Adultery Adventures of Ruby (Naïve and Innocent housewife)
She was using everything the duo told Sid, which she overheard, about what they wanted to do to her against them.

Satisfied with this, Ruby again climbed the table and started to listen.
"What did she want?" Kumar asked.

"Something her aunt wanted her to write down. Shopping list I guess." Ravi brushed him off.

He had hid the packets in his pocket and walked towards the bar.

"Let us have another round of shots before Zoya comes out." Ravi said.

Kumar was confused to see him in such a great mood.

"Okay" he said.

Ravi poured Tequila in three shot glasses and added the powder in one for Kumar. Before he could turn he paused and wondered.
"Is Zoya pulling something on me?"
He slowly pored the powder into the second glass as well.....FOR ZOYA!!!
Kumar noticed this.

A few minutes later Ruby walked out. The sane one was keeping the eye on the clock.
5 more minutes to go!!
Her heart was racing.
"Another round" Ravi declared.

"Sure" Ruby said. She knew Ravi would want Kumar to pass out and not her.

Ravi handed the shot glasses to them and his glass was on the bar stool.

"But what about lime and salt?" Kumar asked.

"Let me get them" Ravi turned around.
Kumar immediately switched his glass with Ravi's.

They all said, "Cheers" and downed the drink.

While downing it, Ruby noticed Ravi looking at her. She found that look unsettling for some reason.

"Whys is he staring?" she wondered.

She could feel alarm bells going off in her head. She doesn't know why.
"A woman's instincts, I suppose?" The sane one said.
Ravi was downing the drink but had an evil stare from the corner of his eyes at Ruby and it was terrifying for Ruby.
She looked at Kumar and he had a similar look on his face but he was looking at Ravi.

"Something is awfully wrong here." The animal freaked out.
By then Ruby had the entire liquid from the shot glass in her mount and was thinking hard what to do next.
That is when she noticed some white powdery substance at the rim of the shot glass she was holding.
As a reflex, she immediately coughed and in that process, spit the liquid out.
By the time she gained her composure, she realized she had swallowed a bit of that already. She did not know how much, though.

She continued to pretend to be coughing and excused herself to the bathroom in the next room locking door behind her. She could hear a laughter, but wasn't sure whose it was.

She made it to the bathroom and realized she was sweating. Her heart rate grew and she was panting.
The touch of cold water on her face felt refreshing. She washed her face and neck and stared at her reflection in the mirror.
Ruby closed her eyes trying to calm herself down hoping that she did not swallow much of that spiked liquid.

After a few minutes her heart rate dropped back down to normal levels. Also she could sense her breathing slowed down.

"Whoa, we dodged a bullet there didn't we Babe?" the sane one commented on the situation, "Ok..ok..let us think about the situation here. If our drink was spiked, then the duo must have tried it on each other. And that means it would give us an upper hand."
"Two more minutes to go until Sid will be here. I guess we did it, babe!" the animal said.

After wiping her face, Ruby slowly walked back into the main room.
She found Ravi and Kumar on the couch. They were laughing hysterically.
"Oh so that is what the drug does." she wondered.
They did not even pay attention to her walking into the room.
She tried staying out of their view and walked into the bar.
There she stayed calm for another 5 minutes.

The duo at this point were behaving strangely. Ravi was stuttering a lot. His words were all muffled.
"I ppp..put sss some in Zzzzoya's ..." he could not finish his sentence.
Again he started laughing.
Kumar was just staring at Ravi and this point without making any movements.

"Any minute now..babe..any minute now." the animal said, "They will be gone to la la land and Sid will be here."
Ruby felt so relieved.
This continued for another 10 minutes.
Nothing changed.
They were still in the same state as before.

"I wonder where Sid is?" Ruby picked up her phone and dialed Sid's number.

There was no answer.
"He should have been here by now." she thought looking at the clock.
She decided to leave a message and dialed his number again.

