30-01-2025, 08:54 PM
Sparrows and Sparrowhawks – 5 (III)
Nadir ‘s Narration:
Tahir said to us, we should take on some waterproof overcoats, the ones hanging in the closet by the outside
door, instead of ours. He said turning to Meena,” We don’t like that our beautiful lady, gets sick,” he smiled at
her., who seriously looked as he spoke. She nodded. No doubt he was giving us and especially, Meena a good
advice, but I knew what had to be on his mind as he was saying that. I stood up and followed Meena to the door.
Then I noticed Tahir came after. Outside, in the corridor, there was a wardrobe and Tahir opened it and got two
thick, waterproof overcoats. He gave me one, and helped Meena put on the other one. Tahir adjusting it for her,
pulling down on it as she said, “Thank you, Tahir, you are so caring, you are a gentleman,”.
Tahir answered,”, not for everyone but for such a pretty girl, always...,” and winked.
"Oh, thanks, my protector, my dear Tahir." Meena thanked her again, while giving him a kiss gesture.
"Don't mention it, dearest. You want to be sure that you can keep the essentials dry even if you
don't think you'll be going far. It's easy for anyone to turned around out there, and we noticed the
gear you two brought wasn't made for extended exposure to moisture."
"Yes, but we had to go out and walk some minutes. She needs the daily exercise, but at least
some walking."
"I do not, I am fit, but you!" she said, said with a grin.
"I think I believe her," Tahir said, "But you better be in charge of route. You know how women are
with directions."
"Uh! Tahir!" she whined, placing her hands on her hips.
"Not you, sorry I forgot that how intelligent and smart you are for a sweet girl, do you forgive me?", Tahir said and
winked to Meena, then turned and said to me,” This sweet lady professor is the smart one of the bunch here…”.
"See?" Meena looked at me and said, "Tahir knows I'm completely capable." I smiled at Meena.
Then she turned to Tahir, "For once you are forgiven. Next time you'll pay for it.", she replies and smiled.
"Yes, gladly, everything..., I'll give you everything...“ and smiled back.
I pulled her to me. Tahir watched us hug, and I looked at him as I planted a kiss
on Meena's ear and jabbed her back. With a laugh and a yelp she jumped back into Tahir, turning
to look up at him as he braced her with his arms.
"Oops, sorry," she laughed, as he held her back out at arm’s length.
Meena sent him kissed him again and said, "Better that we get going before things get
"Yes, I understand," Tahir said, looking over her upper back if her short overcoat, and seemingly resting
his gaze on her Backside and ass.
"Thanks," Meena replied, at first innocently, but then not so sure because of his stare.
We walked to the door. I followed he as we walked out and once again Meena pointed out loud
enough for Tahir to hear that only one of us knew how to find the way probably wasn't me. She
looked back and Tahir nodded in agreement headed outside.
"Thanks again, Tahir," Meena said over her shoulder. "If he comes back without me don't let him
"And if you come back without me?" I said under my breath.
"Nadir!" Meena muttered, looking back again to see if Tahir heard me before the door shut.
"Thanks, Meena," I said as we headed up the trail.
"For what?"
"Talking with them. Letting Tahir help you."
"Oh I didn't mind. Besides, he helped us out I think," she said, pointing the low cloud cover.
We had told the men we had only be gone a while. The wind wasn't so bad but the rain or sleet
was certainly coming down soon again and so were the temps. After half an hour or so we
decided to head back. Because the weather was getting worse and rainy, it took us a little longer
to reach the house.
We arrived not long after Tahir and Farzan had been out again and back. Tahir was tying up his
boots and Farzan was just coming inside from a bath. Soaked again, Meena and I went in our
room to take-off what was wet and put on dry socks and shirts. Meena had still her long johns
Farzan and Tahir were looking over at us as we came back, sitting near the fireplace and talking
quietly. We sat down on the sofa again. Meena looked up and saw them staring.
Tahir asked whether we want to get closer to the fire. Meena looked at mebut then said, “No,
thanks, the room is hot enough,”.
