26-01-2025, 09:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 27-01-2025, 01:17 AM by Salir. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
Sparrows and Sparrowhawks – 4
Nadir’s Narration:
The next few days and weeks went by without any notable events. The Asian couple moved in at
the weekend and Tahir helped them. But they said straight away that they had rented a small
apartment for the next month and would be moving out after two weeks. In the meantime, Tahir
came to help them three times. Tahir invited us to dinner twice with the Asian couple for our
hospitality. Farzan was there once, too.
Tahir was very friendly and kind to Meena at all of these meetings. I often noticed that he tried to
Be near to her and help her at every opportunity. Making coffee, clearing the table, but never trying
to make any advances towards her.
On Sunday, two weeks after their arrival, the Asian couple settled into their new apartment.
At the evening, Tahir and Farzan were with us, and we ordered pizza. We were all tired and both
of them had drunk a few bottles of beer.
They wanted to drive to Farzan overnight and rest there. Meena insisted that since they were both
a bit drunk, they should stay in our guesthouse, which was now empty and they did that.
Later when both went to rest, Meena wanted to tidy up the kitchen and I went to my study. I
wanted to delete the unnecessary daytime recordings from my camera.
By chance I checked the camera at the guest house and saw both of them undressing and lying
down on the bed. I wanted to get out, but I heard Farzan shortly, "and do you think you have a
chance with her?" That made me curious.
At first I had no idea who they were talking about. At this moment I heard Meena coming up the
stairs. I called her through the open door and when she was with me, I showed her the monitor,
without saying anything. She stood behind my chair and leaned against it, and watched.
Tahir answered to Farzan, "You know, as a fifty-seven year old man, who has no family, but a
highly active hormone glands I am not far too old even for young woman. Yes, I should consider,
her social and private situation, this will be not so easy like Sara. This girl is married, and his
husband is a friend,”. I glanced briefly at Meena who was was leaning directly against the back of
my chair and I could feel her breathing on the hair on my head and winked. She smiled back und
contiued curiously to watch the screen.
Tahir continued, “, but I know that she has an eye on me, and she knows that I have an eye on
her. I am sure, she is not opposed to it, I will not give up,”.
I whispered, “Apparently something is going on without my knowledge..." and looked at Meena
smiling. She gently tapped my shoulder and said, "shhh, I want to hear more,"
Tahir spoke further, ““I do not want to start a sentimental relationship with her. You know that is not
my thing, but I am not interested in sentimentality and love and so on... But when I see her and
smell her, I get the feeling that she, her body wants it, more... More than what she shows.
Just imagine. Our stupid, trusting friend, Jalal, thought that because he had money, he could own
a pearl or a diamond and take her with him as a wife. She is in a relationship, and she loves her
boy. I wouldn't have done something like that and gone far, even if she were free,”.
Farzen was already in his bed, which was a half of meter away from Tahir's bed. He turned to him
and said, "And you think she'll let a farmer like you in her bed, or even in her bedroom?" and
he laughed. I laughed too and looked at Meena who was seriously listening, with a grin.
Tahir showed him his cock, which was already noticeable despite his underwear, and said, “Fat,
old farmer or Brad Pitt, it is not crucial, the main thing is self-confidence and a well-functioning
engine! Want to bet?" and winked.
“No, no bet! I know you don't give up and who knows, she is very nice and looks like she knows
the lines between loyalty and love in one side and joy, pleasure and passion in other side
well! I already found that out between her sentences. You know that I can read secrets between
sentences!", and added,” Maybe someday, I’ll have a chance, too…”, and giggled, then added,
“, you know, I don't believe that Jalal could achieve some point... He had a good chance but, he
passed and spoiled,".
