04-01-2025, 03:32 PM
Mum and I shared the same birthday, which was quite unusual though on our next birthday, I would be twenty-five and mum would be fifty. The last six years had brought mum and I so close. Our birthday was on the twenty-first of July. It was great as when I was younger it fell during my college holidays. Dad's birthday wasn't until December, so we had a big celebration every July.
We lived comfortably. Dad was nine years older than mum but the love between them was amazing. Mum was five foot eight inches tall; she had a voluptuous body which she kept in amazing condition. We had an indoor pool at home, complete with an exercise room, Jacuzzi and sauna. Every day mum exercised there. Mum was an accountant. After I was born, she set up a small accountancy company which she ran from the house. The local Tax Office, which was good for her and her clients.
I loved my teenage years. I had a wonderful relationship with dad and mum. We were a family in every way. When I was five, mum wanted another child. She had to forgo this, as her business was so busy. Dad had a Professor and Doctor title. He ran the software department of a large bank. He taught me so much programming; I was into gaming programs with exciting graphics but to be used on Android smartphones.
Dad was a colossus in programming. They accepted me at the local university, who had a first-class programming department. I was in no doubt that dad's influence had played a major part in my acceptance. I had helped dad with a one hundred percent secure Android banking app, it impressed him and I earned money from it. The major thing for me was that dad and I could work together.
Then it happened. On the fourteenth of July, dad was in London doing a presentation on my banking app. Dad had flown down. He had left his car in for service, which was now back at the house. Dad was in the back seat of a taxi when the taxi was hit by a drunk driver, doing over a hundred miles per hour. It killed the taxi driver and dad.
I answered the door just after nine. Mum and I had eaten earlier. There were two security officer officers standing at the door, both with a serious look on their faces. One said, "Is this the residence of Professor Harry Ryan?"
"Yes, it is, I'm his son, Jack. How can I help you?"
They then explained that dad had been in a tragic accident, he and the taxi driver were both dead. Also, the driver of the car that hit them was also dead. As the security officer officer said, "It's not a pretty sight, but we need you to identify your father's body."
Mum had now appeared, she grasped what was happening, mum said, "Jack, I've had a glass of wine. Will you drive me as I would like to see your father?"
Mum had a shocked look on her face. We then followed the security officer car to the morgue. Dad was not a pretty sight. Mum and I said our goodbyes there to him. The funeral director then took over. The security officer doctor had issued the death certificate. Mum was in control, but she looked strained. We got back home, I poured mum a glass of wine, mum said, "What am I going to do? He's the only man I've ever loved. Life without him will be so empty for me."
I was there for mum all the time. The funeral was so busy, everyone was nice. The professor from my department at university spent time with me, inviting me to his office for a coffee before the term started. It was obvious he had a lot of respect for dad. Mum was more than herself now. She was putting a brave face on everything she did. I was spending time on my new game. It took my mind off everything. One night, mum and I were chatting, she had registered some of dad's programmes in Delaware; he paid no sales tax on his sales. Mum had done the same for me.
I started at university; I loved it; I stayed at home, which was good for mum and me. Mum was financially secure, dad had two life insurance policies. Since the funeral, mum had got her lawyers on to the taxi crash. The taxi insurance had made mum an offer, which she accepted. With mum's accountancy company, she was secure and concentrating on her clients.
Mum and I had talked often. I told her that dad had told me about the birds and the bees as he said my life would change at university and I would meet girls. Mum got a surprise when I told her this. She told me that her mum and dad had told her nothing about sex and she and dad had learnt by doing. I was sure that mum and dad had a very active sex life.
It surprised me how open mum was when she asked, "You must give love to girls you date, sex is wonderful but you must love each other. If you're not sure, then walk away from it. Are you a virgin?"
I was embarrassed, but I was honest and said, "Yes mum, I am. I've been too busy working."
The next question surprised me. "What do you do when you're horny?"
I smiled and said, "What do you think I do, mum?"
Mum laughed and said, "Jack, if you meet a nice girl, then bring her home for a glass of wine, I'll soon let you know if she's the girl for you. There's nothing wrong with being horny. I've got to look after myself at least once a day now."
