11 hours ago
(Yesterday, 06:59 PM)apsingh Wrote: I cnt understand why mostly viewers are interested for re union Meera and Krish i request all theses peoples pl imagine him in place of Krish can he accept to live Meera as her husband simply answer know even they both love each other still today but you think when Krish will sex with Meera that time he never forget how Meera reacted with Desai than him he never forget these things became he saw himself in theirs sex period so it's krish future life he mud leave Meera and Desai and moove any other life life partner any other where in his memory Desai never came in his mind pl think seriously all these things till jumps simple happy ending Meera and Krish again I think it's most beautiful way happy ending of this story Meera and Krish choose there's Way separation will be happy ending
Yes images of Meera with Desai it etched into Krish's mind and hence he is leaving her, but not only images but he believes that she will be happy with Desai. He thinks these images or the bond that he saw is giving him a glimpse of how Meera would be in future if she marries Desai. He thinks that her happiness is with Desai based on the images in his mind. If he realizes that its not true, she won't be happy with Desai, the images will go away...Images are not haunting him, the bond is haunting him. If bond is not real, images that's etched on his mind will go away.
Like I said in my previous comment, author created a rift in readers mind along with Krish's mind by giving a picture perfect couple image between Desai and Meera. Whether that bond is real or just an escape for Meera for the things that she craves is yet to be proven and only author will know in his mind how each character is behaving as he is living those characters in his mind. So nothing is impossible. Meera has confirmed she doesn't love Desai, Krish is an idiot to think she loves Desai and will be happy with him based on the bond. With out love bond won't survive.