21-01-2025, 12:34 AM
Sparrows and Sparrowhawks – 3 (V)
Nadir’s Narration:
"Okay... Inside darkened bus, at one end. You and me in the middle of a crowd, separated by a
few other passengers. ...It's a crowd of men, Meena."
She swallowed audibly.
"Men of different types, height, weight...men of different classes., okay?" I added.
Meena nodded.
"Good girl." I said.
She exhaled a nervous smile.
"You're holding onto one of those vertical grab bars Meena. And, you are dressed your usual hot
and classy self." Meena slowly turned to look at me all sexy like as I read off the list. "High heels,
panty hose, above the knee length black skirt and matching jacket...white blouse, pearl neckless
and golden earrings..."
"I love how you see me," she said. I winked and she returned her head to the wall as I continued.
"Fingernails painted red, hair loose, parted on one side. ... You have your thin leather briefcase,
which you hold by the handle with your right hand while you hold the grab bar with your left. Your
wedding rings are visible to anyone who's looking."
Meena swallowed hard and exhaled at that detail, so I leaned forward and pressed a breathy kiss
to her ear while groping her ass and holding her head against me while my left hand rested on her
right cheek. She turned to kiss me, and it almost got out of control again. But we managed to keep
it under control and I leaned back, and she leaned her head back against the wall and I continued.
"After several stops, the bus is full enough that some of the crowd...some of the men...are starting
to stand really close to us."
"We're facing each other? Are we close? You and I?" Meena asked, glancing sideways at me
without breaking contact between her forehead and wall.
I nodded.
"We started off right next to each other. But at one point, when one of us moved to allow for the
flow of incoming and exiting passengers, we got separated by a few feet...a few people. ...Okay?"
"Okay..." she said, closing her eyes, her voice soft and a bit delicate. This got to me. I cupped a
breast and leaned over and kissed Meena's head and held it, longer than I might have had she not
been pressing back against my lips.
I broke it with as faint a "Good girl," as I could whisper. Eyes still closed; Meena smiled just as
faintly, and I continued.
"Okay, we go on… There's a man standing directly behind you. He's a corpulent, round face
brownish from the sun with a beard and brown curly hair, looks mid-fiftees and higher than me…”,
I spoke.
“Just as like as Tahir…”, Meena whispered.
Yes, exactly… That is Tahir… He is wearing a bland colored jacket, open in the front. He seems
like someone that would otherwise be awkward and uneasy around someone like you; someone
classy, someone beautiful, especially in a public setting. Normally you wouldn't look twice at him,
this guy, Tahir. But you're not impolite to him. You don't move. You don't think much otherwise, but
you're nice to him like anyone. If you happen to see him drop something, you'd stoop to help him
pick it up, even if it meant you missed your stop. Okay? You're you, Meena."
"Oh, baby... Nadir I know you're not trying to be mean about it. I like how you described him, you
wanted me to imagine him, but you could say simply Tahir... Because I don't judge people."
"You're such a good person, Meena. It's so sexy," I said, leaning in to kiss her cheek. She turned it
toward me, then leaned her forehead back against the wall and smiled to herself.
"Nadir, I love the way you see me," she sighed, staring at her feet. ", you always include my heart
when you describe me. That's one of the reasons I think I can get carried away by what you want
and like. What's in my heart seems to make you like your fantasy even more. You're always aware
of that when we talk."
I could only smile at Meena. She was so sweet. "This is nice so far, Nadir," she said quietly to the
wall. "I can see the place, like you say? So... what was then?"
"So anyway...you might not otherwise look twice at him, Meena, but in this atmosphere though:
dark...in the midst of an otherwise equally unassuming crowd... he is right at home. Unnoticed by
the masses he's among. At first he was just near by, but he saw us come in. He has watched you.
He has seen others shuffle past or stand close and then leave. He's waited his turn."
Meena caught those words as soon as I'd said them. "His turn?“ she repeated softly.
