08-01-2025, 10:21 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-01-2025, 12:08 PM by RCF. Edited 4 times in total. Edited 4 times in total.)
As promised to give my final version on Meera
Meera’s perspective:
Like I said I could be wrong, and this is my theory in Meera’s cheating…you guys are free to disagree me. Usually, I do not take a no even from my team :
Jk, they like me as their head.
My last attempt though, you will never get it again from me for any other comments defending Meera so bear with me one last time and sorry if i annoyed any one.
Disclaimer: Take these as substitutes to get the reference.
Krish and Meera’s marriage – Health
Krish – Sweet that’s bland.
Krish’s Cuckoldry – Watching Meera eat other sweets.
Desai – Very Sweet (Bad for health)
What does Meera miss in her life (Healthy marriage):
1. She misses great sex…
2. She misses intimacy that comes from passionate sex, Krish never was able to give her since he fell into habit of watching her having sex with others... If ever they got it, it is through imagining himself as others in his mind or as an after effect of an adventure they did together, we have even seen this case when Mr. Shekar was in their life...but Meera enjoyed it for a while because it gives her what she wants from her husband later…but now in a healthy marriage she wants it straight from her husband
3. Lately Krish and her lost chemistry…since Desai started becoming a regular at Krish’s place even before the chapters rewrite.
4. She misses that spark in her marriage which they used to have...before Desai, even though they together enjoyed many times, she wants the same feeling from her husband.
5. She wishes she had a normal life without temptations that come from Krish’s dark fantasies.
6. She wishes her Krish, instead of seeing her as his object of fantasies, sees her as his wife and love her as his wife and have sex with her as if he is attracted crazily to her like Desai not imagining her as someone who others can enjoy.(Basically How Krish enjoyed with other ladies that he is attracted like Maithrei or Ananya, He has most passionate sex with Ankita I think when they were apart)
7. She wants kids with Krish with a love life filled with passion and caring that only she has in dreams so far…
Points above 5,6 and 7 are main here…
Observation: Everything that we read above is in Desai (Sweet) and he provided her recently and made her experience it in this part 3 multiple times.
Now having listed things that she misses in her life now let’s read the last chapter again.
“I heard Meera calculating the distance between her office and mine compared to this house and our present one. “
She is calculating the distance for her from her office and not only her but for her Krish as well from this apartment so in her mind she never plans to leave Krish. She is at that apartment to eat her fav sweet despite its unhealthy (marriage)…Let’s assume her marriage is Health, and Desai is her fav sweet just for the sake of it.
"At first, I wasn’t thinking about it," she admitted softly. "But after agreeing to meet you... it became harder to wait. So…yes... You’ve been on my mind."
She never planned it but once she is tempted, she wants to eat this sweet without Krish watching it and judging her and misunderstanding her looking at how crazy she is about that sweet.
“Do you feel the same level of fulfilment with Krish?”
Meera paused for a moment and then broke my heart. “No.”
“I should have met you before he did. I wish I had, baby.”
Meera laughed softly.
Krish wants to watch her eat sweet all the time and make it unhealthy (their marriage suffers). He made her addicted to the sweet by pushing her to eat it so he can watch it but eating sweet is causing her health a problem and she wishes to eat it with all her health intact (She wishes her fav sweet is Krish) , here is she is referring for many things in her marriage not just Krish’s dick.
"You know, one reason that I came here is to feel… free. It feels suffocating to think of always being watched, always feeling like I couldn’t breathe without Krish knowing,"
She doesn’t want Krish to see it how crazy she is for that sweet, at the same time when she eats that sweet, she is worried that Krish’s addiction to watch her eat will make him more addicted so she is constantly stressed so…she is sneaking in the middle of night to eat it until now ( At home)and in constant fear of Krish watching it from some place and so this time she doesn’t want to eat it worrying about if Krish is watching her eat it or not and get more addicted to his problem of keep watching her to eat sweet. Yet she wants to eat it with no one to judge her or no one for her to worry about it and also savor the fav sweet.
"You know, our meeting – whether it’s here or anywhere else – it’s always been a gift from him. I can’t explain it, but I know he knows about us. He’s too smart not to."
Her eating this sweet is only temporary for her and she knows she will miss it eventually when Krish finds out she is eating it with out him watching it…but her heart says Krish is still watching it and allowing her to eat it and she feels it’s a gift Krish gave her…Here Sweet means the moments that she gets from Desai shows her the life she imagined with Krish, which she always missed in her life…and now she is just getting it as a gift from Krish for a short period…she is savoring the feeling for short period. Check above Observation on top of my comment (Desai can provide what she has always missed)
"If this is so painful for you, why not leave him? Why stay?"
