Mom's office party
"Alright, so here are the rules," the man in sky blue started, "Frank will be the starting point, or point #1 for the men and Leslie who is sitting next to Frank, will be point #1 for the women. I. The blue wheel represents the men and the pink one represents the women. Right now count which number you are from Frank going clockwise."

All sixty people in the party silently counted their number. The man in the suit then wrote numbers 1 through 30 around each wheel.

"If your number shows up on the wheel for your gender, then you will have to share a dare card with the person whose number is represented on the other gender's wheel. Sometimes the dare cards benefit the women, sometimes they benefit the men, and sometimes they benefit both."

"A reminder," Frank added, "this goes for the whole week and if I find out you didn't perform your dare then you're not invited back next time."

The wheels were spun simultaneously. The chosen man and woman raised their hands and everyone clapped.

"Okay," began the game's host as he drew a card from the deck, "your dare card reads: The male must suck his partner's toes every workday this week."

Everybody at the party laughed and the chosen male moaned with a playfully grumpy look as the female he was paired with wiggled her toes to tease him. The two then stood up and slid back from the circle so others knew they were out and their number couldn't be called again.

As the game progressed Adam looked around the circle to see the people in it. There were some very attractive women in skimpy clothing. Many of the dares involved props like massage gels that the host in sky blue then handed out to the pairs if needed.

Examining the circle, Adam made eye contact with Sheila and she winked at him and blew him a kiss. He smiled back with a wink. He continued around the circle and saw Olivia. She was in conversation with the man next to her. Then Adam saw Christie. She was five female places away from him and sitting pretzel style. Her inner thighs here exposed. Christie caught her son's gaze and they awkwardly grinned at each other.

"The blue wheel landed on 17." Adam heard his number and raised his hand. "The pink wheel reads 9." The excited 18-year-old looked at the circle near where the 9th female should have been sitting but her number had already been called.

"Ok. I'll spin again. The new pink number is 21." Adam looked to his left and his brown eyes met those of the female who slowly raised her hand. It was Christie.

The crowd, unknowing of the connection between the chosen pair, clapped loudly. Other men groaned that they weren't selected to be with the woman in purple.

"Alright, your dare card reads: The female must keep an electronic dildo in her vagina everyday at work and the man gets to have the remote."

Everyone laughed out loud and cheered. Christie stared at her son in severe discomfort as the man in blue handed her an orange, Wi-Fi connected dildo as he handed Adam a piece of paper with the website and password he needed to control it remotely.

The mother and son stopped looking at each other, backed out of the circle, and stared at the ground.

Lucky Hard Cards came to an end within the half hour and everybody was joking and talking about their dares for the week. Frank then announced that it was 11:30 and that there would be another hour of free play before people had to leave.

Olivia approached her usual sex partner and told him how lucky he was that he ended up with Christie. Adam was still in the process of understanding the implications of the dare.

"Hey, so we have an hour of free play... wanna have some fun?" Olivia bit her lip.

"Yeah of course I do."

"I know this might seem different," the girl in white began, "but I think after today we are both much more adventurous. Frank wanted to fuck me because we haven't done it in forever. I think it would be fun if you two took me at the same time."

Adam's eyebrows went high on his forehead. "Um... In what way?"

"However you guys want me. Which hole do you want? Frank was very insistent on sticking it in my ass."

"Well I would like to fuck that nice cunt of yours but that would be a bit difficult with Frank in your ass."

"Don't worry about the logistics. Just tell me what you want. Do you want to cum in my pussy?"

Adam nodded and Olivia left to go find Frank. Some people were beginning to leave the party as they had their fill for the night. Olivia came back with the boss and he was happy that Adam could join them as he had been taking a liking to him throughout the night, almost as a protégé.

Olivia took off all of her clothes in the kitchen and the older and younger men walked towards her and pulled down their pants and underwear to their ankles. As Adam pondered on how to move forward, an experienced Frank and Olivia led the way. Frank rubbed lubricant on Olivia's asshole before lifting her up off the ground with her back against his chest. He bent his knees slightly and worked his penis into her young tight butt.

Seeing how things were going to go down, Adam walked in front of Olivia and sandwiched her in between his body and Frank's. He had a much easier time entering her moist pussy than Frank did pushing his knob into her booty.

Frank held her under the armpits and Adam held her at the waist as she wrapped her legs around his. The two men began to buck up and down at the same time. A small audience of remaining guests stayed to watch the show of yellow, white, and black.

