Romance An Old Debt has to be salir
Pond Master 19 (1)
The upcoming update is for me one of the most complicated and hard parts of this narrative, to remember and to write about, personally...
There will be often repetition, as is normal in such emotionally charged dialogues and conversations in real life, people want to defend their opinions and emphasize their views, and often during discussions they repeat themselves.
I wanted to gather and organize my documents and saved dialogues as soon as possible.
I did not even give them to my wife for review and I didn't check or edit them again, personally.
I wanted to have this phase or part of the story behind me very quickly...
You will see why...
excuse me and forgive me for any typos or other errors whatever…
I am dividing and update this part into five or more installments, because it's too long...
And before you ask… No, this is not the end! There comes at least one additional part of Pond…
Thank you for your interests…
Nadir’s Narration:
When I got downstairs, I found Meena sitting at the kitchen table and drinking
coffee and reading a magazine.
"Where have you been so long, baby? ", she asked, not raising her head to
look directly at me.
I poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the table across from Meena. And for a
couple of minutes neither me nor Meena said a word.
Meena cannot even bring herself to look at me, I thought to myself somehow with
Instead, she just stared down into her coffee and her magazine.
But then I broke the silence by asking, "Well Meena, do you want to talk?"
Meena for the first time look briefly into my eyes, and then immediately away
again, and asked, "What about, darling? "
"We are not the same as we were a week ago, the day I flew," I said.
"Why are you saying such a thing? I am the same, maybe you are not. Last night
showed that you are not the same, you were so weird, your behaviour was
weird," Meena argued.,".
"No, no, no... Meena, I am the one who is the same and you have become
someone else. Your behaviour is strange,” and continued,
“Okay, I’ll ask you something, are you hiding something from me?” I asked while
looking directly at her face as if trying to discover something.
“What do you want to say? What do you mean?”, She asked in a puzzled and at
the same time of a bit uncertain tone.
Her voice was even in the background slightly trembling.
I mean do you have secrets you want to hide? “I looked in her eyes.
For a moment I had the feeling that she was sitting there looking at me, like she
did not understand me or that she was paralyzed. No word came back, just deep
broken breathing sound from her, whether she has difficulty breathing.
“Let me explain, Meena. Over 80% of couples have one of these two kinds of
relationships, either they don’t love each other but just live together, in which
case they are honest and don’t need to hide anything, that’s normal.
Then there are couples who love each other but aren’t honest with each other,
Because, for whatever reason, they may be embarrassed and/or don’t want to
lose the other person.
The remaining 20% concerns two other groups. Main group of these two are
those who don’t love each other but are so estranged that they see no reason to
let each other know about their activities and feelings.
Then there is a small percentage, very small perhaps not more than seven or
eight percent, who talk and tell each other everything about feelings, emotions,
activities and everything other and love each other infinitely. I always thought we
belong to this tiny percentage, Meena. Now you can talk if you want and
So now Meena just sat silent and waited for the hammer to fall because sheknew
what was coming next.
“, do you understand what I say, Meena, HAVE… YOU… BEEN… FAITHFUL to
me these past few days? “I answered with a firm and a little louder but calm
Meena panicked.
“I… please, please understand that after your departure, it all got out of control.”
“What got out of control?” I asked.
“Me and Jalal, I mean I lost control, I didn’t mean to, but it just happened, but
nothing important happened, Nadir, I swear…” Meena wailed.
“You and Jalal got out of control meaning what?” I calmly asked her.
Meena was shaking visibly and trying to clear the situation.
“Okay, okay, okay, I am not going to lie, but we had no sex. There, I said it. It just
happened and I am so very sorry that it happened, but things just got out of
control.” Meena sobbed.
I thought for a moment before I said, “No, Meena, things didn’t get out of control.
Things went just the way you intended.”
Meena finally looked up at me and asked, “What do you mean… as I intended?”
“I mean, Meena, I know more than you think. You send him your nude pictures.
And you saved the photo of his cock in your cell phone, this is intension, you
chatted with him over your cell phone about your nude ass and your tit pictures
and the picture of his dick, this was intentional, then you agreed to go out with
him and I don’t know how many times you did it and you dressed as sexy as you
possibly could for him and you had visited him in his house alone and God knows
where else, this in intention and every time you were for hours with him alone
and made things out of your control how you formulate them, I can image what
they were, this is intension…”
“No! No! No! Not true, not true!” Meena screamed.
“Meena since I left, you left this house every time, with the full intention of having
sex with Jalal.”
“No! No! No! That is not true. It’s not…”
I interrupted her, "Meena it is true, and you have fucked up our marriage and
Relationship and betrayed my love royally."