Meera's reply was quick, before Desai's suggestion could baffle me. "Because I love him,"
So, if Desai is all that she needs in her marriage why not leave her bland sweet and take this her fav sweet as hers, because leaving is not an option for her. She loves her Krish. She can find that healthy sweet elsewhere or even marry her fav sweet (Desai) who can provide her the healthy marriage, but she loves her Krish, and she cannot leave him...Whether there is a good sweet out there or not but, in her heart, her bland sweet is always her sweet whether it provides her the perfect health(marriage) or not. Hence, she said, because I love him, I cannot leave him.
"I wouldn’t have come if I wasn’t attracted to you, Desai," she admitted, her words piercing my heart like a sharp knife, before she spoke further, "But it’s complicated. You’re not him, and you never will be. No need to compare."
You are not my Bland sweet (Krish), and you will never be equal to my bland sweet(Krish) but I am attracted to that one sweet which could have given me the best sweetness which will not destroy health(marriage) as well which I had always dreamed of tasting it and I am only here to savor it for a short time which could help her remember all her life how it would be if I had that perfect health with perfect sweet in My bland sweet.
"I’m sorry for dragging you into this mess. But I needed this – I needed you – to remind me of what I was missing and what I still have."
She was missing the healthy sweet (marriage that provides all the listed things above). Sweet that is not bad for health (which is only Krish, if only Krish is not only interested to watch her eat sweet but if he is interested to become the sweet, she needs).so like I said, she came here to savor the forbidden sweet.
"You haven’t lost control," he said softly. "You’re just scared. You’ve spent so much time living for Krish – worrying about what he sees, what he thinks, what he might do. You need to remember what it’s like to live for yourself."
She for once in her life thought to taste that forbidden sweet and experience how would it be, Krish pushed her to eat that sweet and once she tasted it, she experienced everything that she ever wanted in her sweet is in there but alas it’s not her sweet (Krish) but she wanted to taste it and see at least for short time…She wanted to live for herself once and taste it. In an ideal healthy life, A married women should never taste something that is better than what she has at home, if she does it then it will show her what she is missing. That’s exactly what happened to her with Desai.
"In the morning," she said slowly, her voice soft. Her eyes remained fixed on his for a few seconds before she added, "I really missed you when I woke up."
Every morning, she misses the sweet that she wants in her bed, she wishes her sweet (Krish) to have that sweetness (Desai).
“You never thought of motherhood?”
“I will. Not so soon.” She said and then added, “What about you? Thought of marrying someone and getting into fatherhood?”
She wants family out of her marriage with Krish only, and she is asking Desai about his health (marriage)…she is not planning to or never was planning to make her fav sweet as her sweet, she already has a sweet and she is ok for her sweet to be not that sweet as she wanted it to be…
“You’ve become special to me,” she said, her voice warm and full of affection.
“Have I?” Desai asked, his voice low, filled with the vulnerability of the moment.
“You have,” Meera replied, her smile widening.
“I love these moments, Meera. I love you,” Desai said.
She had many sweets in her life, but she never felt this about any other sweet, in that sense no sweet ever showed her that perfect health (sweetness needed in a marriage) and perfect sweet…. and Desai is her favorite sweet and became a special one.
Meera’s voice trembled, “I’ll do whatever you wish... oh my god; I’m losing my mind... Susheel... aaah... I’ve never met a man like you. I wish... I could make my life yours.”
She wishes she could give her life and keep eating that special sweet alas, but she cannot ignore her health(marriage) and her love for her sweet, no health means and nothing to eat even though sweet is there for special occasion. Health is all that matters, not sweets.
Desai asked her what if you can get that sweetness with all your health intact and no problem…that would be her ideal life. She would give anything to be in that fantasy state. And she would want to live that fantasy even in dreams one day…or would die to get it in her life...
” I watched Meera close her eyes for a moment before opening them and locking them with Desai's. “I love you… Krish… Oh my God… I can’t…”
If you see, she closed her eyes and now she is not seeing Desai, she is seeing Krish in place of Desai and she is feeling and experiencing how it would be to experience what she is experiencing with Desai as with Krish, and it made her heartbeat like crazy…and what came next is not for Desai. It’s for Krish and it came from her soul.
She is imagining eating her favorite sweet and her health (Marriage) is also not getting effected, it’s a dream come true…. Her Krish becoming her perfect sweet with perfect sweetness…
“I love you… Krish… Oh my God… I can’t…” 'Krish… fill me, baby… fill me… give me a child…'
She wants child with a Krish that can give her this feeling…Hence she keeps saying to Krish no for a child. The Krish that we see now is not her Krish. Her Krish is long changed into someone else over his obsession to just watch her eat but not become her sweet to eat.