Mum and I left it then, we now got into a routine. When dad was alive, we hadn't? been churchgoers, but not every Sunday. Mum suggested we go on Sunday, that was the start of it. Mum only had her work and looking after me. She seemed to enjoy going to Church; she enjoyed talking with people. Mum had a pleasant voice and was soon asked to join the Church choir. She loved being part of the choir.
I was enjoying university, the first term flew in. I was getting into a routine, too. Next thing, Easter came around. I was good with my hands. There was going to be a charity fashion show for Easter. Jean, who was a model, ran it. Jean was tall and busty. She had been widowed several years ago. Jean looked as though she was in her forties, but she was in her early sixties. She approached me as she had a problem with the catwalk lights and music. I checked it out for her. She had her own iPad, which she wanted to play music from Abba, Bee Gees, Chris de Burgh and Rod Stewart.
I got the lightning working. A member of the congregation was an electrical wholesaler. He was so helpful and donated LED lightning, which gave such a professional look to the catwalk. Jean was getting so excited about the fashion show. I nearly finished my work as the lights worked perfectly. I had to get one hundred minutes of music on her iPad.
Bill, the son of the electrical wholesaler, had helped me put the LED lighting in place. Jean had been with us but then left to speak to a woman she wanted to model for her. Before she left, Jean said, "Jack, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon around four at my house. We can get some music on my iPad. Could you ask your mum if she'd be interested in doing a little modelling for us? Your mother is a good-looking woman. We are two models short. I thought that your mum and I could do some lingerie modelling. I'm sure it would go down well. If she's still in mourning, then it wouldn't be a problem. Jack, could you be a darling and WhatsApp me some pictures of the catwalk when you finish?"
I told her I'd do that and see her around four tomorrow. Jean and I had spent a lot of time over the last ten days together. Planning and arranging the lights had presented problems, but with Bill's dad, it had been sorted. We finished the lighting thirty minutes later. As we tidied up, Bill said, "Jack, juicy Jean is hot for you, you're a lucky guy as she doesn't throw it around a lot. She's very loyal and loving, I know, as I've been fucking her for the last five years. I got engaged five months ago. We had a long chat. Jeans so honest. We'd been together for so long. I was doing her when her husband was still alive. Jack, I see the way she looks at you. Since we split, she's been with no one. You should spend some time with her and get to know her. She loves young cock and she'll take you to places you never knew existed. Don't think of her as an old ride. She's looking for love and affection, and she'll give you all her love if you're loyal to her."
I couldn't believe what Bill was telling me. He had no axe to grind. He was being honest with me. The back garden is where I took the pictures of mum in a bikini. I thought of mum and looked at her gorgeous body as I wanked my big cock. I loved mum's massive tits; they aroused me. Then I thought of Jean. Their bodies were so similar, though mum's was much younger, I replied to Bill, "Bill, thanks for the heads up about Jean, I find her very attractive. Could you tell me why you call her juicy Jean?"
Bill laughed and said, "Jack, Jean has an absolute treasure of a cunt. In no way does she suffer from vaginal dryness, she's always wet. Jean loves to love her lover. Once she crosses the line with you, your sex life will change immediately. Jean loves to be complimented. She loves to be touched and felt. I have said before that she has a very strong sexual appetite. She adores a young cock. Go slowly, treat her with respect and you'll be there quickly. I have got to go now. I'm meeting my fiancé and soon to be my wife."
I took the pictures of the lighting Jean asked me to take. It looked incredible. Bill had put dimmer switches in. The lights gave an excellent experience. I was sure Jean would love it. Mum was in the kitchen preparing dinner when I got home. She had leggings and a top on; she looked great, her tight butt looked amazing. I told her the lights were now working in the Church Hall and looked terrific. I said, "Mum, Jean's short of a couple of models. Would you be interested in modelling some clothes and lingerie?"
Mum didn't reply immediately. She played for time by checking a pot in the oven. She asked me to pour her a glass of wine, one for myself if I wanted. I did this wondering how mum would reply. Her body looked gorgeous. Both she and Jean were natural models. "Jack, it's now nine months since dad died. I'm living as a recluse. I'm loving the choir as it gets me out, but I've no confidence. That was so nice of Jean asking me to help her. Please tell her I will come and support her but I've not got the confidence to take part yet. I'm so happy that you have helped her. The Church brings people together."