She looked at the window. "It's getting dark, though it is just half past three,", she said looking
back at them. "Ugh, I know I had one earlier but I'm kind of sweaty, so I'm going to take another
bath. You don't mind, do you?"
"'Of course not, young lady,", Tahir replied.
"Okay," she said, exhaling and holding her bag up to her chest.
I watched her walk by the men.
As she passed, Tahir reached for her hand and Meena stopped. He just looked up at her. Meena
turned to me and I shot her a look of uncertainty, letting her know to go with it for the moment.
Farzan sat silently on the other side of her. Tahir let go of Meena's hand, still looking up at her.
She smiled nervously and walked past them to the door, opening it slowly as she looked at all of
us, and then stepped out. I didn't know what to make of it, but I was turned on. Since all he did
was touch her hand, I decided to play undecided and not make anything out of it. But I was on
fire imagining what Meena was thinking.
Tahir and Farzan were talking again, and I didn't want to bother them, so I got a cup of coffee and
sat there pretending to look over a horse club magazine. but thinking about what had just
happened. Things had been nice and chummy earlier. Even Meena seemed comfortable talking
with our two friends and joking around. But now at once they and primarily Tahir, seemed less
concerned with being sociable and it made me very curious but also a little cautious as to what
they were thinking.
Meena stayed out even longer this time, and I was just about to check on her when the door
opened slowly. I pretended not to notice and went about keeping my head buried in the journal,
stealing quick glances across the room.
Meena stepped in, looking around before quietly shutting the door behind her. She appeared
relaxed from her bath and was once again sexy as ever in her now almost dry pair of form-fitting long
underwear and a towel wrapped around her head.
The two men sat and watched quietly. As she walked between them Farzan reached up and
placed a hand on Meena's stomach. His fingers were spread wide and his hand covered her
abdomen. She stopped with a barely audible "oh."
"Did, I...um," she stuttered. Meena was extremely nervous. The fire crackled in the background
as she searched for words. "I'm sorry," she said uncertainly and quickly, "I shut, I left something
out there? Is that why..." She looked at me for help.
I held a finger up to my mouth. Meena looked down at Farzan's hand as it rose and fell under her
She looked nervously down to Tahir. He slowly reached up behind Meena, placing a hand on the
back of her knee and running it up her thigh.
"Uhh…" she murmured weakly. "Um...I have to..."
The two men sat and watched quietly. As she walked between them Farzan reached up and
placed a hand on Meena's stomach. His fingers were spread wide and his hand covered her
abdomen. She stopped with a barely audible "oh."
"Did, I...um," she stuttered. Meena was extremely nervous. The fire crackled in the background
as she searched for words. "I'm sorry," she said uncertainly and quickly, "I shut, I left something
out there? Is that why..." She looked at me for help.
I held a finger up to my mouth. Meena looked down at Farzan's hand as it rose and fell under her
She looked nervously down to Tahir. He slowly reached up behind Meena, placing a hand on the
back of her knee and running it up her thigh.
"Uhh…" she murmured weakly. "Um...I have to..."
Tahir's hand made its way up to the bottom of Meena's ass and her legs buckled. She placed a
hand on Farzan's shoulder to steady herself and my cock twitched.
Meena's eyes closed as she swayed back. It felt like it was happening in slow motion. My chest
was tight and my palms were sweaty. My mouth hung open but no sound came out.
Meena's eyes opened and she stared right at me. They closed again when Tahir's hand appeared
in front between her legs. He gripped her inner thigh, and she whimpered. I was standing now.
Farzan slowly pulled his hand away and Meena staggered forward. She caught her balance and
murmured something else nervously and slowly stepped away. She picked up her pace and
walked over to me and hugged me.
"Oh, my God," she said as we embraced.
"What did he say to you?" I asked quietly as I looked at Tahir and Farzan.
Just then we heard a Noise. The men were both standing, not saying anything. Just staring at
"Nadir?" she said, looking up at me. I leaned and wrapped my arms around her.
"Baby, everything okay… I am here…" I whispered in her ear.
