Romance An Old Debt has to be salir
Here is Meena writing:

Yes, I am a Woman,  but I do not let myself be taken advantage of and I do not sacrifice myself because I am a woman!

There are certainly still millions of women in the world who are disadvantaged and exploited, no question about it…

But please, you are speaking about me! I have achieved a lot in my life and in this large human family that many men can only dream of, and only my hard work and clear thinking helped me and not my beautiful legs, my big breasts or my feminine behavior.

I am happy and proud of my life and my decisions, I have no sense of shame and I don't want to hide anything. Why should I?

With regard to my private life and Nadir, there were misunderstandings from time to time and they were resolved through our coming together and love.

What can be corrected, but your selfishness prevents it, leads to suffering and you should suffer from it!

I have met a few men in my life, but it was always only physical.

That's right and everyone prefers a certain ideal personality with certain qualities, e.g. I like men who are a bit older, a bit dominant (not aggressive, literally), more of a leader type (also and especially in certain moments!) and at the same time caring. Yes, that's true but I still emphasize that it only concerns the physical part.

My love belongs to one and it will stay that way.

Not even Mansour had qualities that made me fall in love with him as my man! That was just physical and that's it!

I like Jalal (still!) a lot, but if Nadir gives a sign that he doesn't like it, I will have no contact with Jalal (or anyone else) for the rest of my life.

Please don't get the wrong idea! Not because Nadir controls my life and personality, but because I want to continue to have a happy and understanding life with him.

And one more thing about Murad.

I didn’t think that he could be a victim if I had a sexual relation with him.

in this situation, a victim can only be a child or an animal! So, someone who is not mentally developed or cannot think clearly an be a vivtim. 
I didn't really need to worry about a young man as intelligent as Murad! He should have known what he was doing and he did.

Yes, Nadir, as always, was afraid that I would fall in love with the boy and expressed himself like that.


Now, when I think about the past years, it amuses me very much!

Poor Nadir, always takes one step and then comes into his thoughts!

Maybe that's why I find him so cute...

But he is my MAN and I am his ROSE!


Kiss you all,

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