19-01-2025, 07:25 PM
Sparrows and Sparrowhawks – 3 (III)
Nadir’s Narration:
"Nadir, I know my own thoughts and feelings on this. Understand? Let me go my way..."
I smiled at Meena's insistence on all this, a knowing gleam in her eye as she stared up at me. I
couldn't resist and pulled her up to me for a much longer kiss. It ended nice and slow.
"Mmm, I like that," she cooed softly with her eyes still closed and a lick of the lips. "More."
We kissed more. A lot more. We finally broke off so I could finish what I was saying.
"Well...Meena I guess what I'm admitting is...I do think of those images, or see them... Or
rather...they come to me..."
"Outside the fantasy?" she asked. "When we're not talking about it or as another person is there?"
I nodded.
"When you are not… or we are not alone?", asked again to be sure if she heard correctly.
I nodded again. "Just sometimes," I said. "Not a lot, but...".
"Sometimes," she said.
I nodded.
Meena though for a moment.
"Nadir, sometimes or a lot even. I appreciate your sharing your thoughts and always want you to
but... Baby... How are different those times? I mean when someone other is present, I guess
mostly or even always a man or men… Am I right?”, She asked.
I nodded again.
“ Then, you should tell me at once or immediately afterwards at the first opportunity, that is what I
want... Or... You think it's obvious and you don't need to tell me…"
I thought for a moment. I just rolled my eyes and looked around, not knowing how to answer. It
had, but I couldn't explain what Meena had just pointed out to me.
"Nadir...oh baby..." she said, squeezing me as tight as she could, planting kisses all over my chest
and on her way up to my lips. Then softly next to my ear "I don't see it as different, no, difference if
you are alone or with me or someone else… They are your images and your fantasies and if you
share them with me then ours… I appreciate if you do share… My baby…”
“Release yourself from… Mmmmm," she moaned and kiss to it. "You should not hesitate in first
telling me your these fantasies,”, "My baby...I mean, I can see how you might have felt bad or
concerned had I recoiled from any bit of it..."
"I would Meena." I said.
"And I know that. You're not sure... You have doubts about how I might react. So caring... I know
you have to carry a crushing burden for however long, that means I never have to carry a bit of it, I
don't think that's good... you should talk to me... everything... no matter how..."
I nodded.
", but to bear any weight from it is...unnecessary. You're feeling bad or concerned and that's
because you love me and you're always looking out for me, even if sort of blindly...and that makes
me happy, but this is not good, Okay? I know now, you think of things or images, even wisches,
even when not around me, and I understand it. Believe me Nadir, these things makes me feel
sexy. Sexy to you. Then you should speak out." Meena emphsized.
"That's a big part of it for me; is how sexy you are and hoe sexy you feel...". I said.
"If it makes you feel better Nadir, as far as what I get out of any of this? it's that. You make me feel
so incredibly sexy baby. And that goes for what we've done. I felt...so sexy then too. And
ultimately, that's because of you too. Because of how you were watching me, seeing me and
thinking of me because of it. Made me feel so sexy. But anyway, this thing you feel you're
admitting to me, it's something I know already, I felt it but not exactly, how it is... Your images and
fantasies." We both smiled at that.
I finally looked her in the eye and she at me smiling.
"You know I'm right. Don't you?" she said. "You just like having something to worry about." I was
just blinking at Meena. "Look at you," she said. "It's hitting you hard that you know I'm right."
Meena was trying not to laugh in case I was still not seeing her point. But she was right and she
knew I knew she knew it. I started laughing and she did too.
"Gotcha," she grinned, hugging me again. "It's usually you dissecting things for me to see. This
surgeon habit… combined with a small amount of philosophical stuff from your complicated
brain…" Meena was beaming up at me as she laughed.
"I'm glad we had this talk, Nadir. I liked all of it."
"Me too. I think we've always been on the same page Meena. We're just making sure of it, that's
all. And I'm glad. It makes me feel good.”
