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Incest Divine Touch of the Yakshini
Alas, the humans gradually became corrupted with their own clever minds. They formed rigid societies and cultures, binding each other with laws, rules and traditions that they imposed upon themselves and others. Slowly, incestuous love became a taboo for them and they stopped indulging in their desires.

"As the humans suppressed their incestuous desires, we started losing our powers. One by one, all my friends, frustrated and dejected, departed the mortal world until I alone was left. My powers are severely diminished now, as you all have almost forgotten about incestuous love. I can no longer take physical form and have to dwell among the trees in spirit form.

"The yagna acted as a massive beacon and drew me to this place. I partook some of the offerings of the yagna and was able to strengthen myself but it wasn't enough. Conversing with you through your dreams is taking a toll on me and this shared dream is especially taxing."

"Why did you choose the three of us?" asked Narmada

"When I settled here, I sensed incestuous desires within you. And let me assure you, your sons desire you as well. It's the purest form of love. A mother's love for her son taken to the zenith through sexual union. I want to help you realize your innermost desire."

"Thats preposterous! I don't desire my son!" Shakuntala cried out.

"But sub-consciously you do, my dear. You know this, in your heart, to be true."

The column of light suddenly blinked and wavered.

"I must end this dream soon. I cannot hold it much longer."

Rukmini looked at Shakuntala and Narmada and then asked, "Tell us what to do."

"In order to help me regain my strength, you need to act upon your incestuous desires. When you do, you need to fornicate with your sons in this grove, at the base of the ashoka trees. Touch the trees when you attain orgasm. They are a conduit to transfer your spiritual orgasmic energies to me. Once rejuvenated, I will help you. You have my word. But I urge you, do not take long to decide.

I am almost spent. I cannot reach out to you further. The fate of the village lies on you. Choose wisely. Farewell."

जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Divine Touch of the Yakshini - by neerathemall - 29-06-2022, 05:36 PM
RE: Divine Touch of the Yakshini - by behka - 18-08-2022, 10:55 PM
RE: Divine Touch of the Yakshini - by sri7869 - 21-06-2024, 10:17 AM
RE: Divine Touch of the Yakshini - by neerathemall - 04-01-2025, 03:41 PM

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