31-01-2025, 11:50 AM
I still don't understand how Esha claims she still loves Kunal in a way. Not once in her life ever since she met Aniket have she felt any kind of remorse for her actions or shown any guilt towards Kunal. The only guilty part that Esha has shown was towards Aditya. Other than that she never showed any emotion or feeling towards Kunal. She has completely removed Kunal from her mind and is dedicating the rest of her life reciprocating to Aniket's love and affection but then when Priya asks she claims she does love Kunal is kind of very hypocritical of her. If she cared , there should've been some level of guilt in her heart , but there is nothing. She doesn't even think about him , only about her son. Its that part that bothers me , I just hope Kunal gets a happy ending eventually and he gets a woman in the future that actually respects her as a person. I don't think Esha ever loved Kunal , no human can just completely forget a partner when someone else enters their life. Kunal deserves a woman that loves him unconditionally as a person and respects him. Something Esha doesn't have anymore. Esha has become everything a woman shouldn't be , an ideal woman to hate.