23-12-2024, 10:01 PM
(23-12-2024, 08:38 PM)Lollobionda Wrote: Ich danke Dir für Deine herzlichen und bewegenden Wünsche ...
Auch ich wünsche Euch beiden ein friedvolles, glückliches, hoffnungsvolles, gesundes, freudiges und strahlendes ...
neues Jahr.
I was particularly pleased about the announcement of the continuation of the story.
The title "My Loving Hot Wife, Meena" could not be better or more fitting.
It fits perfectly.
In this sense
All the best
I'm glad that you like the new name and you think that it suits ... First I am happy that this ist "HER" suggestion, you know why...
she said at first ...Hot Wife... but then added and emphasize that she meant ...Hotwife..., at first glance there is no difference but if you
think about it more carefully, yes...
To be honest, I was hoping that you would like it too, for me it was important to know your opinion about it.
All the best from M. too,