13-02-2025, 11:12 AM
(13-02-2025, 08:37 AM)Harry Jordan Wrote: .....
I don't personally think that Kunal is a wimp in this story , not once. But on a literary note , I found Kunal's character to be a cliche. The usual husband who looses everything rhetoric. But now his character is getting some fresh makeover with him getting pushed to find the truth where now his dynamic changes.
In fact, it’s not cliché anymore, accepting that his wife is a cheater and now she has fallen in love with another man is fresh thought and innovative than running around hurt and trying to make his wife suffer, By accepting this fact that his wife though cheated him badly, but craved something more than what was available in their marriage is definitely not cliché , By Kunal accepting that and making peace with it, if readers would think him as a wimp, then it’s a perspective of individual reader. In fact him standing on his own and taking divorce from his wife itself shows he has moved on from his wife despite getting hurt, he is not willing to stand and let his wife continue her relationship with Aniket, there lies his victory and I don’t know why you are not satisfied with that simple stand taken by a husband…I guess your relief comes from a fact that Esha has to suffer and face consequences to a larger scale to be able to justify the satisfaction for a husband who got cheated. I can understand that, but I feel Esha’s woes have almost over unless she fails to conceive her unborn kid or loses custody to Aditya, it’s time for Priya to face consequences more than Esha.
For him , Aditya will be his son and he will love him and care for him as a single parent but he will never accept a cordial relation with Esha because it will be foolish to approach that kind of relation considering the magnitude of cheating that she has done to Kunal.
Do you think Kunal will have a choice, He has to follow court’s order and have to be cordial in maintaining the join custody of Aditya. No matter how bad Esha did to Kunal, she is still Aditya’s mother and thinking this only from her standpoint is not correct. Aditya craves her a lot and it will leave significant impact if he loses his mother, so there won’t be much choice for Kunal but to accept joint parenting. Alternative is to leave Aditya to Esha for ever and move on, which I doubt Kunal will ever be able to do it. Losing him after losing his wife would be very difficult to endure.
Definitely we agree to disagree, from your point I get it you are satisfied as long as the man isn't a wimp and makes the right decision. But in my point of view, I cannot see it to be the best approach for the character to be limited in that sense. I would always prefer a character showing some improvements based on their failures and tries to be better in the future. Not have the failures in their life to be just a bad memory but a means of motivation to do better , adapt and evolve. I don't believe Kunal should have an amicable relation with Esha because it will negate his character development now , because that would mean he is willing to forgive her.
Why do you think Kunal character needs improvement? He has done nothing wrong; he is not someone who is badly performing in bed, nor does he ignore his duties as husband or father, then why do you think there needs to be room for improvements and He did not cause the failure of his marriage so him leaving his wife is justifiable enough punishment for his wife with in his reach. She lost the companion who has stood with her thick and thin since their college days and she is aware of her loss and so Kunal did what he could do within his limit to punish Esha. He tried to take Aditya away but that is not in his control, not only because Law doesn’t allow it but also because he couldn’t see his son suffer the trauma of losing his mother. Also, co-parenting means it can be done by just discussing what’s needed to be done. Today, lot of couples do co parenting with out even a word between them, Kids just spend half time with mother and another half with father. So Kunal, if needs to maintain that co-parenting status, he has to set certain conversations and limit it to those as much possible. By maintaining that relationship with Esha will not negate his character development, in fact it will show Esha that despite her cheating, Kunal is perfectly alright in his life, and he is not at her mercy. The only thing that I could think that Kunal can do more to hurt Esha is to leak that there is physical relationship between client and her so she can lose her job based on morality in client vendor relationship status quo. Though I would think it’s petty for Kunal to do it and stoop to her level.
Some should have lifelong consequences , especially for Esha who still haven't shown any remorse or regrets for her actions towards Kunal and is still having her best and happy moments with Aniket.
She regrets her actions and we can see it, its not like she has to walk against a moving truck and give her life away for the deeds she has done, Its written in earlier chapters that if possible to turn time back she would not have gone into that café to meet Aniket, that shows she knows her actions and she regrets them…that’s all you can hope for in this story, esp when the person with whom she cheated is in love with her, chances of her suffering more is limited. Compare that to Meera and Prabhu, Prabhu never loved Meera..that's the difference.
I don't want Kunal to be given the "Jon Snow" treatment , where he is given this wonderful character development but then as the end comes he is reduced to a side quest with no purpose and a retarded ending for that matter. Kunal deserves the "Aragorn" treatment , he should learn from his mistakes and hurt and adapt to be better. But like I said , agree to disagree , you are fine with less dynamic for the character, but I kind of like some more for it thats all.
He will have happy ending; you just jump guns right from first chapter and seek redemption for male leads lol ...have patience

I do not agree on the outcome of game40it story but we can agree to disagree, I do not have problem with Saravanan. I do have problems with Meera, her realization, her regrets, her remorse for doing sins are all unrealistic. It’s like a switch as soon as she knows that her husband has known her cheating all along, she changes from one spectrum to another and it’s not even close to reality. Anyways, lets leave that story.