Saranya - Shy wife conservative wife changed to sexy doll
That evening, Arun reached home a little earlier than usual. Saranya was puzzled by his early arrival but chose not to ask him anything, as she was still upset with him. Arun broke the silence, asking, "Have you packed everything?"

Saranya was startled for a moment, then recollected her thoughts. It was a long weekend, and they had planned a trip to their native village. This was a four-day trip, and in the past, Saranya would eagerly await such moments. Like a child, she used to count down the days to visit her village. Even before her marriage, she had always been fond of those trips. But this time, everything felt different. She hadn’t even remembered that they were going home. While packing bags she crushed herself and thinking about her change in behaviour. She decided to be in a limit.

Both of them ate and booked a cab to the bus terminal. Saranya hadn’t informed Aswin about their plans. A few mins before only she decided to be in the limit. But she is not able to control herself by searching for him. She did not inform him about this trip plan. She glanced around, looking to see if Aswin was near the gate or on the ground floor, but he didn’t show up. So, she left with Arun.

When they reached their village, a packed four-day schedule awaited them. They visited Saranya’s home and a few other houses, catching up on all the missed functions and gatherings. Though they were busy with their schedule, Saranya couldn’t shake off a feeling of emptiness. She wondered what was missing and what she was truly doing.

Before this, three weekends had passed since their study hours started. During those weekends, Aswin and Saranya didn’t meet each other. Aswin would usually go to play with Arun and others, but he never dared to visit her home along with Arun. After their intro on the weekend he did not visit Arun's home and even Arun invited him to his home. He tried to hide the closeness between them.

Aswin felt that if he visited her home on a weekend, Saranya might react with the affection of a close friend, which could create jealousy among their circle. So, he purposefully avoided it.

However, this time, things felt completely different for Saranya. At the same time, she couldn’t help but wonder what Aswin might be doing.

That Saturday, around the same time, Aswin waited for Arun’s call to play, but it never came. Most of the apartment residents had left for their native places due to the long weekend, and only a few were still around. Kailash had also gone to his hometown.

Aswin went to the ground floor to check and noticed that Arun’s home was locked. After a while, someone from the apartment who was still there posted in the WhatsApp group asking if anyone was available to play. Aswin was the only one who replied, while the others mentioned in the group that they were away in their native places. Arun also updated the group about his plans.

Aswin felt upset, especially because even Saranya hadn’t told him anything about leaving.

Saranya tried to control her emotions, but she couldn’t stop herself from thinking about him. At the same time, she feared what would happen if he messaged her and Arun saw it. But the truth is Aswin did not message her anything else other than python topics and interview questions. She continuously checking on her mobile. She felt that her behavior was the reason Arun doubted her. Maybe she needed to control her emotions better. Her anger toward Arun gradually faded, as she realized she couldn’t even control herself. And she is also well aware that some things she is also hiding. If we are hiding anything from hubby means that too comes under mistakes only. She is processing all these things when she is traveling and whenever she gets time.

Wednesday early morning they reached home and Saranya directly went to sleep. Arun woke up around 8 and saw that she was sleeping and tired. So he ordered breakfast and did not disturbed her.
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RE: Saranya - Shy wife conservative wife changed to sexy doll - by BMass13 - 30-12-2024, 08:40 PM

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