"It makes me feel good too," she said. "I needed it."
Meena was lightly twisting me side to side as she hugged me, gently caressing my hair...only
stopping to plant a kiss on my chest and then rest her cheek back against it.
We hugged like this for a long while, my head resting on hers. I might have been fine after a
moment but she kept it up, coiling her arms tighter around me, the whole time.
"You know how I think of all this?" I mused as we stayed in each other's arms.
"Hmm," she peeped without looking up.
"Just like with our marriage and everything else we do in life, when it comes to all that but my point
is this fantasy thing and how we approach it, even when just talking about it like this... I think about
what you said, always “US”. Well...I think yes, that is the best way to tem it: a Team, US, we are a
team… you and me… We are the crew; we are the team…"
"A team?" she asked with soft but apparent disbelief as she reared back enough to look up at
me. "Did you just say we're a team??"
I nodded.
She hugged me tight again.
"Yes, a team, a united team against them all, Meena," I said.
"Hmmm," she smiled again. "I like that a lot."
"Me too," I said. " Meena, when something happens, of all the people involved, it is you and I who
have the higher agenda. We're the ones running the show. You and me."
"A team," she said soft, then, "Hmmmmm."
I felt Meena's breathing get heavier. And I felt her swallow hard.
"A team running a show? How?" she asked softly, asking more to hear than to find out. But she
knew I knew that.
"In our show they find relief as they want...". I spoke.
“How?”, Meena asked and waited. I sensed she is sexually excited.
“How far you or we let them,”, I wanted to tease her.
“With me? In my body?”, her voice was a bit hoarsely.
“Yes, "...inside my wife... Inside you."
"Mmmm," Meena sighed against me, pressing herself against my half erected rod, after this last
part of our talk.
Meena slowly looked up at me, eyes half closed, looking as though she had just cum. We met just
as slowly in a long, single, sensual yet loving kiss, which took forever for our lips to completely
separate. The wet smacking sound that came from it was so unique, the only sound that could be
heard, that surely the whole world must have heard it. I kissed her on the head, not shying away
from inhaling her scent loud enough to be heard.
"Nadir, you make me feel so... so intense and clear, I sense love and lust at the same time. Do you
know that?... Do you know that?" she repeated to me. "Just... I... I love you so much, I
love you so much..."
"Mmmm. I like it when you go off and swear like that," I said, resting my cheek on her head.
"You inspire me," she replied warmly, smiling at herself for quoting me, I could just tell from her
voice. I pulled back to look down at her.
"You're so sweet," I told her.
"Do you like it?"
"Yes, I love it…" I said, giving her another peck on the head.
"Still going to tell me?" she asked just as adorably. 'About this recent fantasy you been step in
your head?'" she added. "Still want to?" As if she couldn't have guessed by the erection I was
pressing against her.
"Still want to," I said.
"Please, I still want you to.", she insisted.
"Good," I grinned.
I reached over and grabbed her lime juice, drinking half of it and handing the rest to her. She
finished the rest with an "Okay? Waiting…"
"You know in the farm…" I said.
"You are speaking about Jalal? Right?" she said if a matter of fact.
"No… no silly, this time with...” I said.
“Tahir’s farm, I know, I tease you…”, she giggled.
“Okay… but before my fantasy… You didn’t answered my question,”, I sspoke.
“Which question? Are you now trying to tease me?”, she said.
“No, no… I asked if Tahir is a bit like Mansour? I think…”, I answered.
“Yes, superficially speaking, yes, I don't know”, she replied, thinking.
"Anyway, it was in his farm, my fantasy I mean..." I said.
"With him?! Me with him in your fantasy?, with that lumberjack?" she answered laughing.
“Yes, I got pretty horny,”, I answered.
“especially when you both stood so close to each other, even touching each other, I could not help
it" I tried to keep not to exaggerate and waited for her answer.