"Where are you? I have been waiting. It has been over an hour now." she talked in a low voice, "You need to get here as soooon asssss ppppposssssiblllll..."
Ruby realized she started to slur. "What is wrong with me?" she wondered.
"Wh ..where aarrrzzzzz yyyyoou?" She could feel her heart rate slowing down a lot.
That is when it hit her, "We are drugged" The animal yelled.
Her legs felt very weak and she could not stand anymore and slowly started to lean back onto the counter-top.
She felt a pair of hand grabbing her by her shoulders.
With a lot of effort she lifted her head and saw Kumar.
He pulled her to the couch and made her sit on it.
Ruby could process everything that is happening around her but could not say anything or move a muscle.
Kumar then stepped back and looked at Ravi. He immediately punched him in his face but Ravi made no movement.
He just fell onto the floor like a sack of potatoes.
Kumar continued to kick him.
Then he turned his focus towards Ruby.

"This will be a night to remember, Zoya," he said with an evil smile on his lips, "At least for me. You will not remember anything."
"So let me help you with that."
Saying this, he disappeared into the next room.
He came back with a pair of tripods and positioned them at the two corners of the room.
He then took out a pair of cameras and attached them to the tripods.
He walked behind them to make sure the coverage is satisfactory. He came back and took out something that looked like a hat.
It had a mini camera attached to it.
Kumar put the hat on. Ruby could figure out what that is record everything he DOES to her on POV mode.
She was panicking but could not move at all.
With the same evil smile, Kumar started to strip.
" don't do this to me..please." These were the words Ruby wanted to say but could not.
She was helplessly staring at Kumar.

"Prepare to become the bitch of the town, Zoya." Kumar started to look like an animal to Ruby, that is getting ready to pounce on its prey.

He got completely naked and his cock was throbbing. He started the recording on all cameras and slowly started to walk towards Ruby.
"You will be covered with my juices, inside and outside by the time I am done with you. Then who knows, Sid will have his way with you."
"All my friends will use you in every party they will have from now on, you bitch of the town."

He grabbed her hair roughly. Ruby could not feel anything.

Slowly she started to zone out. She tried a couple of times to keep her eyes open but her mind blanked out eventually.


"Ouch", Ruby yelled. Her head was spinning. She tried opening her eyes and the light was blinding. She tried looking around but the situation was hopeless.
She slowly zoned out again.

Ruby was feeling very weak when she gained consciousness.
She tried lifting her head and with great difficulty pushed the blanket off her. She was feeling very hot.
She got out of her bed. She walked to wards the bathroom and started sprinkling water on her face. That made the situation better.

She then brushed her teeth and slowly walked towards the kitchen. Her head was still spinning.
"A hot coffee should fix the issue." she thought and started making a cup for herself.

She then lazily sat on the couch sipping the coffee and turned the TV on.
" is getting cold." the weather channel was on.
She finished the coffee in no time and started to feel better.
She then walked into the bath room and took a shower.

Ruby then got dressed and walked into the kitchen. She then started to prepare breakfast.
"I wonder if this year would be colder than last year." she started thinking.

"What the FUCK?" the animal suddenly yelled.

"We are in our home? How did we get here?", Ruby started to panic as she slowly started to remember the events from the other night.

She dropped everything and ran into the bath room and checked the bin where she dropped the clothes she was wearing when she woke up. They were the same ones she wore when she went to the PARTY.

Confused she ran into the bedroom and found her phone on the night stand.
She checked the messages and found a couple of missed calls from Amit.
She found a text from Sid.
Her hands started to shiver. She slowly opened the text and started to read it.

It said, "Call me when you wake up, bhabhi."

She immediately called Sid.
There was no answer. She tried again,,and again.

Ruby jumped when she heard a knock on the door.
She slowly put the phone away and walked to wards the door and peeped through the hole.
It was Sid.
Relieved, she opened the door to find Sid.
He smiled and walked past her into the room.

"How are you feeling now, bhabhi?" he asked while walking towards the couch before crashing on it.
"How am I doing? How the hell did I get here? What happened? Where were you last night?" She started asking all the questions she had.
"Clam down bhabhi, calm down." Sid said.

He asked her to have a seat next to him on the couch.
Once Ruby sat down, he immediately took her hand into his and said, "Thank you soo much bhabhi. You are a true friend. Thanks for helping me out. "

Ruby calmed down a bit.
But then Sid said something that freaked her out again.
"You did cross all boundaries to help me, didn’t you bhabhi?"