"To get next to you. To stand behind you. You notice him move past. I do. But you don't think much
of it at first because it's just the nature of a crowded bus. But he makes his way. And you notice,
maybe even curiously, or even annoyingly, as he shuffles by, that he wedges his way behind you.
But...so have others on their way in. On their way out. But it's dark, so you're not certain if he's
stopped behind you. It's hard to tell. But if it is not him it is going to be another one. And so you just
stand there like anyone else does."
She exhaled softly, slowly rising up on the balls of her feet as I ran my hand down over her pants
covered ass.
"But this man, Tahir, Meena. He knows what he is doing. He makes the effort to stand next to you,
he's taken advantage of the crowd, the noise, the lack of light... Because he sees you, and he
sees what he jerks off to at home, or when he gets hom, his farm from seeing a young, sexy
woman someone like you in the city, a hot and classy looking piece of ass.
"A hot...piece…?" Meena briefly rolled her forehead from side to side as the description sunk in.
"He looks at this hot assed and pretty faced little married woman, he would love to have a crack at
if he only could.
"Ohh...God, Nadir. My God, baby..."
"I told you," I softly replied. "Meena this is a man…"
"I know," she said back, tilting her head toward me, eyes closed. I kissed it and she placed it back
against the wall and adjusted her footing, giving her ass a wiggle in the process.
Meena smiled to herself at that, and I continued, "So, the atmosphere and your beauty emboldens
him. The bus is shaking, the darkened crowd moves with it. But at one point you could swear you
felt yourself being pressed up against. Well this has been happening to all in bus throughout the
ride. You're no exception. Only, it begins to dawn on you that although the rest of the crowd is
moving, this guy doesn't seem to be. You bring your briefcase around to hold in front of you. Just
in case that's what this is about. If there is a robbery attempt.
"You shoot me a look. I return it. But you are not sure it is worth making a scene. You're not ready
to stare at someone just because the bus is crowded. So, you make a big deal out of that look.
I see you, but that's all I see. Besides," I added, wrapping my left hand around Meena's waist,
"you're emboldened in your own way. Not only are you comfortable because you know you have
me to protect you."
Meena's expression instantly relaxed. She reached down with one hand and covered the one I
was resting on her taut stomach.
"Mmm... This is the best par of the story, yet," she said quietly.
"I think so too," I whispered back. Meena let out a smile, eyes still closed and put her hand back
on the wall.
"But eventually, Meena," I said louder, but still gentle and calm, "after a few minutes, you are sure
you feel him pressing against you. There are others who are so close, but no one seems to
notice. You feel a sudden movement and there are hands on your hips."
I reached around Meena's waist and held her as I spoke, and she gasped, breathing harder
against the wall.
"That startles you, and your eyes go wide. For a moment you think it might be that he caught
himself. Catched himself to keep from falling into you... to keep from something worse? Before you
can answer that, you're suddenly pulled back towards him. You look at me, but at that moment,
that man behind you is actually running his hands along the sides of your skirt-clad hips. You can't
believe it. You glance at me, but I happen not to be looking. You're not sure if you should try to
speak. Loudly? You'd have to over the noise of the bus. But you can't exactly reach out and
touch me to get my attention either. You try to step forward anyway and are immediately yanked
back by the hips, Meena. Before you can react, Tahir quickly reaches around you and starts to
push up your skirt. You step away but are yanked back again. Meena, you are beside yourself.
You look but don't see me right away. With your free hand, you try to move his hand, but Tahir just
grabs it and puts it on the handrail of bus, above your other hand, your briefcase hanging where
your hands are. You wonder if anyone notices, but the crowd is so dense that much below the
shoulders go largely unnoticed by anyone. Meena, in an instant the front of your skirt is pushed up
over your tights and just as quickly they are pushed down over your hips."
As I said that, I pulled Meena's pants halfway up her ass, far enough to slip my right hand under it,
and began to rub her pussy from behind. She was soaked wet.