Tahir spoke, “And about you… I am not not a jealous type... If you can manage that, okay, if she
opens the door for us both or only for you, that's fine. I don't want everything just for myself. I am
not so selfish, and I believe everyone has a right to what they earn. I personally, want to give
pleasure, joy and fun, and above all to have some fun myself too, as long as the other side desires
and likes it, and as long as intents and wants it,”, “Afterwards, if the other side doesn't want to or
can't or has simply had enough, then I accept it and say thank you, it was nice and goodbye... the
main thing is that two had or have fun, for some time, which can be short or long.”, “You know me
after so many years, and you know that I am not a man forever, I cannot be a life partner for a
woman, I demand that from the other person too. That is my decision for my life, and I want it
accepted. I love my autonomy and my independence, like I am, a bear, otherwise I will not intrude
in another one’s life. ", "You know the problem with Sara. She is somebody who seeks not support,
which I can give her, at any case and moment, and I’ll do it, but she seeks in addition dependence,
which I don’t want… I am not sure how is our relation’s future. I am not optimistic about it,”,
” Now about Meena… This hot girl, I don't love her, I do not know love at all, I love just
my dogs, my animals and my ranch and my trees… I do not give them away and I do not like to
miss them.”,
“I do not want a woman to be owned by me, just as little as I want to belong to a woman or anyone
or anything. At least not over the times as we are together, and even this not always. Yes, I
admire her beauty, her youth, her body, those tits, that ass and those legs make me curious,
anxious, hot and erect! And I would like to know them all, to feel them all closer, but I don't love
her, I would like to make love with her, if you want a straight answer,", “But at most her cuteness,
her gentle flirting, her voice, her aroma and that all… She is most feminine person I have seen in
my long life, and you know I have seen some!”.
"And what are you planning to do? How are you going to proceed, you lonely bear?" Farzan
"Nothing special I plan; I'm not pushing or pulling her or anybody else... I'm Tahir to her and to
them both, as always. We are friends, I hope, with her and her husband. They are very good and
pleasant people and I don't want to spoil and ruin our relationship to satisfy my physical desires,
I'm not ready for that and I won't be ever. I don't want to hurt either of them or one of them and
endanger our friendship or lose them as friends. I will never change the natural things, in my
life. You know me, I leave it to nature, like everything else in my life. I can't and won't try to
change the course of the water, this is what normally people do and that doesn't help and often
ends in disaster.", “If nature decides so, that's very good, if not, that's fine too, and believe me,
that's the best way. If we let the water flow where it wants in its natural course, when it finds us,
we'll also take a sip, and our thirst will be satisfied,”
Farzan said, “Mitra, her friend is also an interesting woman, I thought about inviting her to dinner,
we often meet in the Palace of Justice. But somehow, she is cold. You get the impression that she
is not interested in a relationship."
"Yes, she is definitely good in bed but as you say, there are no signals from her, she is simply not
interested, you can tell. She is cold in that respect, as you say, in contrast to Meena, she is hot...".
I turned off the computer and turned to her, "what do you say, baby...", I asked Meena, as I stood
up. She shrugged her shoulders, smiled but said nothing.
When we were in bed after brushing our teeth, before she turned off the light, she talked,
“First, I must say I am highly positively impressed by Tahir. I have always liked him and considered
him to be an uncomplicated, decent, natural guy. Well, I find now his philosophical side incredibly
positive. I like him more than before; I have to admit. That makes him more interesting for me as a
man, and I can even say more erotic. After this point I think that everyone looks at themselves, the
surroundings, the others as they see it sometimes the way they want to see it. Now everyone can
judge me and my behaviour as they see me,”.
I asked again, “To put it another way, do you detest what they said and thought about you, your
behaviour and how you act? I mean their impressions of you?”.
"It was sweet!" she said and giggled, then turned off the light.
After what I heard and how the two men talked about Meena, I was a bit excited and could
make the evening a little longer, but I had the feeling that she was very tired and needed sleep.
The next morning, when I was finished in the bathroom, I looked out of the bedroom window and
saw Tahir and Farzan walking in the garden. Meena went downstairs to make breakfast for
everyone. We were supposed to leave in an hour.