"What? What kind of boundaries?" Ruby panicked again not knowing what was DONE to her when she was unconscious.
"Calm down bhabhi..calm down." Sid said smiling again.

"I will calm down when you tell me what happened last night." She yelled.

"Last night?" Sid said, "Think again, bhabhi."
Confused she looked at her phone and realized it was the day after.
"Wh..wh..what? How? " she started to hyperventilate.

"Bhabhi..calm down." Sid said and that is when Ruby noticed that Sid's arm was wrapped in bandages.
"what happened to your arm?" she asked.

"You don't remember anything do you , Bhabhi?" He said laughing, which irritated Ruby.
"Stop it..stop laughing." She yelled, "Tell me what the hell happened. Stop torturing me."
"Okay..okay, bhabhi." Sid said still smiling.

Sid started to narrate what happened.

"I got there as soon as I can and opened the gates with the APP I had on my phone. I rushed to the building only to find it locked.
I wanted to knock on the door but heard some voice from inside. It was Kumar's voice.
I could not make out the whole thing but clearly I could hear him say, "bitch of the town."
I panicked. As these kind of words mean that the situation is out of hands for you.
I called the gate keeper and he showed up in no time. I think his instructions are to stay out of sight but stay close if he is needed.
I took the key from him and opened the door.
I was shocked to see what Kumar was doing.
He was all naked and Ravi was passed out on the floor.
Kumar was facing away from me and I could not find you.
Then I realized you were on the couch and Kumar was blocking my view.
He had already undid the buttons of your shirt and opened it. You bra was visible. He was taking pictures with his phone and the three cameras were recording it.

He turned around and smiled. He said, "Right on time Sid. Let us make this bitch our cum bucket. Fuc*ing tease."
He was about to rip your bra off your body."

Sid paused.
Ruby had tears in her eyes and did not know what to say.
"And?" is all she could say.
She was holding her breath as if she was standing at the edge of a cliff and is about to take the plunge.
"I asked him what happened to you and Ravi to stop him from he was about to your..umm.."
Ruby's tears started to flow down her cheeks.
Sid felt sorry for he was the reason for her misery.
He slowly turned towards Ruby and took both her hands into his. He then spoke in a low tone.
"Bhabhi, I will never let anything happen to you, would I. For as long as I am drawing breath, those devils cannot touch you let alone do things to you."
Ruby calmed down a bit hearing this.
"Then..then..what happened?" She said slowly sobbing.

"I told Kumar, that the cameras are all in the wrong positions and that he needs to move them to capture the event in detail." He fell for it and started moving them and left you alone.
I quickly covered ....
Sid was struggling to say "boobs" or "tits" to her face. Ruby had her eyes closed, head bent and anticipating the news of something very dirty done to her and that too with the cameras rolling.
"with your shirt." Sid finished his sentence with difficulty and that provided some relief to Ruby.

But she knew she wasn't out of the woods yet and continued to listen holding her breath.

"Kumar was busy moving the cameras so that everything will be recorded properly." Sid said, stressing on the word "Everything"

He continued ...

"Kumar took his time moving the tripods of the cameras around which gave me time to think. Once he was satisfied, he came back to me and said, "one drink before we tare this bitch apart" and walked up to the bar.

I looked around and tried to lift you so that I can move you to the next room. You were completely gone but your eyes were open.
I felt so bad for you as you were doing all this for me..and ended up in this situation that too with those brutes.
Before I could do that, Kumar showed up with two shot glasses.
I handed me one and before I could react, bent down and removed your shirt and you were only in your bra."

Ruby's head started to spin hearing this.

"My mind froze and I wasn't sure what to do." Sid said.
"I slowly moved my left leg and tripped one of the tripods over making it seem like an accident.
OOps, sorry Kumar, I think I should not have taken a couple of shots before coming here. Feeling a little tipsy. he ..he".
Kumar looked at me but did not mind it at all and started to walk towards the tripod after placing his glass on the couch's arm rest.

