Romance An Old Debt has to be salir
Pond Master 19 (4)
Meena remained sitting at the table and staring down into her cup of coffee.
Her life, her perfect life, had rapidly fallen apart and it was all her own
And being with Jalal, after seeing his photo, she indulged in tantalizing
fantasies of him and her together.
Particularly of them having sex. And the things she knew from her
experiences and memories, especially with her uncle,  about
men like Jalal, of how their unusual genitals, intensified intercourse and
erotism for the woman, just made her fantasies even more tantalizing.
Yes, she admitted to herself at this moment that she got to the point where
almost every one of last nights, before she fell asleep she laid in bed and
imagined her and Jalal having sex.
But in her fantasies Nadir was always there, at least as an observer if not as
her sexually active second partner.
She never thought or planned to meet Jalal alone and have sex, not even in
her fantasies.
In  Meena's state-of-mind she was not cheating. She was not betraying
Rather, she was on the hunt and looking for a sex partner for Nadir's erotic
games and she would have received what her performances were worth
and would have earned her fair and legitimate price.
The old Jalal Noori with his excellent properties was the trophy specimen
of the male species which she was hunting for their games.
These days and what she had done, were limited adventures to seduce
Jalal for later, for her and Nadir’s erotic games. 
Strangely enough, she almost thought that Nadir was right.
She let her hormones and erotic desires come into play in
those few moments.
That was her big mistake.
And she knew it was doable to seduce him. But she went too far.
Her intuition sensed Jalal was interested in her and she believed he would

take her as far as possible if he was given an opportunity.
All she had to do was give him the opportunity, and she gave him that!
Meena was confident Jalal would go along with this opportunity because
several times he gave the signal.
And she signalled to Jalal that this was his opportunity that Nadir is
She looked and dressed as stunning and alluring and sexy as possible.
Nadir was right, this all was for Jalal.
 From this point of view and today and in this moment, it seemed if her
behaviour would send a clear signal to him that she was available for the
It seemed so that, if he picked up and accepted her signals, then they
would go through this sexual trip and adventure.
Of course Jalal picked up her signal the first day while dancing, or before,
as they left for dance floor, even earlier, when she sat down in his car and
he saw what she was offering him, well, of course, he wanted it.
He wanted to take full advantage of the opportunity.
She didn't plan it that way, it's all got out of hand because the atmosphere  
was so prepared and pleasing.
Perhaps Nadir exaggerated in his suspicions and accusations of her
betrayal and deception.
But basically, he was right, she was thinking, it was not just his jealousy of
Jalal and a lusciously sensual.
She had lied to him and not told the truth.
He was very angry now.
What would he decide now? she thought.
She couldn't imagine life without him.
Ever since she left her childhood, since she stopped playing with dolls, she
has known him and he has been a part of her life, or rather a part of herself.
It was with him that she first really got to know life and the world and for
her, as a little girl and then later as a shy teenager, he was always a good-
looking, polite and reliable boy next door that she always wanted to get to
know better and always dreamed of him as a friend and life partner.
Even all of her friends and family noticed that.  
They met for the first time when she was just nine and he was fourteen.
They were in love with each other after four or five years.
For both of them, life had only in the presence of the other one, a meaning.
But they had sex and physical contact later, when she was seventeen and
he was twenty-two years old. He was her first and she was his first.
She gave him her virginity and he brought her to her first orgasm.
So now according to Nadir there would be no forgiveness, there would be
no getting beyond it.
Unless he gains certainty, that he has no doubt that Meena had no other
reason to be with Jalal but to push forward his, Nadir’s started erotic game
plans about Jalal!
That he realizes what the real reason for the matter was and how it all
started, that he understands that it is not only her responsibility and fault.
Would you like a continuation of the story? Then please write your opinion about it or 
at least activate the like button on the bottom right ! Thank you!
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RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 24-11-2024, 04:21 AM
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RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 27-12-2024, 08:16 PM

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