"Jack, when your dad was in the taxi coming from the airport, he was massaging me. He was so intimate, telling me what he wanted me to wear for him coming home. What he wanted me to do to him when we got to bed. I had some gorgeous lingerie. There were many wonderful memories for me. I have underwear now, but no lingerie as I threw the lot out. All I have left are the WhatsApp messages from the taxi."
It surprised me mum's honesty. I gave her a hug and said, "Keep the WhatsApp messages, as they are a special memory for you. Mum, you're a very attractive woman. Maybe not now, but one day you should start dating again. You are a wonderful woman who can give so much."
"Jack, my confidence is gone. Your father knew how to love me. That was special and so was your father. Let's eat. I'm so happy you know a little more about me."
We ate, then went to bed. I lay in bed thinking about what I'd write to Jean. I was also happy mum, and I had talked. I sent Jean the following message, "Hi Jean, I hope you enjoyed the video of the new lights. It was difficult to do but now I know I can multi-task with my smartphone. I asked mum if she'd model for you but she's not ready yet, as dad died only nine months ago. Mum's confidence is low, she told me she would support you and attend the fashion show. Jean, I was thinking how much I enjoy working with you, you've so much experience but I feel my young mind can bring fresh ideas to things. You'll love the lighting. Did you get another model? I think we would be pushing it for a lingerie show as well. Playing music from the Abba era is easy, but what music would we play to get the audience in the mood with lingerie? I was thinking Use Me by Bill Withers, I wanna spread the news that it feels so good being used. Just keep using me until you use me up. Bruce Springsteen I'm on Fire could be good too. Looking forward to seeing you at four tomorrow. I hope you enjoy working with me as I enjoy working with you. One last question for tonight. Are you dating anyone at the moment? Regards Jack."
I didn't have to wait. I went to the bathroom and cleaned my teeth. Mum's bedroom door was slightly ajar, which was unusual, as she usually kept it shut. As I climbed into bed, my phone beeped. Jean had replied.
"Jack, thanks so much. The light video looks amazing. We'll find a time when I can bring some clothes with me so we can check out the new lighting. I have another model. She'd be good with lingerie as she's so full busted. Jack, I'm enjoying so much working with you. I'm not dating anyone at the moment. I was in a relationship. It ended five months ago. Can I be honest with you? Let's make a deal. You be honest with me and I'll be honest with you? I am now excited by younger men. My last relationship was with a guy maybe five years older than you. I find you so nice. You're tall and intelligent. I think you could be naughty? I like to be naughty with a younger man. I only ask for loyalty. You will have me exclusively, but I want the same from you. Would you be comfortable with that? How about Je T'aime with Serge Gainsborough and Jane Birkin? You can come earlier tomorrow. I want to cuddle you tomorrow. We can chat, I'm sure that we can work something out. Kisses everywhere, Jean xx."
I thought for a minute, then replied, "Jean, I want to be honest with you. I find you very attractive, but I've no sexual experience at all. I'll be a willing student, but I have had no previous experience. Is that a problem for you? Love Jack xx."
A minute later Jean replied, "No problem Jack, with me, it's all or nothing. We won't rush anything tomorrow. My last boyfriend gave me his virginity, the fun started afterwards. We became complete lovers. I am sure we'll be the same, darling. I won't be wearing much tomorrow. Let me undress you. We can kiss and cuddle listening to music. I love long, intimate foreplay. Tomorrow afternoon we will be as one, we mustn't rush anything. I say goodnight darling, thinking of you is making me so wet. I hope you thinking of me makes you hard? Love Jean xx."
I didn't reply. All I could think of was tomorrow. I went to the bathroom. Mum's bedroom door was still ajar, with her bedside lamp on. I heard an unusual buzzing sound. It took me thirty seconds to work out what it was. There was also a splashing sound. Mum was moaning with pleasure when I grasped she was giving herself relief with a vibrator as she worked her dripping cunt with a dildo. Three minutes later, mum had a powerful orgasm. The bedside lamp went out, and I tiptoed to my bed. I felt a sense of relief and excitement knowing mum had done this.