"No problem Sid. Downing a few shots will help. You need to keep you dick up very long to enjoy this ass fully. Once we are done with her to our hearts' content, we can rest for a bit and then live stream to all our friends when we resume fucking her." Kumar said lifting the tripod.

Seeing this opportunity, I quickly moved towards the couch and emptied the stuff I got with me into the glass.
He came back and I handed his glass to him and said, "cheers. to an unforgettable night."
He smiled and we both downed the drinks.
I was hoping him to start showing the symptoms of the drug working but instead he got more active.

He took his cock out and slowly started to come close to you.
"First with the face fucking." He said and started to bring it close to your face.

"I said, "can I go first? but he pushed me away.
His stare was different. He was getting rough and more animalistic.
The drug was having a different effect on him for some reason.

He said, "Shut the fuck up. I will kill you if you stop me Sid."
He then took his shirt off and became completely naked. He started moving towards you.
Not knowing what to do, I asked him, "What happened to Ravi? Why is he on the floor?"

As soon as I mentioned Ravi, Kumar's demeanor changed. He came back from being an animal to a jovial mood.
He stopped what he was doing and turned towards me. "He got what he deserved. That fucker. Always bosses me around. I fed him some roofie and he is beyond gone now. See"
He moved in front of Ravi and kicked him in the ribs. Normally any one would have yelled in pain as it was a hard kick. But Ravi did not even move.

"He deserves it, doesn't he? SSSSid?"
I could notice Kumar stuttering. So the stuff started working.

I needed to stall him a little bit and you will be safe from him, bhabhi.
"Let us see what else we can do to Ravi."

Hearing my words, Kumar spit on Ravi's face and started to giggle seeing no reaction from him. He picked a bottle of bear and started slowly emptying it on his head.

Kumar started to get more excited.
"I got an idea." I said, "Let us make a video of him as if he is sucking a cock and being fucked by one."

"Wait what?" Kumar asked.

"You know, make short clips to humiliated him." I replied.

"Ggggood..good" Kumar yelled.
"Okay then walk closer to him and point your cock and open his mouth as if he is giving you a BJ."
Seeing him hesitate, I said, "Of course I won't capture your face."
"We need to make sure Zoya does not show up in these videos. Let me move her." I slowly picked you up and moved you to the next room and laid you on the bed.
I came back and picked up his phone and asked for his password and he gave it to me.
I unlocked the phone and started making short videos of various positions Kumar was getting his cock closer to Ravi's face and laughing.

I made sure I captured Kumar's face as well..he he.

After Kumar had his fun, he turned towards me and said, "Bring that bitch. Let us make videos of the fucking."
I panicked as his voice was very coarse and he was hissing while talking.
Seeing my face he laughed and said, "Don't worry, I won't kill her. At least not on purpose. But I seriously doubt she will be able to even walk after I am done with her."

He took out a long toy rubber cock from his duffle bag and started walking towards the other room like a man possessed.

I ran out of ideas. I was hoping he would pass out by now but he did not.

I quickly moved and stopped him, "One more drink before the show starts bhai?" I said.

"No, I waited enough already." He pushed me away and started moving. I felt like I was hit by a truck, as his strength seemed to have increased tenfold.

I fell on the couch. I immediately got up and ran towards him. Seeing me try and cock block him again, he threw and punch at me..and ..and

"And what?" Ruby asked.

"Well, bhabhi..and this happened." Sid held both his arms up and that is when Ruby noticed one of them was in a cast and the other wrapped in bandages.

"That punch gave me a hairline fracture." Sid smiled.
Ruby could see he was in a lot of pain.

"Good thing the punch did not land on my face." He smiled again.

"And?" Ruby asked. She did not even have the decency of asking him stuff like, "Does it hurt? etc. as she was still wasn't sure what happened that other night to her.

I yelled in pain but still moved forward and pushed him back. He moved a little and had to take a couple of steps back.
I was surprised as I did not know I had that kind of strength in me.

His face grew red and he started growling by then. He was drooling from the side of his mouth and looked like an animal in heat.
He punched me in my gut and then again my chin. I fell backwards on my back. I immediately got up and tried pushing him back.

He looked around and found a rod next to the fireplace and lifted it and I prepared myself for another beating.
I thought I was done for. One hit with that thing to my head and I am a goner. I knew it and braced myself to what is about to come.