Meena was horny and I didn't want to stifle that. Luckily, she was on the same page.
"I know..." she said. "I sensed it today, I mean his interest", she answered and then looked at me,
“You make me hot, Mister, do you know it?”, She saif and giggled.
"I prefer to just think of you as being in heat," I said.
"Mmm, I like when you say that about me. Makes me feel sexy." Meena complained with a glint in
her eye.
"You are sexy," I told her.
"And it makes me feel horny," she added, staring at me.
"It makes who feel what now?" I asked, looking around.
"Sexy, hot, horny," she said simply and softly.
"You fell in love with me, because of it, because I do this...". I said.
"That is part of cause…", she winked,
"You love my fantasies, the next part of cause," I said as she reached to plant several kisses on
my chin.
"I love them too," she whispered soft and sexy between them.
"And you..."
"What about me?" she asked still giving me kisses.
"You like to help them to…to...". I stuttered…
“To help you, not them, not to help tha bad fantasied… But you…”, and continued kissing.
"Okay, to help me to give them life!", I said a little unsure if it fits.
Meena looked at me all sexy and seductive like, "I'm all yours big guy... As you wish, and as the
Lord wishes,", she said slowly, while she touched my erect cock.
We slowly ground against each other, smiling and kissing.
“I think I have to go into the kitchen, if you want to have a dinner, we cann continue this later…”,
she said and stood up and moved towards the door. I also got up quickly and followed her.
"Okay then. We have two minutes still, I can wait. How about...mm, how about you come over
here," I said, taking Meena by the hand and turning her to face the wall of building next to door.
"And hands u-, there you go," I said gently.
as she placed her hands against the wall in front of her. "You know the drill young lady. Now take
your stance. "
"You're going to tell me like this?" she asked and giggled as she adjusted her footing and putting a
little arch in her lower back.
"I'm going tell you while you're like this," I said. "I want to play with you while I do," I whispered in
her ear.
"Really? I like that baby. I like having you play with me when you tell me such things," she said,
leaning over for a single tongue filled, very wet and smiling kiss.
Meena looked pleasantly surprised as she looked around. I thought about her carefree behavior,
given the raunchy scene I was about to narrate to her while I took off her her loose shirt and then
unclasped her bra. She automatically raised her arms up for me and replaced her hands against
the wall. I gave her pants covered ass a little slap.
"Oh!" she playfully yelped.
Meena looked and smelled incredible. All, standing there for me wearing nothing but her pants; her
perfect little body, naked from the waist up; tight and beautiful, but not too lean; looking like a little
porn star with a phenomenal ass and womanly hips; and those two little dimples at the small of her
back that open and close with any arch or tilt of the hip.
I could smell her. Her good smelling ass pussy indeed. Meena's pussy is like the rest of her: hot
and perfect. Extremely wet when she's aroused... It tastes like feminine laced warm honey butter.
And feels like a silky warm glove on my cock.
And her sexy breasts. Meena has perfect sized breasts that hug her chest like firm but feminine
cutlets. Her areolae are naturally protruding; they do even more when sucked on, and are topped
by beautiful nipples. There is little to no sag in her tight breast meat.
Taking in her sexy perfection... Thinking of what I was going to say... About my perfect wife... I took
a deep breath and let it out slowly, then sighed an exasperated "Wow..."
"Oh," she said excitedly waiting, "This doesn't sound like a regular version of that fantasy you're
thinking of. Now I'm curious."
"Oh... Just looking at you is all... My hot wife. My horny girl?”. I spoke.
"Hmmmm, I like that," she grinned, leaning toward me.
"Yes? That's okay with you?" I asked as we kissed.
"Very. My naughty Mister," she smiled as we kissed again.
"That's very cool," I said between my kisses.
"Yes? You're cool with that?" she asked between hers.
"Yes?", she asked hoarsely.
"Hmmm," I smiled.
"I love you Nadir.", she moaned.