That afternoon was an incredible introduction to love-making. Jean was a sex machine who was truly loving in her intimate love-making. She was wearing a silk dressing gown when I arrived. She was wearing four-inch heels with a gorgeous red Teddy and self-supporting stockings underneath. The Teddy showed her voluptuous body to perfection. She slowly undressed me. On seeing my massive cock for the first time, she stroked it lovingly and whispered, "Jack, you're massive. I feel so good. Just stroking him is making my pussy so wet. Would you like me to be naked for you?"
I had never tongue kissed before. The way Jean and I were tongue kissing felt so normal and affectionate. There was some pre-cum on my piss slit, which Jean removed with her tongue before she wrapped her lips around the bulbous head of my cock and took my full length into her mouth as she massaged my heavy balls so passionately.
Jean took me to her bed for the next five hours. We made love in so many ways. I had cum four times, Jean, five times. She loved how the head of my cock stimulated her cervix. Jean went on top in the cowgirl position. She gave a wonderful shag. She loved having a cock inside her. We were spooning and loved it when I took her that way. Before I left, I did Jean on all fours on top of the bed. I did her pussy doggy style; she loved it as I fingered her big hard clit as I rode her. As she orgasmed, Jean cried out, "Jack, I love your cock. I love it when you go deep darling, you are the first that's gone so deep."
I got home just after nine. Mum had been at a choir practice for the Easter service and wasn't home yet. I could feel Jean's cunt juice on my thighs, groin and cock. Bill had got it right in calling her juicy Jean. I stripped off my jeans and polo shirt. All I could smell was sex. The shower was open plan, no doors, just a powerful shower with multiple heads and jets. I thought of how good Jean had felt when I'd been inside her. Before I left, I said thank you so much to Jean, "When I am with you, I feel very comfortable, I'll be more relaxed tomorrow."
We had kissed, Jean said, "I'll message you when you can come over. I feel so good being with you Jack, we are a perfect fit."
I had applied lots of shower gel to my body. My cock wasn't flaccid. He wasn't stiff, but sticking out straight as I lathered him. As I rinsed him, out of the corner of my eye, I saw mum standing in the bathroom's doorway. Her eyes were fixated on my cock and balls. I hadn't closed the door; I hadn't cared. The smell of sex was what I wanted away.
As I pulled my foreskin back, I got more gel on the head of my cock. I washed the bulbous head of my cock; I took my time. Mum had a perfect view of my cock. I could look in the bathroom mirror and watch her admire my cock. Two minutes later, she was gone. I got out of the shower, dried myself, then dressed, and went to the kitchen where mum was making supper.
"Jack, I had a wonderful evening at the choir practice. Will you come to the Easter service on Easter Sunday? I felt so relaxed with myself this evening."
"Of course I will mum, I'm just home and had a shower. The catwalk is now finished, and it's looking good."
That night, mum's bedroom door was open wider than normal. She brought herself off again. The fashion show was a terrific success. It filled the Church Hall to capacity. I had a little table at the back of the hall where I controlled the music. Jean was so happy with the way it went. Mum's singing was excellent. She showed how happy she was doing it.
That summer, I submitted my first game. It surprised me how popular it was when it was released in October for the Christmas market. We didn't celebrate our birthday again. Mum wasn't ready for it yet. I was seeing Jean at every opportunity. Mum did not know about Jean and I but it impressed her with the money which was coming in.
We didn't celebrate the following year, but I changed the software mum was using in her company. That was tough switching my time with mum's software and looking after Jean's hungry needs. Everything worked for Mum. The new software made her work so much easier. I was looking forward to going into my final year in September and had worked on my second game, it was going well for me.
In August, Jean's daughter Kay, got pregnant. She was thirty-five, Jean was over the moon as she had wanted a grandchild for so long. Jim, Kay's partner, was a vet. He wanted to marry Kay, which they did in March four weeks before the baby was born. Kay lived a two-hour drive from Jean.
Jean was very open about it. She wanted to spend time with her grandson. We saw each other when we could. We were both still hot for each other, but we both knew the relationship was ending, we were still having sex. At Easter there was no fashion show. Jean was with her grandson. She adored him. She was now staying with Kay; Kay was helping her husband in his practice.
