Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
(11-12-2024, 08:48 AM)Harry Jordan Wrote: To every commentor in this forum ,  I would like to recommend a movie to all of you . The movie is called Territorio 2020 ( Closed Quarters 2020 in english) which is a foreign language film and one of the best films to explore the concept of "cuckolding" , but the crazy part is the character in the movie is not exactly a cuckold. The movie is about a couple who wants to have a baby but the husband finds out he is infertile ,  so in desperation the husband does the crazy idea of having the wife sleep with his new friend and that ends up being the worst thing he could do. His friend ends up impregnating her but that only draws her closer to him , the husband witnesses them having sex in secret thus making him a cuckold but he too doesn't accept it. The guy starts to dominate the husband and the movie culminates with the wife leaving the husband with the friend.

Now the crazy part in this story is that the husband is the one that is financially stable , the new friend that fucks the wife is an immigrant worker and is struggling in life. The guy often humiliates the husband and dominates him , he even sells the things in the couple's house outside to make quick bucks. The husband later finds out that the wife is aware of his activities and is making up excuses in her mind. She is basically completely surrenders her heart and body to this new guy. Crazily the wife in the end tells the husband "You chose him" basically telling him he is responsible for all of this. The husband ends up manning up and telling her that the new guy is part of her life now and not him. She eventually leaves the house with the new guy and the husband ends up burning the baby carriage he built  for the future.

What is sad in that movie is that it is very clear the wife made the stupidest decision ever by leaving with a guy that cannot even support himself. The future for her is pretty grim considering the choice she took , most importantly she was pregnant and she went with a man with no support and earnings at a time when a woman needs support and comfort the most. Seeing the wife in that movie makes me think of Meera in this story. Just imagine if Desai is not genuine with his feelings and he is still thinking Meera like another conquest. The way the wife swoons over the guy in the movie makes me understand why would Meera be more involved with Desai , he is giving her things that she never got with Krish. Now there is a mountain of a difference between Krish and the husband in the movie , the husband only wants his wife to fuck the guy so that she can get pregnant and they can have a baby , he isn't interested in cuckolding or any other kind of sexual pleasure. Just this simplle notion that he wants a baby to start a family with his wife with the help of this guy. But the guy ends up dominating him and the wife sees him as the better man.

The way this story progresses makes me feel like it will be a similar ending to what the movie had which I am not a big fan of. Because the man ends up alone and with an empty house with no family or anything. Also keep in mind that his descend to madness began when he found out he was infertile , which is how his mind made up the crazy idea of having his wife get impregnated by his friend. At the end of the movie , all the lives are ruined and it gives a dark situation where nobody wins. I don't want that ending for Krish , which is why I say , if Krish is indeed going to loose Meera and Meera one day chooses Desai. I want Krish to have a happy ending of his own , I don't want him to be a heartbroken fragile man sitting in his empty house contemplating his kinks and decisions and crying about Meera leaving him. If she does leaves Krish , I want Krish so see that as a motivation and develop himself to be better and make the vow in life that he won't do the same mistakes in his past and become a better and successful man. I don't care if the overall story has a good or bad ending. But I definitely want Krish's ending to be a good one , because after all the turmoil in this series since part I and part II , he deserves a high note in his life. I want him to be successful and be contempt in life. Hell do it in an epilogue and show us years later Krish is old but runs a business empire now that started with VSS (Vicky Security Services) and is now at peace with himself. Whether he has Meera with him or not. I want him sitting in a lawnchair watching the sunset from his mansion saying it was worth it.

I know sounds very filmy but I am a sucker for that kind of ending. I don't want that cuckold stays loser ending. Krish ain't a full cuckold , he can be better. He can be a Will Smith!

Krish getting happy ending with out Meera will not happen and would look superficial and if it happens it won't be a perfect ending. Krish living his life on a high note means he gets his love back not choosing some successful life over Meera and living peacefully. I would though want him to change his ways on cuckold nature. Either that or Meera accepts Krish as is and they enjoy life with adventures and both of them are good with that kind of life.

We always read only POV from Krish and we know in and out how that guys thinks, He has his weakness and perverted fantasies but at the end of the day even in those fantasies he only has Meera for himself. He never could imagine his life with out Meera. He is the guy who if loses Meera can become 100 times more desperate than Desai, we have seen that phase in part 2. I am 100% positive that couple will end up with each other and reconcile their love but whether its in this part or if there is another one I do not know. In my opinion this story is lost cause if couple ends up parting ways and that's final ending. I would just discard this part and keep the pdf of old ending lol

Anyways lets see how Krish comes up with a plan to solve his problems.

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