At breakfast, Meena asked Tahir, if and Sara were not planning to get married. I looked at her, she
grinned. I knew that she wanted to provoke Tahir, she knew the answer already, after listening
their conversation last night.
Tahir looked at her with wide eyes, "Are you kidding, dear lady? Me? to get married?" and
laughed, then he continued, "No, I don't want to get married at all. First of all, I am a primitive
farmer who can only live on a farm and in a village, and she is a city girl, an elegant lady who can
only live in a big city.”,
“And what is the point of a marriage between two such people? Should everyone then live
somewhere else separately? Apart from the fact that I cannot and do not want to be a husband. I
am a lonely bear, yes, he says so, even my best friends know that. Sara will definitely find a
suitable husband and life partner for herself.
Farzan said that he had to go home quickly to change because he had a trial in the
courthouse today. And he would probably meet Mitra too. We also spoke briefly about Mitra and
they both spoke very positively about her.
Tahir stressed that he will come to visit the Asian couple again next week and will be happy if he
can meet us. Meena said that he absolutely has to visit us otherwise we will be insulted!
And she added, if he wants to stay overnight, he can stay with us in the guest house because the
couple certainly don't have enough room for him.
Tahir thanked him and looked at Farzan and said, "Look, before I go to your cold place to sleep, I'd
rather stay with this warm-hearted couple!" and laughed.
"Farzan said, "Then I would come to you like last night so that you don't sleep alone!" and winked.
During the whole time I did not see or sense any particular signs from either of them in the
direction of any approach, and when they were gone, Meena also stressed that she did not
observe anything particular in that direction.
On Wednesday we went to the cinema to watch a film and had an Italian meal when Tahri called
and asked if he could visit briefly at the weekend, or more precisely on Sunday.
I said of course he can.
The next day Meena had a short day at work and then in the evening she went for coffee with
Late in the evening, when we lay down to rest, I started again with the topic that wouldn't leave me
"But you didn't say exactly what you said about what they, Tahir and Farzan, said so openly and
without holding back. Was that uncomfortable for you at that moment?" I asked teasingly.
“What do you want to hear, nadir? You expect me to say, ugh, they're so rude?”, Meena said.
While touching and caressing her belly, I replied, “No, not at all… I just wanted to know what you
think about them both, I mean you know how about, I mean as men… Now that we've heard them
and know what they are like,"
Meena leaned towards me, kissed my lips briefly, and said, “But they are men, Nadir, you know
how the men think and how they speak about women, and I know men also and I know their
world…”, and giggled shortly, “, and I know their fantasies! “.
“You mean my fantasies, okay, but this is not the answer of my question, ”, I smiled and said.
Meena replied, while kissing softly my chest, “Yes, but other men have fantasies and dreams
too, and often sweet dreams,”, she added, “Besides, it was a compliment what they spoke, wasn’t
it? I do consider it that they both talking about me and planning about me, as a compliment ... It's
“Yes, I understand, and I think you are right,” I answered.
Meena continued, “I'm not a moralist, Nadir, you should know better and I'm not somebody who
wrong to twist something, to interpret facts in an overly positive way or to downplay them in order
to deceive someone, positively or negatively,”. Then she paused shortly while looking at the
ceiling, “I like them, and I think positive about them, both of them, as men, now you have your
answer. I hope, you understand what I mean, without exaggeration…”, and giggled.
"just to clarify whether I understood you correctly, If my impression from your statement was that
you are not against real and not just fantasy games with them, then that is not exaggerated? Is it?"
I tried again and smiled.
"Oh. Nadie... you're not letting up... Is there a red line between fantasy and reality in your
mind?", Meena asked.
"No, I don't think...", I replied.
"Then your impression is not exaggerated...", she replied, “Now no words more,…”.