Mum sang with the choir, she just got better and better. I noticed a guy hanging around the choir. He was giving mum a lot of attention. Easter was late this year, it fell in the last week of April. My finals started on the second week of May. I was so confident as my second game had doubled the sales of the first game. Mum was happy with the money I was making.
We lived comfortably. Dad was nine years older than mum but the love between them was amazing. Mum was five foot eight inches tall; she had a voluptuous body which she kept in amazing condition. We had an indoor pool at home, complete with an exercise room, Jacuzzi and sauna. Every day mum exercised there. Mum was an accountant. After I was born, she set up a small accountancy company which she ran from the house. The local Tax Office, which was good for her and her clients.
I loved my teenage years. I had a wonderful relationship with dad and mum. We were a family in every way. When I was five, mum wanted another child. She had to forgo this, as her business was so busy. Dad had a Professor and Doctor title. He ran the software department of a large bank. He taught me so much programming; I was into gaming programs with exciting graphics but to be used on Android smartphones.
Dad was a colossus in programming. They accepted me at the local university, who had a first-class programming department. I was in no doubt that dad's influence had played a major part in my acceptance. I had helped dad with a one hundred percent secure Android banking app, it impressed him and I earned money from it. The major thing for me was that dad and I could work together.
Then it happened. On the fourteenth of July, dad was in London doing a presentation on my banking app. Dad had flown down. He had left his car in for service, which was now back at the house. Dad was in the back seat of a taxi when the taxi was hit by a drunk driver, doing over a hundred miles per hour. It killed the taxi driver and dad.
I answered the door just after nine. Mum and I had eaten earlier. There were two security officer officers standing at the door, both with a serious look on their faces. One said, "Is this the residence of Professor Harry Ryan?"
"Yes, it is, I'm his son, Jack. How can I help you?"
They then explained that dad had been in a tragic accident, he and the taxi driver were both dead. Also, the driver of the car that hit them was also dead. As the security officer officer said, "It's not a pretty sight, but we need you to identify your father's body."
Mum had now appeared, she grasped what was happening, mum said, "Jack, I've had a glass of wine. Will you drive me as I would like to see your father?"
Mum had a shocked look on her face. We then followed the security officer car to the morgue. Dad was not a pretty sight. Mum and I said our goodbyes there to him. The funeral director then took over. The security officer doctor had issued the death certificate. Mum was in control, but she looked strained. We got back home, I poured mum a glass of wine, mum said, "What am I going to do? He's the only man I've ever loved. Life without him will be so empty for me."
I was there for mum all the time. The funeral was so busy, everyone was nice. The professor from my department at university spent time with me, inviting me to his office for a coffee before the term started. It was obvious he had a lot of respect for dad. Mum was more than herself now. She was putting a brave face on everything she did. I was spending time on my new game. It took my mind off everything. One night, mum and I were chatting, she had registered some of dad's programmes in Delaware; he paid no sales tax on his sales. Mum had done the same for me.
I started at university; I loved it; I stayed at home, which was good for mum and me. Mum was financially secure, dad had two life insurance policies. Since the funeral, mum had got her lawyers on to the taxi crash. The taxi insurance had made mum an offer, which she accepted. With mum's accountancy company, she was secure and concentrating on her clients.
Mum and I had talked often. I told her that dad had told me about the birds and the bees as he said my life would change at university and I would meet girls. Mum got a surprise when I told her this. She told me that her mum and dad had told her nothing about sex and she and dad had learnt by doing. I was sure that mum and dad had a very active sex life.
It surprised me how open mum was when she asked, "You must give love to girls you date, sex is wonderful but you must love each other. If you're not sure, then walk away from it. Are you a virgin?"
I was embarrassed, but I was honest and said, "Yes mum, I am. I've been too busy working."
The next question surprised me. "What do you do when you're horny?"
I smiled and said, "What do you think I do, mum?"
Mum laughed and said, "Jack, if you meet a nice girl, then bring her home for a glass of wine, I'll soon let you know if she's the girl for you. There's nothing wrong with being horny. I've got to look after myself at least once a day now."
Mum and I left it then, we now got into a routine. When dad was alive, we hadn't? been churchgoers, but not every Sunday. Mum suggested we go on Sunday, that was the start of it. Mum only had her work and looking after me. She seemed to enjoy going to Church; she enjoyed talking with people. Mum had a pleasant voice and was soon asked to join the Church choir. She loved being part of the choir.