Ruby stopped breathing completely by then.

That is when it happened. Some one hit him from behind on his head and knocked him out.
I took a step back and looked up.

It was the gatekeeper. He might have heard my cry and came to my rescue.

"What happened saab?" he asked.

It took me a couple of minutes to realize what happened.
I had fallen to the ground as the pain was excruciating.
The gate keeper picked me up and sat me on the couch.

He then got me a glass of water and waited till I get back to my senses.
"These two fuckers tried robbing me and having their way with the girl. Good thing you were nearby." I said.

He seemed a little unsure of what I was telling him and he was looking around.

"I will make sure to put in a good word for you. Rohan baba is my friend, you know?" I added.

His face lit up.
"Thank you saab..thank you."
"What should we do now?" He asked.

I asked him to strip Ravi completely.

"Saab?" he made a weird face.

"They need to be taught a lesson." I handed him a few 2000 rupee notes.
After that there were no questions.

We both made Ravi and Kumar lay on each other and in many different positions to make it look like they are making out and made sure to take as many pictures as possible with Kumar's phone and mine.

After we are done, we carried them to the car. We did not dress them. We drove to the bus stop and it was still dark.

We made them lay on the bench naked on the bus stop.
I dialed Kumar's dad's number from Kumar's phone as started disconnecting right when he picks up.
I did that a couple of times and then called again. This time I made the gatekeeper talk.

I made him say in a threatening voice, "This is Raghu bhai? I am fed up with running around trying to get hold of your kids to collect the money they owe me. Fucking drug addicts. We got hold of them today.
They were trying to pull something on a college boy. These weirdos. For now I am leaving them like this here. Next time they will be dead. They are at xyz location. Come get them and get 10 lacks ready that they owe me."

Before he could ask any more questions, he hung up.
He looked at me to make sure I am pleased. I smiled and gave him some more money.

I made sure I placed a few packs of the stuff I got with me, next to them. Opened one and rubbed the stuff on their faces, arms and palms.

Satisfied we drove back to the guest house.

I told him to clean up the rooms and get rid of everything that does not belong there. I told him Rohan will be pleased.
I picked you up and started driving.


Ruby was beyond relieved by then. She started to get a smile on her face.

“You were out for almost a day, bhabhi.” Sid said.

“You might want to call Amit bhai. He must be worried.” He added.

Ruby got all serious and called Amit.
“Where were you Ruby? I have been calling you.” Amit sounded worried.

“I was a bit sick, Amit.” She lied.

“Sick? What happened?” Amit started to worry more.

“Nothing to worry about. I am fine now. Sorry I did not call back.” She said.

They spoke for a few minutes and she disconnected the call.

Ruby turned towards Sid and could see that he was in pain.

She immediately ran to him and hugged him.

“I don’t know what would have happened to me if not for you Sid.” She started crying.

“Don’t cry bhabhi. It went very well.” He said, “Please freshen up. I brought some food.”

By the time she came back from the bathroom, Sid was trying to place the food on the table. Ruby felt bad seeing him like that.

She walked towards him and helped him. They both started to have food.

Ruby started to feel a bit better as her energy started to come back.

“What happened to those two Sid?” She asked.

Sid stopped eating and got a smile on his lips.
He moved closer to Ruby as if he is going to let out a secret, he said, “The law enforcement was there before their dads showed up. It was very bad for them, naked and with stuff with them.”

“I heard their dads had to use all their influence to keep them away from being sent to prison. And that they were immediately shipped to America to avoid any other law enforcement official to start the case again.”

He smiled again and said, “I got the idea from a friend of mine.” remembering the video he watched at Rohan’s.

“Serves them right.” Ruby said laughing.

It was almost 4PM by then. Sid said, “I will make a move bhabhi. Thanks again for all the help.”

He walked out the door but Ruby could see the pain in his face.

She wanted to reward Sid for his saving her and so started to cook some food.

Ruby packed a couple of dishes and walked to Sid’s room.

The door was locked. She knocked on it a couple of times. Sid opened it.
“What were you doing?” Ruby asked him walking into the room.
“n..n..nothing bhabi.” He said.