“How can you be so sure Krish would find peace with us meeting here, having sex like this?”
She is scared that Krish would misunderstand her and leave her…
Finally, Meera spoke, her voice barely audible. “No.”
Desai leaned closer, his voice steady yet persuasive. “Then you know what to do. Give him what he wants, Meera.”
"so stop punishing yourself for wanting more."
Meera has all her life gave what Krish wanted and always worried about where Krish will lead their health (marriage) into if she keeps feeding into his fantasy of eating other sweets…but now she has tasted her fav sweet and know how eating this sweet could never destroy health, she is addicted to it. Her biggest mistake is…she knows her perfect sweet (Desai); she knows the recipe because she has tasted it. And she also dreams and hopes her bland sweet turn into this sweet, but she never put efforts (open communication) into making her sweet like this …instead she gave into only tasting that perfect sweet but only for a short time. She knows when her bland sweet wants her back she will throw this one and she considers her bland sweet as hers, whether she likes it or not. The question is now whether bland sweet wants her back or not.
If Krish can understand and make himself the perfect sweet that Meera wishes she will not hesitate to throw Desai and welcome, her own sweet with open arms.
Just like Krish sacrifices everything for her Meera, Meera all her life sacrificed for Krish. It will only take a min for her to discard Krish and find a new perfect sweet who is not a cuckold, but that’s not the point for her. She has lived all her life without the perfect sweet and ate other sweets at her husband’s request or at her own will, but she cannot live her life without her sweet.
You can see the above dialogues from Meera, and they resonate with my thinking about her and her mindset. Meera cannot live with Desai in the end without Krish, if that was not the case. She would have agreed to what Desai said about leaving him…. She won’t simply because she cannot leave her Krish as she loves him more than anything in her life. She keeps repeating her mistakes and gets hurt every time she does it, but she doesn’t want to leave her Krish, but I guess ball is not in her court anymore. Once you taste the forbidden sweet, you put your health(marriage) at risk even though perfect sweet showed you a recipe for perfect health and perfect sweetness.
We should see the Krish who pushed her to taste it , would he punish her for now tasting it with out him or if he would understand and promise her that he would become the perfect sweet in her life to claim her back or would he sacrifice her to the perfect sweet whether she would be happy or not and move on.
Meera’s perspective:
Like I said I could be wrong, and this is my theory in Meera’s cheating…you guys are free to disagree me. Usually, I do not take a no even from my team :

My last attempt though, you will never get it again from me for any other comments defending Meera so bear with me one last time and sorry if i annoyed any one.
Disclaimer: Take these as substitutes to get the reference.
Krish and Meera’s marriage – Health
Krish – Sweet that’s bland.
Krish’s Cuckoldry – Watching Meera eat other sweets.
Desai – Very Sweet (Bad for health)
What does Meera miss in her life (Healthy marriage):
1. She misses great sex…
2. She misses intimacy that comes from passionate sex, Krish never was able to give her since he fell into habit of watching her having sex with others... If ever they got it, it is through imagining himself as others in his mind or as an after effect of an adventure they did together, we have even seen this case when Mr. Shekar was in their life...but Meera enjoyed it for a while because it gives her what she wants from her husband later…but now in a healthy marriage she wants it straight from her husband
3. Lately Krish and her lost chemistry…since Desai started becoming a regular at Krish’s place even before the chapters rewrite.
4. She misses that spark in her marriage which they used to have...before Desai, even though they together enjoyed many times, she wants the same feeling from her husband.
5. She wishes she had a normal life without temptations that come from Krish’s dark fantasies.
6. She wishes her Krish, instead of seeing her as his object of fantasies, sees her as his wife and love her as his wife and have sex with her as if he is attracted crazily to her like Desai not imagining her as someone who others can enjoy.(Basically How Krish enjoyed with other ladies that he is attracted like Maithrei or Ananya, He has most passionate sex with Ankita I think when they were apart)
7. She wants kids with Krish with a love life filled with passion and caring that only she has in dreams so far…
Points above 5,6 and 7 are main here…
Observation: Everything that we read above is in Desai (Sweet) and he provided her recently and made her experience it in this part 3 multiple times.
Now having listed things that she misses in her life now let’s read the last chapter again.
“I heard Meera calculating the distance between her office and mine compared to this house and our present one. “
She is calculating the distance for her from her office and not only her but for her Krish as well from this apartment so in her mind she never plans to leave Krish. She is at that apartment to eat her fav sweet despite its unhealthy (marriage)…Let’s assume her marriage is Health, and Desai is her fav sweet just for the sake of it.