I was enjoying university, the first term flew in. I was getting into a routine, too. Next thing, Easter came around. I was good with my hands. There was going to be a charity fashion show for Easter. Jean, who was a model, ran it. Jean was tall and busty. She had been widowed several years ago. Jean looked as though she was in her forties, but she was in her early sixties. She approached me as she had a problem with the catwalk lights and music. I checked it out for her. She had her own iPad, which she wanted to play music from Abba, Bee Gees, Chris de Burgh and Rod Stewart.
I got the lightning working. A member of the congregation was an electrical wholesaler. He was so helpful and donated LED lightning, which gave such a professional look to the catwalk. Jean was getting so excited about the fashion show. I nearly finished my work as the lights worked perfectly. I had to get one hundred minutes of music on her iPad.
Bill, the son of the electrical wholesaler, had helped me put the LED lighting in place. Jean had been with us but then left to speak to a woman she wanted to model for her. Before she left, Jean said, "Jack, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon around four at my house. We can get some music on my iPad. Could you ask your mum if she'd be interested in doing a little modelling for us? Your mother is a good-looking woman. We are two models short. I thought that your mum and I could do some lingerie modelling. I'm sure it would go down well. If she's still in mourning, then it wouldn't be a problem. Jack, could you be a darling and WhatsApp me some pictures of the catwalk when you finish?"
I told her I'd do that and see her around four tomorrow. Jean and I had spent a lot of time over the last ten days together. Planning and arranging the lights had presented problems, but with Bill's dad, it had been sorted. We finished the lighting thirty minutes later. As we tidied up, Bill said, "Jack, juicy Jean is hot for you, you're a lucky guy as she doesn't throw it around a lot. She's very loyal and loving, I know, as I've been fucking her for the last five years. I got engaged five months ago. We had a long chat. Jeans so honest. We'd been together for so long. I was doing her when her husband was still alive. Jack, I see the way she looks at you. Since we split, she's been with no one. You should spend some time with her and get to know her. She loves young cock and she'll take you to places you never knew existed. Don't think of her as an old ride. She's looking for love and affection, and she'll give you all her love if you're loyal to her."
I couldn't believe what Bill was telling me. He had no axe to grind. He was being honest with me. The back garden is where I took the pictures of mum in a bikini. I thought of mum and looked at her gorgeous body as I wanked my big cock. I loved mum's massive tits; they aroused me. Then I thought of Jean. Their bodies were so similar, though mum's was much younger, I replied to Bill, "Bill, thanks for the heads up about Jean, I find her very attractive. Could you tell me why you call her juicy Jean?"
Bill laughed and said, "Jack, Jean has an absolute treasure of a cunt. In no way does she suffer from vaginal dryness, she's always wet. Jean loves to love her lover. Once she crosses the line with you, your sex life will change immediately. Jean loves to be complimented. She loves to be touched and felt. I have said before that she has a very strong sexual appetite. She adores a young cock. Go slowly, treat her with respect and you'll be there quickly. I have got to go now. I'm meeting my fiancé and soon to be my wife."
I took the pictures of the lighting Jean asked me to take. It looked incredible. Bill had put dimmer switches in. The lights gave an excellent experience. I was sure Jean would love it. Mum was in the kitchen preparing dinner when I got home. She had leggings and a top on; she looked great, her tight butt looked amazing. I told her the lights were now working in the Church Hall and looked terrific. I said, "Mum, Jean's short of a couple of models. Would you be interested in modelling some clothes and lingerie?"
Mum didn't reply immediately. She played for time by checking a pot in the oven. She asked me to pour her a glass of wine, one for myself if I wanted. I did this wondering how mum would reply. Her body looked gorgeous. Both she and Jean were natural models. "Jack, it's now nine months since dad died. I'm living as a recluse. I'm loving the choir as it gets me out, but I've no confidence. That was so nice of Jean asking me to help her. Please tell her I will come and support her but I've not got the confidence to take part yet. I'm so happy that you have helped her. The Church brings people together."