The 19-year-old girl moaned and groaned with her head tilted back. She kissed Frank's head over her shoulder while Adam bit into her neck. Her current and former fuck buddies were penetrating her two bottom holes in unison.

The audience was envious of not being part of the pleasure. Adam looked at the audience oohing and ahhing. To his disbelief his mom was watching too. However, once she saw that her son noticed her presence, she left.

After both men finished in their respective holes and set the tuckered out young lady back on her feet, Olivia thanked Frank and told Adam that it was time to go home. Adam thanked Frank for the opportunity and Frank said, "Adam, you are welcome back anytime! As long as you follow the rules."

When the highcollegeer got home, it was obvious his mom was already in bed. He couldn't sleep though. There was too much on his mind and it was such an extraordinary day. He kept imagining his mom in her purple corset and panties. What is it going to be like seeing mom around the house? What do I do about the dildo on Monday? Will she actually put it in? Well she has to. Do I use it? How often do I turn it on?

The entire weekend Adam just hung out with Olivia. As much as he wanted to see more of his mom, he figured they could use a break from the awkwardness. On Sunday night, the lustful son was obsessed with the idea that over the next week his mom may have an electronic penis lodged into her vaginal canal that he control. He wasn't even sure if he could push the button, but he had to know if she'd actually have it in her.

Adam guessed that if his mom were to bring it to work she would either just have left it in the car or put it in her purse. After thoroughly checking both places, he was stymied. The high-tech orange dildo was nowhere to be found. He had a brief idea to go onto the site on his phone, download the app, and enter the password to use it, but then he realized it would only work if it were on.

Then it hit him. Adam beamed as he felt a smooth rubber object in the pocket of the coat his mom always wore out in the fall, including to work. Just to make sure it worked, Adam turned it on and hit the button on his app. He heard a low hum inside the jacket. It worked.

Christie walked into her office the next day in her black power suit, ready to begin another day as manager. She asked AJ, the young salesman she blew on Friday, to hand her the newest sales reports. Everyone in the office was able to separate their work and sexual lives efficiently at this point, or at least suppress their desires at work.

Everything was normal for Christie as she sat in her office chair preparing for a big pitch to a potentially big client at the end of the week. Well everything was normal except for the 5-inch long silicon dildo wedged in between her pussy lips that could be activated by her son at any point.

The office professional wore tight panties that helped keep the dildo wedged inside of her during the day. She needed to complete the orders on her dare card or else she would no longer be invited to the sex parties at Frank's and risk losing face. At anytime Frank could find a way to contact Adam and ask him to turn it on, and if he didn't hear feint buzzing than she'd be in trouble.

It was past lunchtime and her vibrator had still not been activated.

At college, Adam sat with his phone, glaring at the app that could send shockwaves through his mom's pleasure center with just the push of a button. And yet, he just couldn't bring himself to do it. He imagined pressing the button and making things even more awkward with his mom whom he wanted to be closer to.

The blonde sales manager felt nothing all day.

On Tuesday, when Christie was working in her office, she heard a knock on her door. It was Frank. He had his hair slicked back as usual and he walked in with a casual aura. "So how's the dare card coming along?"

Not surprised that he'd check up at some point, the subordinate responded, "Pretty good I guess. I have the object inside of me."

"Good to hear. Is it going off a lot?"

Christie did not want to rat her son out but Frank was excellent at telling when people were lying so she had to tell the truth, "It actually hasn't gone off yet." She quickly added, "Though I'm sure he's just waiting for a fun time."

"Hmm... Well that's disappointing. I liked that guy. I know he's close with a friend of mine. I'll ask her to remind him that he needs to press the button every day in order to complete the requirement."

During the college day when Adam and Olivia had their planned bathroom break for kinky sex in a bathroom stall, Olivia relayed a message to Adam that she got earlier in the day about him having to press the button in order to keep going to the parties.
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Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 09:08 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 09:12 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 09:15 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 09:17 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 09:20 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 09:21 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 09:23 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 09:26 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 09:28 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 09:37 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 10:01 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 10:03 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 10:06 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 10:09 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 10:14 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 10:17 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 10:22 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 10:27 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 10:32 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 10:34 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by nandoghosh - 27-06-2019, 10:38 PM
RE: Mom's office party - by georgemercy - 28-06-2019, 06:43 AM
RE: Mom's office party - by Premraja - 30-06-2019, 12:46 AM
RE: Mom's office party - by Curiousbull - 30-06-2019, 11:16 AM
RE: Mom's office party - by Renjith - 01-07-2019, 10:52 AM

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