"At first, I wasn’t thinking about it," she admitted softly. "But after agreeing to meet you... it became harder to wait. So…yes... You’ve been on my mind."
She never planned it but once she is tempted, she wants to eat this sweet without Krish watching it and judging her and misunderstanding her looking at how crazy she is about that sweet.
“Do you feel the same level of fulfilment with Krish?”
Meera paused for a moment and then broke my heart. “No.”
“I should have met you before he did. I wish I had, baby.”
Meera laughed softly.
Krish wants to watch her eat sweet all the time and make it unhealthy (their marriage suffers). He made her addicted to the sweet by pushing her to eat it so he can watch it but eating sweet is causing her health a problem and she wishes to eat it with all her health intact (She wishes her fav sweet is Krish) , here is she is referring for many things in her marriage not just Krish’s dick.
"You know, one reason that I came here is to feel… free. It feels suffocating to think of always being watched, always feeling like I couldn’t breathe without Krish knowing,"
She doesn’t want Krish to see it how crazy she is for that sweet, at the same time when she eats that sweet, she is worried that Krish’s addiction to watch her eat will make him more addicted so she is constantly stressed so…she is sneaking in the middle of night to eat it until now ( At home)and in constant fear of Krish watching it from some place and so this time she doesn’t want to eat it worrying about if Krish is watching her eat it or not and get more addicted to his problem of keep watching her to eat sweet. Yet she wants to eat it with no one to judge her or no one for her to worry about it and also savor the fav sweet.
"You know, our meeting – whether it’s here or anywhere else – it’s always been a gift from him. I can’t explain it, but I know he knows about us. He’s too smart not to."
Her eating this sweet is only temporary for her and she knows she will miss it eventually when Krish finds out she is eating it with out him watching it…but her heart says Krish is still watching it and allowing her to eat it and she feels it’s a gift Krish gave her…Here Sweet means the moments that she gets from Desai shows her the life she imagined with Krish, which she always missed in her life…and now she is just getting it as a gift from Krish for a short period…she is savoring the feeling for short period. Check above Observation on top of my comment (Desai can provide what she has always missed)
"If this is so painful for you, why not leave him? Why stay?"
Meera's reply was quick, before Desai's suggestion could baffle me. "Because I love him,"
So, if Desai is all that she needs in her marriage why not leave her bland sweet and take this her fav sweet as hers, because leaving is not an option for her. She loves her Krish. She can find that healthy sweet elsewhere or even marry her fav sweet (Desai) who can provide her the healthy marriage, but she loves her Krish, and she cannot leave him...Whether there is a good sweet out there or not but, in her heart, her bland sweet is always her sweet whether it provides her the perfect health(marriage) or not. Hence, she said, because I love him, I cannot leave him.
"I wouldn’t have come if I wasn’t attracted to you, Desai," she admitted, her words piercing my heart like a sharp knife, before she spoke further, "But it’s complicated. You’re not him, and you never will be. No need to compare."
You are not my Bland sweet (Krish), and you will never be equal to my bland sweet(Krish) but I am attracted to that one sweet which could have given me the best sweetness which will not destroy health(marriage) as well which I had always dreamed of tasting it and I am only here to savor it for a short time which could help her remember all her life how it would be if I had that perfect health with perfect sweet in My bland sweet.
"I’m sorry for dragging you into this mess. But I needed this – I needed you – to remind me of what I was missing and what I still have."
She was missing the healthy sweet (marriage that provides all the listed things above). Sweet that is not bad for health (which is only Krish, if only Krish is not only interested to watch her eat sweet but if he is interested to become the sweet, she needs).so like I said, she came here to savor the forbidden sweet.
"You haven’t lost control," he said softly. "You’re just scared. You’ve spent so much time living for Krish – worrying about what he sees, what he thinks, what he might do. You need to remember what it’s like to live for yourself."
She for once in her life thought to taste that forbidden sweet and experience how would it be, Krish pushed her to eat that sweet and once she tasted it, she experienced everything that she ever wanted in her sweet is in there but alas it’s not her sweet (Krish) but she wanted to taste it and see at least for short time…She wanted to live for herself once and taste it. In an ideal healthy life, A married women should never taste something that is better than what she has at home, if she does it then it will show her what she is missing. That’s exactly what happened to her with Desai.
"In the morning," she said slowly, her voice soft. Her eyes remained fixed on his for a few seconds before she added, "I really missed you when I woke up."
Every morning, she misses the sweet that she wants in her bed, she wishes her sweet (Krish) to have that sweetness (Desai).