"I love you Meena."
To be continued…
Nadir’s Narration:
"Nadir, I know my own thoughts and feelings on this. Understand? Let me go my way..."
I smiled at Meena's insistence on all this, a knowing gleam in her eye as she stared up at me. I
couldn't resist and pulled her up to me for a much longer kiss. It ended nice and slow.
"Mmm, I like that," she cooed softly with her eyes still closed and a lick of the lips. "More."
We kissed more. A lot more. We finally broke off so I could finish what I was saying.
"Well...Meena I guess what I'm admitting is...I do think of those images, or see them... Or
rather...they come to me..."
"Outside the fantasy?" she asked. "When we're not talking about it or as another person is there?"
I nodded.
"When you are not… or we are not alone?", asked again to be sure if she heard correctly.
I nodded again. "Just sometimes," I said. "Not a lot, but...".
"Sometimes," she said.
I nodded.
Meena though for a moment.
"Nadir, sometimes or a lot even. I appreciate your sharing your thoughts and always want you to
but... Baby... How are different those times? I mean when someone other is present, I guess
mostly or even always a man or men… Am I right?”, She asked.
I nodded again.
“ Then, you should tell me at once or immediately afterwards at the first opportunity, that is what I
want... Or... You think it's obvious and you don't need to tell me…"
I thought for a moment. I just rolled my eyes and looked around, not knowing how to answer. It
had, but I couldn't explain what Meena had just pointed out to me.
"Nadir...oh baby..." she said, squeezing me as tight as she could, planting kisses all over my chest
and on her way up to my lips. Then softly next to my ear "I don't see it as different, no, difference if
you are alone or with me or someone else… They are your images and your fantasies and if you
share them with me then ours… I appreciate if you do share… My baby…”
“Release yourself from… Mmmmm," she moaned and kiss to it. "You should not hesitate in first
telling me your these fantasies,”, "My baby...I mean, I can see how you might have felt bad or
concerned had I recoiled from any bit of it..."
"I would Meena." I said.
"And I know that. You're not sure... You have doubts about how I might react. So caring... I know
you have to carry a crushing burden for however long, that means I never have to carry a bit of it, I
don't think that's good... you should talk to me... everything... no matter how..."
I nodded.
", but to bear any weight from it is...unnecessary. You're feeling bad or concerned and that's
because you love me and you're always looking out for me, even if sort of blindly...and that makes
me happy, but this is not good, Okay? I know now, you think of things or images, even wisches,
even when not around me, and I understand it. Believe me Nadir, these things makes me feel
sexy. Sexy to you. Then you should speak out." Meena emphsized.
"That's a big part of it for me; is how sexy you are and hoe sexy you feel...". I said.
"If it makes you feel better Nadir, as far as what I get out of any of this? it's that. You make me feel
so incredibly sexy baby. And that goes for what we've done. I felt...so sexy then too. And
ultimately, that's because of you too. Because of how you were watching me, seeing me and
thinking of me because of it. Made me feel so sexy. But anyway, this thing you feel you're
admitting to me, it's something I know already, I felt it but not exactly, how it is... Your images and
fantasies." We both smiled at that.
I finally looked her in the eye and she at me smiling.
"You know I'm right. Don't you?" she said. "You just like having something to worry about." I was
just blinking at Meena. "Look at you," she said. "It's hitting you hard that you know I'm right."
Meena was trying not to laugh in case I was still not seeing her point. But she was right and she
knew I knew she knew it. I started laughing and she did too.
"Gotcha," she grinned, hugging me again. "It's usually you dissecting things for me to see. This
surgeon habit… combined with a small amount of philosophical stuff from your complicated
brain…" Meena was beaming up at me as she laughed.
"I'm glad we had this talk, Nadir. I liked all of it."
"Me too. I think we've always been on the same page Meena. We're just making sure of it, that's
all. And I'm glad. It makes me feel good.”