"Mmmm," she moaned loudly as her pussy lips parted slightly to allow my three middle fingers to
slide back and forth.
She slowly moved her hips back and forth on me, breathing heavily through her nose as she
pressed her forehead against the wall and listened.
I continued, "You feel Tahir lean over you as he reaches for you, slides his hand under the
gathered front of your skirt,and begins to awkwardly rub your pussy. Aside from the injury to your
person, his big hands might not feel so good otherwise. But you are getting hurt in public, and no
one else knows. This...man... Tahir, the lumberjack…”.
“Ohhh, Lumberjack…”, Meena moaned.
I continued, “Lumberjack, has partially undressed you and has slipped a hand between your legs
and is rubbing your bare pussy, Meena. The injury alone makes you blush. To your horror, you
are getting wet, despite all the reasons you shouldn't be, and wetter and wetter because of all
those reasons you shouldn't be. As wet as you are now...".
"Mmmm...Ohhh, Nadir...", Meena whispred, moaning.
"You... Stop trying to get away Meena and actually take wider stance to allow this aggressive man,
Tahir, access to work your pussy while you look around, checking to see if you've been noticed.
Before long, your very wet pussy is turning his aggressive fingering of you into something you
can't ignore increasing pleasure. Anything rubbing you would feel good at this point, and you begin
to twitch at the legs and upper body, swallowing nervously and allowing your eyes to close.
Holding that grab bar tight. And still none of this is obvious to anyone in the crowd of that darkened
bus Meena.", "At one point Tahir brings his hand behind you, and you think he is going to fondle
your butts, but it quickly becomes clear the tumult behind you is him unbuckling his pants. You
gulp hard and look around Meena. At once you feel a hand of him pulling on your hip and you step
back in your heels, arching it out good as you lean forward and hang on to that grab bar. And just
as you find me in your gaze, you feel him maneuvering himself under the rolls of your skirt and up
against your pussy."
"Mmmmm…" Meena moaned over at me as I began rubbing her good and slow.
To be continued…
Nadir’s Narration:
"Okay... Inside darkened bus, at one end. You and me in the middle of a crowd, separated by a
few other passengers. ...It's a crowd of men, Meena."
She swallowed audibly.
"Men of different types, height, weight...men of different classes., okay?" I added.
Meena nodded.
"Good girl." I said.
She exhaled a nervous smile.
"You're holding onto one of those vertical grab bars Meena. And, you are dressed your usual hot
and classy self." Meena slowly turned to look at me all sexy like as I read off the list. "High heels,
panty hose, above the knee length black skirt and matching jacket...white blouse, pearl neckless
and golden earrings..."
"I love how you see me," she said. I winked and she returned her head to the wall as I continued.
"Fingernails painted red, hair loose, parted on one side. ... You have your thin leather briefcase,
which you hold by the handle with your right hand while you hold the grab bar with your left. Your
wedding rings are visible to anyone who's looking."
Meena swallowed hard and exhaled at that detail, so I leaned forward and pressed a breathy kiss
to her ear while groping her ass and holding her head against me while my left hand rested on her
right cheek. She turned to kiss me, and it almost got out of control again. But we managed to keep
it under control and I leaned back, and she leaned her head back against the wall and I continued.
"After several stops, the bus is full enough that some of the crowd...some of the men...are starting
to stand really close to us."
"We're facing each other? Are we close? You and I?" Meena asked, glancing sideways at me
without breaking contact between her forehead and wall.
I nodded.
"We started off right next to each other. But at one point, when one of us moved to allow for the
flow of incoming and exiting passengers, we got separated by a few feet...a few people. ...Okay?"
"Okay..." she said, closing her eyes, her voice soft and a bit delicate. This got to me. I cupped a
breast and leaned over and kissed Meena's head and held it, longer than I might have had she not
been pressing back against my lips.
I broke it with as faint a "Good girl," as I could whisper. Eyes still closed; Meena smiled just as
faintly, and I continued.
