28-01-2025, 12:00 PM
(28-01-2025, 04:09 AM)RCF Wrote: Some answers and some misunderstandings!
1. Yes, when I said Catalyst , its more towards push in one's mind rather than legalize or conscience related.
2. Why would it unsettle Nadir if you agree that you like some one physically? In fact he has been prodding Meena to be open and talk about her desires. Also confess not only means something fraudulent, when some one is hesitant to openly talk or embarrassed or feeling shy also comes into this category though more precisely or usually used for crimes yes but here which is not what I meant.
3. When I say bond, it doesn't mean love or sex. Its a connection and nothing to do with emotional or physical to an extent that should be considered as cheating. I do not know why you get defensive every time some one asks a question to understand something. Did I mention anywhere in my comment that Meena is falling in love with Jalal? Or Did I mention anywhere that bond means its cheating Nadir? I went and read that part again, I felt there is a connection between Meena and Jalal if you notice what they shared even in theater or their conversations have been intimate when in library but its still a bond of some sort. Maybe it came from a fact that Jalal loved her and she is trying not to upset him so she was dealing it softly but my comments are always misconstrued in wrong way lol, no need for that.
4. Understood
5. I do not think my statement is wrong. I did mean the same thing what you were saying about physical reactions. When I was saying she got carried away my meaning was she let go herself into physical reactions for what Jalal was doing. Nadir was not involved and yes he mentioned that to see if we can set the play field but the meetings went overboard. Meena was always conscious not to indulge in sex but she was also not planning for a heavy kiss and was also not planning Jalal would touch her between the legs and make her lose herself. Nothing is planned with Nadir but it happened and that's exactly I was referring to getting carried away from the initial plan. I was not judging it to be wrong. I was saying I felt it to be different with Jalal compared to others. Please read my statement again.
7. Lol misunderstanding again. Did I say Meena is unfaithful? So if you see a lumberjack and you find him desirable then does it mean unfaithful? No right. Then if you come and tell Nadir that I find him sexy would that mean unfaithful? I was saying same thing that Nadir might want Meena to express such opinions and it could be sexy for him. Maybe Nadir can clarify he doesn't like if Meena tells such a way but I just felt from the story that he likes her to open up and talk about her desires.
Meena speaking:
If you read my points, you'll notice that I've already 'confessed' (as you mean the word).
I really enjoy sex, but I have no bond with anybody, except him, Nadir, even sexually and physically.
We, me and Nadir, are like a team in the field, and work like a team, if you want to hear it that way, and I've never formed a team - not even a bond - with anyone else, not with Jalal and not even my uncle, Mansi. The men (who were mostly for me attractive and desireable) have come and gone, some for one night and some for several, but in the end it was just a physical coming together to achieve the goal of this team, namely to experience passion and pleasure and satisfaction.
He is the team captain and I "enjoy" firstly my physical pleasure and climax - is this a confession for you?! - and secondly I get even greater satisfaction through his satisfaction with me and the work of the others, which satisfies me twice as much. Yes for sure I have more fun with one or other of these companions and players (I admitted previously that may be even more physical satisfaction than with Nadir, sometimes), and sometimes less.
In this sense, yes, I admit that I like doing it.
By the way, I have often said and admitted that I find another man sexy and desireable, that is not the point, my point is that I have not formed any other individual BOND with tany one of these men who I found sexy or attractive, except in bed! I mean for sure I enjoy my sexual activities with others, and he knows it.
I want to try to create a balance through my "deeds" and my "words", what I do and what I say, without endangering anything!
P.S.: I choose my sentences and words perhaps too direct and sometimes harsh, forgive me, but I am not and certainly not hurt and certainly do not feel insulted, especially you as a careful and interested reader and critic (in a positive sense) and analyst, here in this portal I like very much! (but no hope, we do not form a BOND!)

Have a nice time,