Now the two were talking. At least Tahir was. He whispered something while his eyes were fixed
on us, and Farzan nodded.
Visions of Farzan's hand on Meena's stomach flashed through my mind. I imagined him and
Tahir towering over Meena's washed and wet body. I imagined her looking up at them as they
licked their lips. I envisioned Meena's towel-covered head jerking around as they fucked her all
over the room.
"Are we okay?" Meena said in a hushed voice.
"I think so. They like us." I said, pulling her close to me.
"You mean me," Meena said. "Oh, Nadir, hold me. Tighter, okay?"
Tahir and Farzan were looking at me. I could sense a determination in their eyes, and they looked
at my wife in my arms. Meena followed my gaze over her shoulder.
"Oh my," she exhaled. I could hear her breathing as she stared back at them.
I leaned forward and whispered to her as she looked back at the men. I sensed that she felt dizzy
in my arms and looked at me.
"… trust our friends, give them just a little chance, you know they like you…" I added.
Meena stared at me for a long moment. Then, slowly, she pushed against me and slipped back,
pushing out her long-underwear-covered ass and put her feet straight to maintain balance.
She gave me a questioning look. I gulped and swallowed.
Tahir and Farzan were looking at me. I could sense a determination in their eyes, and they looked
at my wife in my arms. Meena followed my gaze over her shoulder.
"Oh my," she exhaled. I could hear her breathing as she stared back at them.
I leaned forward and whispered to her as she looked back at the men. I sensed that she felt dizzy
in my arms and looked at me.
"… trust our friends, give them just a little chance, you know they like you…" I added.
Meena stared at me for a long moment. Then, slowly, she pushed against me and slipped back,
pushing out her long-underwear-covered ass and put her feet straight to maintain balance.
She gave me a questioning look. I gulped and swallowed.
“Yes, relax, give them a chance, they are friends and don't be afraid, I'm here...," I said.
Meena hesitated, then, slowly pushed her ass out even more, and looking back at the men. From
I could imagine the incredibly erotic prospect of my wife’s backside and ass, that the two of
them now have.
"God… Yes baby," I murmured. "That's... good."
To be continued...
Nadir ‘s Narration:
Tahir said to us, we should take on some waterproof overcoats, the ones hanging in the closet by the outside
door, instead of ours. He said turning to Meena,” We don’t like that our beautiful lady, gets sick,” he smiled at
her., who seriously looked as he spoke. She nodded. No doubt he was giving us and especially, Meena a good
advice, but I knew what had to be on his mind as he was saying that. I stood up and followed Meena to the door.
Then I noticed Tahir came after. Outside, in the corridor, there was a wardrobe and Tahir opened it and got two
thick, waterproof overcoats. He gave me one, and helped Meena put on the other one. Tahir adjusting it for her,
pulling down on it as she said, “Thank you, Tahir, you are so caring, you are a gentleman,”.
Tahir answered,”, not for everyone but for such a pretty girl, always...,” and winked.
"Oh, thanks, my protector, my dear Tahir." Meena thanked her again, while giving him a kiss gesture.
"Don't mention it, dearest. You want to be sure that you can keep the essentials dry even if you
don't think you'll be going far. It's easy for anyone to turned around out there, and we noticed the
gear you two brought wasn't made for extended exposure to moisture."
"Yes, but we had to go out and walk some minutes. She needs the daily exercise, but at least
some walking."
"I do not, I am fit, but you!" she said, said with a grin.
"I think I believe her," Tahir said, "But you better be in charge of route. You know how women are
with directions."
"Uh! Tahir!" she whined, placing her hands on her hips.
"Not you, sorry I forgot that how intelligent and smart you are for a sweet girl, do you forgive me?", Tahir said and
winked to Meena, then turned and said to me,” This sweet lady professor is the smart one of the bunch here…”.
"See?" Meena looked at me and said, "Tahir knows I'm completely capable." I smiled at Meena.
Then she turned to Tahir, "For once you are forgiven. Next time you'll pay for it.", she replies and smiled.
"Yes, gladly, everything..., I'll give you everything...“ and smiled back.