"Okay, we go on… There's a man standing directly behind you. He's a corpulent, round face
brownish from the sun with a beard and brown curly hair, looks mid-fiftees and higher than me…”,
I spoke.
“Just as like as Tahir…”, Meena whispered.
Yes, exactly… That is Tahir… He is wearing a bland colored jacket, open in the front. He seems
like someone that would otherwise be awkward and uneasy around someone like you; someone
classy, someone beautiful, especially in a public setting. Normally you wouldn't look twice at him,
this guy, Tahir. But you're not impolite to him. You don't move. You don't think much otherwise, but
you're nice to him like anyone. If you happen to see him drop something, you'd stoop to help him
pick it up, even if it meant you missed your stop. Okay? You're you, Meena."
"Oh, baby... Nadir I know you're not trying to be mean about it. I like how you described him, you
wanted me to imagine him, but you could say simply Tahir... Because I don't judge people."
"You're such a good person, Meena. It's so sexy," I said, leaning in to kiss her cheek. She turned it
toward me, then leaned her forehead back against the wall and smiled to herself.
"Nadir, I love the way you see me," she sighed, staring at her feet. ", you always include my heart
when you describe me. That's one of the reasons I think I can get carried away by what you want
and like. What's in my heart seems to make you like your fantasy even more. You're always aware
of that when we talk."
I could only smile at Meena. She was so sweet. "This is nice so far, Nadir," she said quietly to the
wall. "I can see the place, like you say? So... what was then?"
"So anyway...you might not otherwise look twice at him, Meena, but in this atmosphere though:
dark...in the midst of an otherwise equally unassuming crowd... he is right at home. Unnoticed by
the masses he's among. At first he was just near by, but he saw us come in. He has watched you.
He has seen others shuffle past or stand close and then leave. He's waited his turn."
Meena caught those words as soon as I'd said them. "His turn?“ she repeated softly.
"To get next to you. To stand behind you. You notice him move past. I do. But you don't think much
of it at first because it's just the nature of a crowded bus. But he makes his way. And you notice,
maybe even curiously, or even annoyingly, as he shuffles by, that he wedges his way behind you.
But...so have others on their way in. On their way out. But it's dark, so you're not certain if he's
stopped behind you. It's hard to tell. But if it is not him it is going to be another one. And so you just
stand there like anyone else does."
She exhaled softly, slowly rising up on the balls of her feet as I ran my hand down over her pants
covered ass.
"But this man, Tahir, Meena. He knows what he is doing. He makes the effort to stand next to you,
he's taken advantage of the crowd, the noise, the lack of light... Because he sees you, and he
sees what he jerks off to at home, or when he gets hom, his farm from seeing a young, sexy
woman someone like you in the city, a hot and classy looking piece of ass.
"A hot...piece…?" Meena briefly rolled her forehead from side to side as the description sunk in.
"He looks at this hot assed and pretty faced little married woman, he would love to have a crack at
if he only could.
"Ohh...God, Nadir. My God, baby..."
"I told you," I softly replied. "Meena this is a man…"
"I know," she said back, tilting her head toward me, eyes closed. I kissed it and she placed it back
against the wall and adjusted her footing, giving her ass a wiggle in the process.
Meena smiled to herself at that, and I continued, "So, the atmosphere and your beauty emboldens
him. The bus is shaking, the darkened crowd moves with it. But at one point you could swear you
felt yourself being pressed up against. Well this has been happening to all in bus throughout the
ride. You're no exception. Only, it begins to dawn on you that although the rest of the crowd is
moving, this guy doesn't seem to be. You bring your briefcase around to hold in front of you. Just
in case that's what this is about. If there is a robbery attempt.
"You shoot me a look. I return it. But you are not sure it is worth making a scene. You're not ready
to stare at someone just because the bus is crowded. So, you make a big deal out of that look.