"It makes me feel good too," she said. "I needed it."
Meena was lightly twisting me side to side as she hugged me, gently caressing my hair...only
stopping to plant a kiss on my chest and then rest her cheek back against it.
We hugged like this for a long while, my head resting on hers. I might have been fine after a
moment but she kept it up, coiling her arms tighter around me, the whole time.
"You know how I think of all this?" I mused as we stayed in each other's arms.
"Hmm," she peeped without looking up.
"Just like with our marriage and everything else we do in life, when it comes to all that but my point
is this fantasy thing and how we approach it, even when just talking about it like this... I think about
what you said, always “US”. Well...I think yes, that is the best way to tem it: a Team, US, we are a
team… you and me… We are the crew; we are the team…"
"A team?" she asked with soft but apparent disbelief as she reared back enough to look up at
me. "Did you just say we're a team??"
I nodded.
She hugged me tight again.
"Yes, a team, a united team against them all, Meena," I said.
"Hmmm," she smiled again. "I like that a lot."
"Me too," I said. " Meena, when something happens, of all the people involved, it is you and I who
have the higher agenda. We're the ones running the show. You and me."
"A team," she said soft, then, "Hmmmmm."
I felt Meena's breathing get heavier. And I felt her swallow hard.
"A team running a show? How?" she asked softly, asking more to hear than to find out. But she
knew I knew that.
"In our show they find relief as they want...". I spoke.
“How?”, Meena asked and waited. I sensed she is sexually excited.
“How far you or we let them,”, I wanted to tease her.
“With me? In my body?”, her voice was a bit hoarsely.
“Yes, "...inside my wife... Inside you."
"Mmmm," Meena sighed against me, pressing herself against my half erected rod, after this last
part of our talk.
Meena slowly looked up at me, eyes half closed, looking as though she had just cum. We met just
as slowly in a long, single, sensual yet loving kiss, which took forever for our lips to completely
separate. The wet smacking sound that came from it was so unique, the only sound that could be
heard, that surely the whole world must have heard it. I kissed her on the head, not shying away
from inhaling her scent loud enough to be heard.
"Nadir, you make me feel so... so intense and clear, I sense love and lust at the same time. Do you
know that?... Do you know that?" she repeated to me. "Just... I... I love you so much, I
love you so much..."
"Mmmm. I like it when you go off and swear like that," I said, resting my cheek on her head.
"You inspire me," she replied warmly, smiling at herself for quoting me, I could just tell from her
voice. I pulled back to look down at her.
"You're so sweet," I told her.
"Do you like it?"
"Yes, I love it…" I said, giving her another peck on the head.
"Still going to tell me?" she asked just as adorably. 'About this recent fantasy you been step in
your head?'" she added. "Still want to?" As if she couldn't have guessed by the erection I was
pressing against her.
"Still want to," I said.
"Please, I still want you to.", she insisted.
"Good," I grinned.
I reached over and grabbed her lime juice, drinking half of it and handing the rest to her. She
finished the rest with an "Okay? Waiting…"
"You know in the farm…" I said.
"You are speaking about Jalal? Right?" she said if a matter of fact.
"No… no silly, this time with...” I said.
“Tahir’s farm, I know, I tease you…”, she giggled.
“Okay… but before my fantasy… You didn’t answered my question,”, I sspoke.
“Which question? Are you now trying to tease me?”, she said.
“No, no… I asked if Tahir is a bit like Mansour? I think…”, I answered.
“Yes, superficially speaking, yes, I don't know”, she replied, thinking.
"Anyway, it was in his farm, my fantasy I mean..." I said.
"With him?! Me with him in your fantasy?, with that lumberjack?" she answered laughing.
“Yes, I got pretty horny,”, I answered.
“especially when you both stood so close to each other, even touching each other, I could not help
it" I tried to keep not to exaggerate and waited for her answer.
Meena was horny and I didn't want to stifle that. Luckily, she was on the same page.