"Jack, when your dad was in the taxi coming from the airport, he was massaging me. He was so intimate, telling me what he wanted me to wear for him coming home. What he wanted me to do to him when we got to bed. I had some gorgeous lingerie. There were many wonderful memories for me. I have underwear now, but no lingerie as I threw the lot out. All I have left are the WhatsApp messages from the taxi."
It surprised me mum's honesty. I gave her a hug and said, "Keep the WhatsApp messages, as they are a special memory for you. Mum, you're a very attractive woman. Maybe not now, but one day you should start dating again. You are a wonderful woman who can give so much."
"Jack, my confidence is gone. Your father knew how to love me. That was special and so was your father. Let's eat. I'm so happy you know a little more about me."
We ate, then went to bed. I lay in bed thinking about what I'd write to Jean. I was also happy mum, and I had talked. I sent Jean the following message, "Hi Jean, I hope you enjoyed the video of the new lights. It was difficult to do but now I know I can multi-task with my smartphone. I asked mum if she'd model for you but she's not ready yet, as dad died only nine months ago. Mum's confidence is low, she told me she would support you and attend the fashion show. Jean, I was thinking how much I enjoy working with you, you've so much experience but I feel my young mind can bring fresh ideas to things. You'll love the lighting. Did you get another model? I think we would be pushing it for a lingerie show as well. Playing music from the Abba era is easy, but what music would we play to get the audience in the mood with lingerie? I was thinking Use Me by Bill Withers, I wanna spread the news that it feels so good being used. Just keep using me until you use me up. Bruce Springsteen I'm on Fire could be good too. Looking forward to seeing you at four tomorrow. I hope you enjoy working with me as I enjoy working with you. One last question for tonight. Are you dating anyone at the moment? Regards Jack."
I didn't have to wait. I went to the bathroom and cleaned my teeth. Mum's bedroom door was slightly ajar, which was unusual, as she usually kept it shut. As I climbed into bed, my phone beeped. Jean had replied.
"Jack, thanks so much. The light video looks amazing. We'll find a time when I can bring some clothes with me so we can check out the new lighting. I have another model. She'd be good with lingerie as she's so full busted. Jack, I'm enjoying so much working with you. I'm not dating anyone at the moment. I was in a relationship. It ended five months ago. Can I be honest with you? Let's make a deal. You be honest with me and I'll be honest with you? I am now excited by younger men. My last relationship was with a guy maybe five years older than you. I find you so nice. You're tall and intelligent. I think you could be naughty? I like to be naughty with a younger man. I only ask for loyalty. You will have me exclusively, but I want the same from you. Would you be comfortable with that? How about Je T'aime with Serge Gainsborough and Jane Birkin? You can come earlier tomorrow. I want to cuddle you tomorrow. We can chat, I'm sure that we can work something out. Kisses everywhere, Jean xx."
I thought for a minute, then replied, "Jean, I want to be honest with you. I find you very attractive, but I've no sexual experience at all. I'll be a willing student, but I have had no previous experience. Is that a problem for you? Love Jack xx."
A minute later Jean replied, "No problem Jack, with me, it's all or nothing. We won't rush anything tomorrow. My last boyfriend gave me his virginity, the fun started afterwards. We became complete lovers. I am sure we'll be the same, darling. I won't be wearing much tomorrow. Let me undress you. We can kiss and cuddle listening to music. I love long, intimate foreplay. Tomorrow afternoon we will be as one, we mustn't rush anything. I say goodnight darling, thinking of you is making me so wet. I hope you thinking of me makes you hard? Love Jean xx."
I didn't reply. All I could think of was tomorrow. I went to the bathroom. Mum's bedroom door was still ajar, with her bedside lamp on. I heard an unusual buzzing sound. It took me thirty seconds to work out what it was. There was also a splashing sound. Mum was moaning with pleasure when I grasped she was giving herself relief with a vibrator as she worked her dripping cunt with a dildo. Three minutes later, mum had a powerful orgasm. The bedside lamp went out, and I tiptoed to my bed. I felt a sense of relief and excitement knowing mum had done this.
That afternoon was an incredible introduction to love-making. Jean was a sex machine who was truly loving in her intimate love-making. She was wearing a silk dressing gown when I arrived. She was wearing four-inch heels with a gorgeous red Teddy and self-supporting stockings underneath. The Teddy showed her voluptuous body to perfection. She slowly undressed me. On seeing my massive cock for the first time, she stroked it lovingly and whispered, "Jack, you're massive. I feel so good. Just stroking him is making my pussy so wet. Would you like me to be naked for you?"