I pulled her to me. Tahir watched us hug, and I looked at him as I planted a kiss
on Meena's ear and jabbed her back. With a laugh and a yelp she jumped back into Tahir, turning
to look up at him as he braced her with his arms.
"Oops, sorry," she laughed, as he held her back out at arm’s length.
Meena sent him kissed him again and said, "Better that we get going before things get
"Yes, I understand," Tahir said, looking over her upper back if her short overcoat, and seemingly resting
his gaze on her Backside and ass.
"Thanks," Meena replied, at first innocently, but then not so sure because of his stare.
We walked to the door. I followed he as we walked out and once again Meena pointed out loud
enough for Tahir to hear that only one of us knew how to find the way probably wasn't me. She
looked back and Tahir nodded in agreement headed outside.
"Thanks again, Tahir," Meena said over her shoulder. "If he comes back without me don't let him
"And if you come back without me?" I said under my breath.
"Nadir!" Meena muttered, looking back again to see if Tahir heard me before the door shut.
"Thanks, Meena," I said as we headed up the trail.
"For what?"
"Talking with them. Letting Tahir help you."
"Oh I didn't mind. Besides, he helped us out I think," she said, pointing the low cloud cover.
We had told the men we had only be gone a while. The wind wasn't so bad but the rain or sleet
was certainly coming down soon again and so were the temps. After half an hour or so we
decided to head back. Because the weather was getting worse and rainy, it took us a little longer
to reach the house.
We arrived not long after Tahir and Farzan had been out again and back. Tahir was tying up his
boots and Farzan was just coming inside from a bath. Soaked again, Meena and I went in our
room to take-off what was wet and put on dry socks and shirts. Meena had still her long johns
Farzan and Tahir were looking over at us as we came back, sitting near the fireplace and talking
quietly. We sat down on the sofa again. Meena looked up and saw them staring.
Tahir asked whether we want to get closer to the fire. Meena looked at mebut then said, “No,
thanks, the room is hot enough,”.
She looked at the window. "It's getting dark, though it is just half past three,", she said looking
back at them. "Ugh, I know I had one earlier but I'm kind of sweaty, so I'm going to take another
bath. You don't mind, do you?"
"'Of course not, young lady,", Tahir replied.
"Okay," she said, exhaling and holding her bag up to her chest.
I watched her walk by the men.
As she passed, Tahir reached for her hand and Meena stopped. He just looked up at her. Meena
turned to me and I shot her a look of uncertainty, letting her know to go with it for the moment.
Farzan sat silently on the other side of her. Tahir let go of Meena's hand, still looking up at her.
She smiled nervously and walked past them to the door, opening it slowly as she looked at all of
us, and then stepped out. I didn't know what to make of it, but I was turned on. Since all he did
was touch her hand, I decided to play undecided and not make anything out of it. But I was on
fire imagining what Meena was thinking.
Tahir and Farzan were talking again, and I didn't want to bother them, so I got a cup of coffee and
sat there pretending to look over a horse club magazine. but thinking about what had just
happened. Things had been nice and chummy earlier. Even Meena seemed comfortable talking
with our two friends and joking around. But now at once they and primarily Tahir, seemed less
concerned with being sociable and it made me very curious but also a little cautious as to what
they were thinking.
Meena stayed out even longer this time, and I was just about to check on her when the door
opened slowly. I pretended not to notice and went about keeping my head buried in the journal,
stealing quick glances across the room.
Meena stepped in, looking around before quietly shutting the door behind her. She appeared
relaxed from her bath and was once again sexy as ever in her now almost dry pair of form-fitting long
underwear and a towel wrapped around her head.
The two men sat and watched quietly. As she walked between them Farzan reached up and
placed a hand on Meena's stomach. His fingers were spread wide and his hand covered her
abdomen. She stopped with a barely audible "oh."
"Did, I...um," she stuttered. Meena was extremely nervous. The fire crackled in the background
as she searched for words. "I'm sorry," she said uncertainly and quickly, "I shut, I left something
out there? Is that why..." She looked at me for help.