"I know..." she said. "I sensed it today, I mean his interest", she answered and then looked at me,
“You make me hot, Mister, do you know it?”, She saif and giggled.
"I prefer to just think of you as being in heat," I said.
"Mmm, I like when you say that about me. Makes me feel sexy." Meena complained with a glint in
her eye.
"You are sexy," I told her.
"And it makes me feel horny," she added, staring at me.
"It makes who feel what now?" I asked, looking around.
"Sexy, hot, horny," she said simply and softly.
"You fell in love with me, because of it, because I do this...". I said.
"That is part of cause…", she winked,
"You love my fantasies, the next part of cause," I said as she reached to plant several kisses on
my chin.
"I love them too," she whispered soft and sexy between them.
"And you..."
"What about me?" she asked still giving me kisses.
"You like to help them to…to...". I stuttered…
“To help you, not them, not to help tha bad fantasied… But you…”, and continued kissing.
"Okay, to help me to give them life!", I said a little unsure if it fits.
Meena looked at me all sexy and seductive like, "I'm all yours big guy... As you wish, and as the
Lord wishes,", she said slowly, while she touched my erect cock.
We slowly ground against each other, smiling and kissing.
“I think I have to go into the kitchen, if you want to have a dinner, we cann continue this later…”,
she said and stood up and moved towards the door. I also got up quickly and followed her.
"Okay then. We have two minutes still, I can wait. How about...mm, how about you come over
here," I said, taking Meena by the hand and turning her to face the wall of building next to door.
"And hands u-, there you go," I said gently.
as she placed her hands against the wall in front of her. "You know the drill young lady. Now take
your stance. "
"You're going to tell me like this?" she asked and giggled as she adjusted her footing and putting a
little arch in her lower back.
"I'm going tell you while you're like this," I said. "I want to play with you while I do," I whispered in
her ear.
"Really? I like that baby. I like having you play with me when you tell me such things," she said,
leaning over for a single tongue filled, very wet and smiling kiss.
Meena looked pleasantly surprised as she looked around. I thought about her carefree behavior,
given the raunchy scene I was about to narrate to her while I took off her her loose shirt and then
unclasped her bra. She automatically raised her arms up for me and replaced her hands against
the wall. I gave her pants covered ass a little slap.
"Oh!" she playfully yelped.
Meena looked and smelled incredible. All, standing there for me wearing nothing but her pants; her
perfect little body, naked from the waist up; tight and beautiful, but not too lean; looking like a little
porn star with a phenomenal ass and womanly hips; and those two little dimples at the small of her
back that open and close with any arch or tilt of the hip.
I could smell her. Her good smelling ass pussy indeed. Meena's pussy is like the rest of her: hot
and perfect. Extremely wet when she's aroused... It tastes like feminine laced warm honey butter.
And feels like a silky warm glove on my cock.
And her sexy breasts. Meena has perfect sized breasts that hug her chest like firm but feminine
cutlets. Her areolae are naturally protruding; they do even more when sucked on, and are topped
by beautiful nipples. There is little to no sag in her tight breast meat.
Taking in her sexy perfection... Thinking of what I was going to say... About my perfect wife... I took
a deep breath and let it out slowly, then sighed an exasperated "Wow..."
"Oh," she said excitedly waiting, "This doesn't sound like a regular version of that fantasy you're
thinking of. Now I'm curious."
"Oh... Just looking at you is all... My hot wife. My horny girl?”. I spoke.
"Hmmmm, I like that," she grinned, leaning toward me.
"Yes? That's okay with you?" I asked as we kissed.
"Very. My naughty Mister," she smiled as we kissed again.
"That's very cool," I said between my kisses.
"Yes? You're cool with that?" she asked between hers.
"Yes?", she asked hoarsely.
"Hmmm," I smiled.
"I love you Nadir.", she moaned.
"I love you Meena."
To be continued…