Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
(28-12-2024, 12:52 AM)DeanWinchester00007 Wrote: .....

Meera cheated on krish with her Boss who was side character or just minor character, I mean There should be some justification or some built up which between them that leads to the that hustle , and that too twice . But okay also . Here By cheating I mean to point out  that when Meera nd Desai fucked while krish was hiding inside cupboard , Its was not planned cheating that just happened in the of the moment , same with krish , Krish didnt plan to screw meitri it just happened . But what Meera nd Desai did that was full planning and behind Krish back , and They were planning it for weeks .
Yes, I agree on some of these points. Meera in all 3 parts put together is different from Meera that we see in last 4 chapters that were rewritten. Even when like you said Meera had sex with her bosses whether its Mr. Shekar, Ashish or Mr. Das all of those scenarios are different. In Shekar’s case it started as healthy flirting which Krish changed it to his game..In case of Ashish though we do not have direct insight into what went that day..based on Meera’s description she cheated because she felt emotionally connected with Ashish when he lost his wife and he was vulnerable. In case of Das again it was Krish’s push initially later it went on as affair. In all of the cases even when Krish is not involved or cases where Krish caused the impact…Meera never conspired against Krish willingly…She just gave into situations at that moment even last time when she couldn’t resist Desai it comes under earlier categories. In this whole series this is first time I will say Meera has stooped low in her character (If there is no twist and they fuck as planned or intention was true). To me that was shocking..I will tell you why…
I have been with this series right from day 1 and I have seen many readers and their comments since that day and lot of them are not active right now..only very few..but I can say this..based on those comments readers always has Meera in few different categories 1. Whore 2. Cunning manipulative bitch 3. Nymphomaniac 4. Slut who craves power, money and sex. 5. Uses Krish’s soft side for her pleasures.
Very few like me truly love her character and I can say this confidently. Author loved her character a lot. He never once compromised on her morals. At least in my perspective. Even if you look at the last ending that was wiped will see she slept with Desai in that chapter and she was cold hearted and wanted Desai’s child and didn’t care about Krish when he was leaving the house. Later it was revealed that she wantedly did that because she wants Krish to see that she moved on so he could leave her and be a man and not a cuckold. There was always this underlying notion that whatever she does she keeps Krish’s goodwill in her mind. She is always like that…I was hoping this is true even now. If not, then there is no meaning for this whole series. It’s like GOT season 8. Whole series Daenerys kept saying she is not her father..and kept invading kings landing at bay so she won’t kill innocents but at the end she did exactly that. Though some defend that behavior history will remember her as mad queen. I hope Meera, whether she chooses to be with Krish or leave him..her character ends with self-respect. She will lose that if she chooses Desai…because Desai is morally wrong. He is destroying families. He did previously and he is doing it now. His love cannot be true no matter how much plot armor he gets. PERIOD.

Oh man you are not serious are you ? If its true , then , This is the missing piece of Puzzle , This explain and simplify the story . Now everything clear , and kind of Justify the PART III , why it is like the way it is . This is what i needed to know . 
 So the PART I - Exposed Krish's Cuckold Nature 
PART II - Struggle between Fantasy/Festish and Love . Finally the act of Reconciliation .
Now Part III :- Either the Evolution of Couple or Destruction  , Where both Finally will be Free .
No. It doesn’t justify. Like I said previously. Story is being written with a per-determined ending to make Desai a good guy. That’s not how a story progresses naturally. He r*p*d Nidhi, where is the justice? He destroyed Ananya and Sam…where is the justice? He enjoyed Maithrei for a while and left her..So it can be seen he has a past of sins. No amount of good change can wipe that, and story cannot end with him winning it all. That would be the worst ending a series can have and morally wrong. Some can say it’s life lol then that’s fine, but my problem is Meera who has been portrayed as good over bad chooses him at the end if Desai wins. Maybe in the real-world home breaker always will win it. Sad.
What it should technically be
PART I – Cuckoldry and adventures 
PART II – Infidelity and repercussions.
Part III: - Love over lust.
I have hope for Meera that she will never willingly hurt Krish, and she never did with a plan.
Meera and Krish should end together or Alternative all 3 go separate ways.

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