I see you, but that's all I see. Besides," I added, wrapping my left hand around Meena's waist,
"you're emboldened in your own way. Not only are you comfortable because you know you have
me to protect you."
Meena's expression instantly relaxed. She reached down with one hand and covered the one I
was resting on her taut stomach.
"Mmm... This is the best par of the story, yet," she said quietly.
"I think so too," I whispered back. Meena let out a smile, eyes still closed and put her hand back
on the wall.
"But eventually, Meena," I said louder, but still gentle and calm, "after a few minutes, you are sure
you feel him pressing against you. There are others who are so close, but no one seems to
notice. You feel a sudden movement and there are hands on your hips."
I reached around Meena's waist and held her as I spoke, and she gasped, breathing harder
against the wall.
"That startles you, and your eyes go wide. For a moment you think it might be that he caught
himself. Catched himself to keep from falling into you... to keep from something worse? Before you
can answer that, you're suddenly pulled back towards him. You look at me, but at that moment,
that man behind you is actually running his hands along the sides of your skirt-clad hips. You can't
believe it. You glance at me, but I happen not to be looking. You're not sure if you should try to
speak. Loudly? You'd have to over the noise of the bus. But you can't exactly reach out and
touch me to get my attention either. You try to step forward anyway and are immediately yanked
back by the hips, Meena. Before you can react, Tahir quickly reaches around you and starts to
push up your skirt. You step away but are yanked back again. Meena, you are beside yourself.
You look but don't see me right away. With your free hand, you try to move his hand, but Tahir just
grabs it and puts it on the handrail of bus, above your other hand, your briefcase hanging where
your hands are. You wonder if anyone notices, but the crowd is so dense that much below the
shoulders go largely unnoticed by anyone. Meena, in an instant the front of your skirt is pushed up
over your tights and just as quickly they are pushed down over your hips."
As I said that, I pulled Meena's pants halfway up her ass, far enough to slip my right hand under it,
and began to rub her pussy from behind. She was soaked wet.
"Mmmm," she moaned loudly as her pussy lips parted slightly to allow my three middle fingers to
slide back and forth.
She slowly moved her hips back and forth on me, breathing heavily through her nose as she
pressed her forehead against the wall and listened.
I continued, "You feel Tahir lean over you as he reaches for you, slides his hand under the
gathered front of your skirt,and begins to awkwardly rub your pussy. Aside from the injury to your
person, his big hands might not feel so good otherwise. But you are getting hurt in public, and no
one else knows. This...man... Tahir, the lumberjack…”.
“Ohhh, Lumberjack…”, Meena moaned.
I continued, “Lumberjack, has partially undressed you and has slipped a hand between your legs
and is rubbing your bare pussy, Meena. The injury alone makes you blush. To your horror, you
are getting wet, despite all the reasons you shouldn't be, and wetter and wetter because of all
those reasons you shouldn't be. As wet as you are now...".
"Mmmm...Ohhh, Nadir...", Meena whispred, moaning.
"You... Stop trying to get away Meena and actually take wider stance to allow this aggressive man,
Tahir, access to work your pussy while you look around, checking to see if you've been noticed.
Before long, your very wet pussy is turning his aggressive fingering of you into something you
can't ignore increasing pleasure. Anything rubbing you would feel good at this point, and you begin
to twitch at the legs and upper body, swallowing nervously and allowing your eyes to close.
Holding that grab bar tight. And still none of this is obvious to anyone in the crowd of that darkened
bus Meena.", "At one point Tahir brings his hand behind you, and you think he is going to fondle
your butts, but it quickly becomes clear the tumult behind you is him unbuckling his pants. You
gulp hard and look around Meena. At once you feel a hand of him pulling on your hip and you step
back in your heels, arching it out good as you lean forward and hang on to that grab bar. And just
as you find me in your gaze, you feel him maneuvering himself under the rolls of your skirt and up
against your pussy."
"Mmmmm…" Meena moaned over at me as I began rubbing her good and slow.
To be continued…