Ruby could sense that he was hiding something but did not ask again.

She placed the food on the table and turned around. She could see some blood on his cast.

“What happened?” she asked worried.

“Nothing bhabhi. I was trying to move some stuff and the stitches came off I guess.” He said.

“Why were you moving stuff? Call me if you need anything.” Ruby said.

“Sure bhabi.” He replied.

Ruby was about to walk out the door when she noticed Sid was having trouble opening the food box she packed.

She walked towards him, opened a box and started feeding him.

“It is not necessary bhabi. I will managed.” Sid said.

“” She said, “This is the least I could do after everything you have done for me.”

Sid started to munch.

“One thing I need to know. How did you manage to keep them away from you until I got there bhabhi?” Sid asked.

Hearing this, Ruby stared at him for a few seconds and slowly started laughing.

She pointed him to sit on the couch and walked towards it with food in her hand and sat next to him.

“I improvised.” She said.

“That’s it? That is all I get? Please tell me na bhabhi” Sid pleaded.

Ruby started to get a kick out of this.

“No..No” She said.

“You always ask for all the juicy details but do not tell me your juicy details?” Sid said and immediately realized it was inappropriate.

He said, Sorry bhabhi. I did not mean…”

“It is okay Sid.” She smiled, “The details were juicy indeed.”

She started to narrate the whole story.
Sid was listening with utmost interest and Ruby was giggling while telling him what happened.

When it came to the part where she was drugged and could not move she unknowingly shivered and got all scared.

“If it was not for you, I would have been a goner. They would have had their way with me.” She started to sob.

“ on bhabhi. Please don’t cry.” I am here na” he said.

“Yess.yes..You saved me Sid. You saved my life.” She bent forward and kissed him on his forehead.

Her pallu dropped and Sid could see her sexy cleavage.

He stared at it for a second and turned his gaze away and got onto his feet as if something went wrong.

Ruby noticed this and wondered why he did it.

“He was ogling at our cleavage that time when we put on a show for the trio. Why is he acting like this now?” The sane one said.

“What happened Sid?” Ruby asked adjusting her pallu.
“N..nothing bhabhi. I need to sleep. Thanks for the food. Please close the door on your way out.” and walked into his room.
He sounded all worried.
Ruby did not know what happened.

She collected the boxes and walked out the door closing it behind her.

She almost reached her flat when she realized she forgot to get one of the boxes. So she slowly walked back to Sid’s flat.
Ruby opened the door and walked towards the table when she heard some noise from Sid’s room.

She slowly walked towards it and without making any noise slowly opened the door and peeked.

Ruby saw Sid on the bed with his blanket covering his lower part and something was moving.
Ruby could not understand what was going on. She continued to watch.

It slowly dawned on her.

She was shocked that Sid was masturbating.

She continued to watch.

A few minutes later, Sid made a sound as if he was in pain. He pulled his arm out and there was more blood on it.

Ruby then figured what the “STUFF” was that he was moving earlier.

She smiled to herself but felt bad for Sid.

“SO he did not want to see our cleavage because it will make him horny and he cannot relieve himself. Hmmm.” The animal smiled.

Ruby felt a bit proud of herself.

“He saved us babe..he saved us from those devils. Poor guy. Look what he has to go through now.” It was the sane one now.

“yess.yess poor guy.” The animal said and immediately said, “No one can resist you babe. He is masturbating to the sight of your cleavage.”

“Stop it now. We should not make fun of him. We should help him.” The sane one yelled.

“Yess.yess..we should HELP him.” The animal said sarcastically.

Ruby smiled for a bit as Sid was trying to continue with his masturbation but could not as his arms hurt.

The animal said, “Let us tease him babe.”
“What? WTF? No.” The sane one said.

“Are you crazy?” the sane one was very impatient.

But Ruby started to like what she was watching. She was feeling very proud of her body and her accomplishments in helping Sid.

She continued to watch lost in her thoughts and with a subtle smile on her lips.
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RE: Adventures of Ruby (Naïve and Innocent housewife) - by sugahdaddy15 - 23-01-2025, 01:23 PM

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