I began slowly to kiss her tits, then again, her neck and at last, long and soft, her sensitive lips.
I wanted her to feel the burning desire of my mouth and my exploring tongue while the hard length
of his my pressed tightly against hers.
My kiss deepened, the taste of my tongue and the scent of me filling her mouth and her nostrils,
Meena, in her desire, slid her arms around my neck, lifted her face to better accommodate my
mouth, melted against my warm body and began kissing me back.
"You are always the perfect end of each day," she murmured, pulling away for a moment, gazing
up at me with adoration. "I love the way you kiss me, Nadir. I'm hot all the way down to my toes.
Do you feel it?"
I gently brushed my fingertip over her swollen lips. "I feel it baby." our mouths poised for each
other. I held back, my eyes melting into hers.
"Mmmmmm" I said and then I moved against her so that the warm, firm form of my erection
pressed large against her belly. To me, it felt wonderful, my cock was vertical now, the passion
flooding my mind, taking over my body, it felt like a bundle of all my nerve endings longing to touch
more and more of Meena's silk-like body.
"Oh, God, Nadir, that's sooooo good to feel you…" She smiled at me and then she moved her hips
against mine, "Don't make me wait," she whispered, feeling the length of my erection which sent a
visible shiver up her body.
"I love you," Meena told, squeezing my hand.
"And I you, baby,", I answered, while pressing my hand against the soft valley between her hip and
her mound, and her hand was pressing against the length of my erected organ. "Now, ... Baby..." ,
She kissed the sensitive area before my ear, "no more thinking and talking tonight... Only ...
Feeling... I’ll do what you wish…. Always… With whomever you want and as far as you want... I
surrender myself… Just for your wish… ", Meena whispered…
At that moment I sensed that Meena’s words which were spaced out, but very pointed,
sharp, piercing, and deliberately chosen for me, his Nadir. They were the highest peak of an
excessive submission and without prerequisites of a female for her love... They were making my
senses even more sensitive to the love of this woman, my girl, my Meena for me which was
without any reservation.
"No thinking and talking, baby... Just act..." Her eyes closed in anticipation, a smile on her lips,
her neck snuggling against his lips.
"It's absolutely not allowed to think or talk... That's an order,", she said.
I wrinkled my nose. "I hate orders."
"Then consider it a suggestion," she quickly improvised.
"Okay, that's alright," I murmured, "Just act,”… and kissed her lips again…
* * *
At the weekend, Sunday evening, for dinner, Tahir was with us, accompanied by Ferzan. Meena
also invited Mitra to dinner.
He said that Jalal's son, Cyrus, doesn't want to mfollow his father and migrate to US, he says now
clearly that he would rather stay at home.
Meena asked how old he actually is. Tahir replied that that's Jalal’ main problem because, the
problem, he just turned eighteen two months ago and legally can decide for himself.
Meena said then it's his right if he doesn't want to leave and wants to stay at home.
Tahir said that's right and he's also trying to convince Jalal not to put pressure on his son. Cyrus is
pretty independent now and he, Tahir, is also there to look after him for the time being.
Tahir invited us back to his farm in five weeks, he said, he invited some of his local friends to
celebrate the longest night of the year, which was on December 20th.
Mitra left shortly after dinner and the two friends didn't stay overnight in our house but went to
* * *
After that evening, for the next five weeks, we only spoke by phone with Tahir.
He had to prepare his farm for winter season and we were also very busy at work.
Cyrus got his father's permission to stay at homeland and home for the next time, but he should
definitely start his university studies in the city. He wanted to study agricultural engineering.
A week later, Meena's mother was with us for two weeks for a medical check-up at our
These five weeks went by very quickly.
The only notable event was a meeting with Shahin in the hospital, who brought his mother to me
for a check-up. He also called afterwards and chatted with Meena on the phone and invited us to
coffee and dinner. Meena promised that we would contact him soon when the mother had gone
To be continued…