I held a finger up to my mouth. Meena looked down at Farzan's hand as it rose and fell under her
She looked nervously down to Tahir. He slowly reached up behind Meena, placing a hand on the
back of her knee and running it up her thigh.
"Uhh…" she murmured weakly. "Um...I have to..."
The two men sat and watched quietly. As she walked between them Farzan reached up and
placed a hand on Meena's stomach. His fingers were spread wide and his hand covered her
abdomen. She stopped with a barely audible "oh."
"Did, I...um," she stuttered. Meena was extremely nervous. The fire crackled in the background
as she searched for words. "I'm sorry," she said uncertainly and quickly, "I shut, I left something
out there? Is that why..." She looked at me for help.
I held a finger up to my mouth. Meena looked down at Farzan's hand as it rose and fell under her
She looked nervously down to Tahir. He slowly reached up behind Meena, placing a hand on the
back of her knee and running it up her thigh.
"Uhh…" she murmured weakly. "Um...I have to..."
Tahir's hand made its way up to the bottom of Meena's ass and her legs buckled. She placed a
hand on Farzan's shoulder to steady herself and my cock twitched.
Meena's eyes closed as she swayed back. It felt like it was happening in slow motion. My chest
was tight and my palms were sweaty. My mouth hung open but no sound came out.
Meena's eyes opened and she stared right at me. They closed again when Tahir's hand appeared
in front between her legs. He gripped her inner thigh, and she whimpered. I was standing now.
Farzan slowly pulled his hand away and Meena staggered forward. She caught her balance and
murmured something else nervously and slowly stepped away. She picked up her pace and
walked over to me and hugged me.
"Oh, my God," she said as we embraced.
"What did he say to you?" I asked quietly as I looked at Tahir and Farzan.
Just then we heard a Noise. The men were both standing, not saying anything. Just staring at
"Nadir?" she said, looking up at me. I leaned and wrapped my arms around her.
"Baby, everything okay… I am here…" I whispered in her ear.
Now the two were talking. At least Tahir was. He whispered something while his eyes were fixed
on us, and Farzan nodded.
Visions of Farzan's hand on Meena's stomach flashed through my mind. I imagined him and
Tahir towering over Meena's washed and wet body. I imagined her looking up at them as they
licked their lips. I envisioned Meena's towel-covered head jerking around as they fucked her all
over the room.
"Are we okay?" Meena said in a hushed voice.
"I think so. They like us." I said, pulling her close to me.
"You mean me," Meena said. "Oh, Nadir, hold me. Tighter, okay?"
Tahir and Farzan were looking at me. I could sense a determination in their eyes, and they looked
at my wife in my arms. Meena followed my gaze over her shoulder.
"Oh my," she exhaled. I could hear her breathing as she stared back at them.
I leaned forward and whispered to her as she looked back at the men. I sensed that she felt dizzy
in my arms and looked at me.
"… trust our friends, give them just a little chance, you know they like you…" I added.
Meena stared at me for a long moment. Then, slowly, she pushed against me and slipped back,
pushing out her long-underwear-covered ass and put her feet straight to maintain balance.
She gave me a questioning look. I gulped and swallowed.
Tahir and Farzan were looking at me. I could sense a determination in their eyes, and they looked
at my wife in my arms. Meena followed my gaze over her shoulder.
"Oh my," she exhaled. I could hear her breathing as she stared back at them.
I leaned forward and whispered to her as she looked back at the men. I sensed that she felt dizzy
in my arms and looked at me.
"… trust our friends, give them just a little chance, you know they like you…" I added.
Meena stared at me for a long moment. Then, slowly, she pushed against me and slipped back,
pushing out her long-underwear-covered ass and put her feet straight to maintain balance.
She gave me a questioning look. I gulped and swallowed.
“Yes, relax, give them a chance, they are friends and don't be afraid, I'm here...," I said.
Meena hesitated, then, slowly pushed her ass out even more, and looking back at the men. From
I could imagine the incredibly erotic prospect of my wife’s backside and ass, that the two of
them now have.
"God… Yes baby," I murmured. "That's... good."
To be continued...