Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
(06-01-2025, 06:04 PM)abhinay67 Wrote: You make no sense at all.
Meera does not have any knowledge of Krish hiding or knowing about the recent tryst with Desai, If she wanted Krish to stop cuckolding she should have been open, on the contrary, she is taking measures to hide her cheating with Desai. If she is hiding everything from Krish, according to her Krish knows nothing is going on. What is there for Krish to stop then?

Forget about the cheating for a moment, the ridicule and disrespect shown to Krish in front of Desai is  itself a good reason for separation,
 Even if you can forgive cheating, disrespect cannot be forgiven

Its actually pretty simple man , Meera clearly states that she feels Krish is always watching or is aware of her shenanigans. The main reason she brought Desai to this new flat is because she could feel free because in her house she feels Krish is always watching. She admits she is cheating on Krish and that is also hurting her. Another factor is when Desai screwed her she didn't talk about Pregnancy , but when Desai roleplayed as Krish , Meera admitted she wants a child with Krish. But Meera doesn't want Krish to become a father when he is still a cuckold.

In simple words , Meera basically is confessing indirectly that she wants Krish to stop all of this because she feels she is powerless and is succumbing to Desai. The fate of their marriage is now at Krish's hands and he can definitely save it because what transpired here is basically the same thing that happened in the original ending where Desai claimed Meera for good but then Nidhi came the next day and revealed the truth.

In a way the ridicule and disrespect was needed because Krish needs to see what the consequences of his actions have brought this into. He could've stopped this during the music festival night , he could've stopped this  on that marriage function morning. Hell , he could've stopped it right there but he didn't. This is the deciding moment for Krish. He has to take back the control in their marriage and stop Meera to go to the resort. Because now Krish is aware Meera has gone to the point that she and Desai are now manipulating Krish because both Desai and Meera believes Krish will never change.

That change must happen , Krish should show that he is no longer interested in the cuckolding. The first sign of it was this recent chapters where Krish not even once got excited , he was more hurt by the reality that he was loosing Meera. And the author claims there is no such thing as an Ex Cuckold. Well there isn't , until now. Which is Krish , because he didn't jerk off seeing Meera and Desai this time. The first sign of his healing is here and he needs to use that to overcome it and finally make a stand and tell Meera  or force her to confess and then make the decision of not giving her permission to go to the resort.

Desai's whole perspective and belief while break if Krish makes a stand. He needs to be the same Krish from the end of part II and reclaim his life. That is the only way he could save Meera and send Desai away for good.
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