectation in this story is just Kunal to become the hero in this story , become the trump card in Priya's game and beat her in her own turf and expose her to Esha. That is definitely my expectation , as for Esha and Kunal finding closure. I believe on a story line perspective not on character based one , that Esha will have to live a long term consequences for her actions. And in a way the story has already set those consequences up with how she has an ailing father and a young Aditya to raise alone. Her father dying from her actions would be the start of her emotional turmoil , then its pretty obvious Aditya's childhood is in pretty danger considering he is young and he will be going to his educational place and when the news about the details regarding Esha and Kunal's divorce become public , things might start to get a bit unease for him in his place of education. Esha will be forced to face the blunt of it since society will definitely paint her as a slut and if we are considering Aniket's rich status and him being much older than Esha , she also fills the qualification of a Gold Digger. She will basically be Kareena Kapoor but with decent behavior
Lol you are too filmy as you often mention about your theory....Her father death is anticipated but I doubt it will happen, Maybe don't know lets see. As for Kid growing up to get ridiculed , common he is 4 yrs old, by the time he understand and goes to coll and gets bullied, this thing is a past. No one cares in society esp in big cities , divorces are so common that your revenge arc and redemption arc might be too cheeky, But for you I will hope this story shows it haha...
As for her regrets , I don't know , maybe I am not convinced by the wordings or its the duality of her situation. At times she feels regrets and then the next moment she is a sexual slave for Aniket acting all submissive towards him. These kinds of actions make me believe that Kunal is actually being saved from a terrible woman to be honest considering the amount of submission she does for Aniket. And what's ironic is Priya manipulated her with the concept of "feminism" to entire Esha to go towards Aniket and now she is behaving like a common slut for him. Don't forget Aniket had a desire to impregnate Esha because he had a fantasy to drink her breast milk. We still don't know how much Aniket's story has any feeling or genuiness. He ruined a marriage to get his woman , what is stopping him to seek another woman to fullfill his sexual desires. After all he is a rich man , and even old for that matter. For now I will reserve my judgement regarding Aniket because there is still a lot of blank spaces regarding him.
She is in love with Aniket now, she feels now its her duty to give pleasure to him so least she could do was bj. Anyways it was still out of place with so much going one, I would blame author to write ridiculously unrealistic again. I do not agree Aniket planned to ruin her marriage, It was again loose writing from author to make facilitator openly plan their meetings and these two like some sheep lost from a herd go into cabin to spend nights. Both know that Priya is organizing these parties to get them together but they get tempted to see each other and meet each other. I feel the passion and bonding that is needed to take such a step to meet despite getting second chances from Kunal seem unrealistic. Most of the stories at this juncture plan something unplanned, impromptu meeting and circumstances that lead to meeting but to make Priya villain, author made Aniket and Esha brainless.
As for the Kunal ending , I definitely believe that he will get his due. Considering how much he is involved now this is his prime moment for that matter. He is going to be the one who breaks the game and give Priya the punishment she deserves. In all honesty , the only character with whom I really wish death as a punishment is indeed Priya. And it should not be a quick one , she deserves a brutal death for her actions. Although I don't want Kunal to be directly responsible for it , just completely break Priya's spirit and mentality and send her spiralling to her end. And then bring closure to his equation with Esha and remove her importance in his life. Be a dutiful co parent and focus more on Aditya's well being. Because in all honesty , considering if we take a time leap for the story in the epilogue , A grown up Aditya would consider spending more time with his father since he will realize the mistake Esha did. Because lets be clear , I don't want Esha punished by Kunal , but her consequences should not give her a life of full on happiness. Let her have a good life with Aniket and this new baby , but she will forever be living with the wounds of her former marriage and witnessing an older Aditya preferring his father over his mother. And believe me RCF , I ain't arguing with you about that. I mean we both kind of want the same thing for Kunal's ending and that is for him to be a victor , and he will. Only difference is I want his victory to be more prepostorous than a simple one.
My prediction is Priya will suffer consequences for some time but Kunal will forgive her and Kunal & Priya will become pair at the end lol
Wild guess but I think its in the realm of possibility.