I had never tongue kissed before. The way Jean and I were tongue kissing felt so normal and affectionate. There was some pre-cum on my piss slit, which Jean removed with her tongue before she wrapped her lips around the bulbous head of my cock and took my full length into her mouth as she massaged my heavy balls so passionately.
Jean took me to her bed for the next five hours. We made love in so many ways. I had cum four times, Jean, five times. She loved how the head of my cock stimulated her cervix. Jean went on top in the cowgirl position. She gave a wonderful shag. She loved having a cock inside her. We were spooning and loved it when I took her that way. Before I left, I did Jean on all fours on top of the bed. I did her pussy doggy style; she loved it as I fingered her big hard clit as I rode her. As she orgasmed, Jean cried out, "Jack, I love your cock. I love it when you go deep darling, you are the first that's gone so deep."
I got home just after nine. Mum had been at a choir practice for the Easter service and wasn't home yet. I could feel Jean's cunt juice on my thighs, groin and cock. Bill had got it right in calling her juicy Jean. I stripped off my jeans and polo shirt. All I could smell was sex. The shower was open plan, no doors, just a powerful shower with multiple heads and jets. I thought of how good Jean had felt when I'd been inside her. Before I left, I said thank you so much to Jean, "When I am with you, I feel very comfortable, I'll be more relaxed tomorrow."
We had kissed, Jean said, "I'll message you when you can come over. I feel so good being with you Jack, we are a perfect fit."
I had applied lots of shower gel to my body. My cock wasn't flaccid. He wasn't stiff, but sticking out straight as I lathered him. As I rinsed him, out of the corner of my eye, I saw mum standing in the bathroom's doorway. Her eyes were fixated on my cock and balls. I hadn't closed the door; I hadn't cared. The smell of sex was what I wanted away.
As I pulled my foreskin back, I got more gel on the head of my cock. I washed the bulbous head of my cock; I took my time. Mum had a perfect view of my cock. I could look in the bathroom mirror and watch her admire my cock. Two minutes later, she was gone. I got out of the shower, dried myself, then dressed, and went to the kitchen where mum was making supper.
"Jack, I had a wonderful evening at the choir practice. Will you come to the Easter service on Easter Sunday? I felt so relaxed with myself this evening."
"Of course I will mum, I'm just home and had a shower. The catwalk is now finished, and it's looking good."
That night, mum's bedroom door was open wider than normal. She brought herself off again. The fashion show was a terrific success. It filled the Church Hall to capacity. I had a little table at the back of the hall where I controlled the music. Jean was so happy with the way it went. Mum's singing was excellent. She showed how happy she was doing it.
That summer, I submitted my first game. It surprised me how popular it was when it was released in October for the Christmas market. We didn't celebrate our birthday again. Mum wasn't ready for it yet. I was seeing Jean at every opportunity. Mum did not know about Jean and I but it impressed her with the money which was coming in.
We didn't celebrate the following year, but I changed the software mum was using in her company. That was tough switching my time with mum's software and looking after Jean's hungry needs. Everything worked for Mum. The new software made her work so much easier. I was looking forward to going into my final year in September and had worked on my second game, it was going well for me.
In August, Jean's daughter Kay, got pregnant. She was thirty-five, Jean was over the moon as she had wanted a grandchild for so long. Jim, Kay's partner, was a vet. He wanted to marry Kay, which they did in March four weeks before the baby was born. Kay lived a two-hour drive from Jean.
Jean was very open about it. She wanted to spend time with her grandson. We saw each other when we could. We were both still hot for each other, but we both knew the relationship was ending, we were still having sex. At Easter there was no fashion show. Jean was with her grandson. She adored him. She was now staying with Kay; Kay was helping her husband in his practice.
Mum sang with the choir, she just got better and better. I noticed a guy hanging around the choir. He was giving mum a lot of attention. Easter was late this year, it fell in the last week of April. My finals started on the second week of May. I was so confident as my second game had doubled the sales of the first game. Mum was happy with the money I was making.
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