“You never thought of motherhood?”
“I will. Not so soon.” She said and then added, “What about you? Thought of marrying someone and getting into fatherhood?”
She wants family out of her marriage with Krish only, and she is asking Desai about his health (marriage)…she is not planning to or never was planning to make her fav sweet as her sweet, she already has a sweet and she is ok for her sweet to be not that sweet as she wanted it to be…
“You’ve become special to me,” she said, her voice warm and full of affection.
“Have I?” Desai asked, his voice low, filled with the vulnerability of the moment.
“You have,” Meera replied, her smile widening.
“I love these moments, Meera. I love you,” Desai said.
She had many sweets in her life, but she never felt this about any other sweet, in that sense no sweet ever showed her that perfect health (sweetness needed in a marriage) and perfect sweet…. and Desai is her favorite sweet and became a special one.
Meera’s voice trembled, “I’ll do whatever you wish... oh my god; I’m losing my mind... Susheel... aaah... I’ve never met a man like you. I wish... I could make my life yours.”
She wishes she could give her life and keep eating that special sweet alas, but she cannot ignore her health(marriage) and her love for her sweet, no health means and nothing to eat even though sweet is there for special occasion. Health is all that matters, not sweets.
Desai asked her what if you can get that sweetness with all your health intact and no problem…that would be her ideal life. She would give anything to be in that fantasy state. And she would want to live that fantasy even in dreams one day…or would die to get it in her life...
” I watched Meera close her eyes for a moment before opening them and locking them with Desai's. “I love you… Krish… Oh my God… I can’t…”
If you see, she closed her eyes and now she is not seeing Desai, she is seeing Krish in place of Desai and she is feeling and experiencing how it would be to experience what she is experiencing with Desai as with Krish, and it made her heartbeat like crazy…and what came next is not for Desai. It’s for Krish and it came from her soul.
She is imagining eating her favorite sweet and her health (Marriage) is also not getting effected, it’s a dream come true…. Her Krish becoming her perfect sweet with perfect sweetness…
“I love you… Krish… Oh my God… I can’t…” 'Krish… fill me, baby… fill me… give me a child…'
She wants child with a Krish that can give her this feeling…Hence she keeps saying to Krish no for a child. The Krish that we see now is not her Krish. Her Krish is long changed into someone else over his obsession to just watch her eat but not become her sweet to eat.
“How can you be so sure Krish would find peace with us meeting here, having sex like this?”
She is scared that Krish would misunderstand her and leave her…
Finally, Meera spoke, her voice barely audible. “No.”
Desai leaned closer, his voice steady yet persuasive. “Then you know what to do. Give him what he wants, Meera.”
"so stop punishing yourself for wanting more."
Meera has all her life gave what Krish wanted and always worried about where Krish will lead their health (marriage) into if she keeps feeding into his fantasy of eating other sweets…but now she has tasted her fav sweet and know how eating this sweet could never destroy health, she is addicted to it. Her biggest mistake is…she knows her perfect sweet (Desai); she knows the recipe because she has tasted it. And she also dreams and hopes her bland sweet turn into this sweet, but she never put efforts (open communication) into making her sweet like this …instead she gave into only tasting that perfect sweet but only for a short time. She knows when her bland sweet wants her back she will throw this one and she considers her bland sweet as hers, whether she likes it or not. The question is now whether bland sweet wants her back or not.
If Krish can understand and make himself the perfect sweet that Meera wishes she will not hesitate to throw Desai and welcome, her own sweet with open arms.
Just like Krish sacrifices everything for her Meera, Meera all her life sacrificed for Krish. It will only take a min for her to discard Krish and find a new perfect sweet who is not a cuckold, but that’s not the point for her. She has lived all her life without the perfect sweet and ate other sweets at her husband’s request or at her own will, but she cannot live her life without her sweet.
You can see the above dialogues from Meera, and they resonate with my thinking about her and her mindset. Meera cannot live with Desai in the end without Krish, if that was not the case. She would have agreed to what Desai said about leaving him…. She won’t simply because she cannot leave her Krish as she loves him more than anything in her life. She keeps repeating her mistakes and gets hurt every time she does it, but she doesn’t want to leave her Krish, but I guess ball is not in her court anymore. Once you taste the forbidden sweet, you put your health(marriage) at risk even though perfect sweet showed you a recipe for perfect health and perfect sweetness.
We should see the Krish who pushed her to taste it , would he punish her for now tasting it with out him or if he would understand and promise her that he would become the perfect sweet in her life to claim her back or would he sacrifice her to the perfect sweet whether she would be happy or not and move on.