"No, I, I haven't fucked up our marriage royally, as you put it. Yes, I made a
terrible mistake, and I made a really bad decision. But nothing happened, I had
no sex with him, really, please believe me, now, just slow down and stop
accusing me..."
After getting my thoughts together I said to her, "Meena, I don't believe you. I
don't believe things got out of control not intentionally and I don't believe that
nothing important happened. But what I do believe is that you planned it..."
"No! No! No! I did not plan this, it just happened. Everything just got out of control.
You have got to believe me!" Meena cried.
Meena was shaking her head side-to-side indicating no, that what I was saying
was not true.
Meena wanted to get away from hearing I accuse her of all the things she had
done so she tried to steer the conversation to how much she loved me.
"I love you. I love you more than anything in this world and I know that you know
that. We've to get beyond this and move on with our life."
I thought for a couple of moments before I said to her, "No, I can't get beyond
this. What you have done to me is far too serious to just walk away from it. Don't
you understand what you did to me these last days? You lied to me, and you
deceived me and humiliated me!"
"I didn't do that! I didn't do it! I would never do those things to you!" Meena
" Goddamn Meena, you left my love! You left our love and life to go fuck another
man. And you even deceived me into to going along with it!"
Now crying almost uncontrollably, Meena screamed at I, "I never left you. I would
never leave you. Never! I just fucked up really bad."
"Meena, Meena, what did you just fucked up? " I asked.
"I… I wanted to prepare him, I sear… I mean I wanted to seduce him for your
game, to make him more interested on me for later, when you are there… I…I
can't betray you… leave you; how can I betray or leave my life? " She argued
and cried.
I interrupted her, "Listen to me Meena, when you had your hair and nails done
just for him, you left me.
When you primped just for him, you left me.
When you dressed up just for him, you left me.
When you let him put his hands on you, you left me.
When you took off your dress for him, you left me.
When you laid down on his bed, you left me.
When you sent your nude pictures to him you left me.
And when you let him have you, you left me for good."
"No! No! No! I didn't do that, it happened nothing, please believe me... Everything 
just got out of control, those pics were for you, and I sent them to the wrong
You know, I wanted to tell you from the beginning, but then I thought about it
because I should not worry you, you were not here…"
"Meena, when I think about it, you packaged yourself for him and then you
offered yourself to him. And he took you and made a part of you his own, a part
not just in your body but your soul. Don't you understand that a part of you now
belongs to him. And, Meena, a part of you will always belong to him..."
That real incensed Meena and she went on the offensive.
She interrupted me, "Nadir, it wasn't like that, we had no sex, and this is not true,
I didn’t offer or gave myself to him. Yes, my emotions, my hormones
just took control of me some moments and I made a terrible decision sometimes,
but I had no sex with him, I made a mistake, ".
"Meena, one moment. First tell me, when you say ‘I had no sex with him, what do
you mean? What means sexual relationship for you? " I asked her.
“I mean, we had no… no… “, She didn`t find the right words.
" Penetration? he did not penetrate in your cunt? Do you mean this? " I Asked
"Yes…Yes… No penetration occurred, not even close to…" She said more
calmly, but without looking at me.
At this moment slowly I had the feeling that Meena was regaining control over her
thoughts and speech.
" Okay Meena, about this we speak later, but secondly you repeat all the time,
this shit with mistake, I’ll tell you what a mistake is, when you as a married wife,
one night, drink too much alcohol and get drunk and accidentally and
unplanned, let a guy fuck you and that just once and one time, then you can talk
about mistake. Please let this shit word, mistake, leave it outside. ".
" Okay, but I am also a flawed human being. I… please, please, understand that
sometime things get out of control.", Meena argued.
"What got out of control three or four times in five days?" I calmly asked her.
"Me, " She wailed.
"You got out of control meaning what?" I asked.
Meena was squirming in her chair and desperately trying to find a way to escape
her situation.
"I lost control of me and situation! I didn't mean to, but it just happened!" Meena
I mean, you agreed to go out with him dancing, to his place, in the
theatre and God knows where else, you decided touching, kissing, and God
knows what else… All these nights. Then you spent the almost entire your free
time with him, everyday primping for him, you dressed as sexy as you possibly
could and with him, And then..."
"No! No! No! Not true, not true!" Meena screamed.
"Meena, you left this house with the full intention of to be with and perhaps
having sex with Jalal. If my meeting had lasted a day or two longer, you would
have slept with him too. " I screamed.
"No! No! No! That is not true. It's not..." She wailed.
I interrupted her, "Meena it is true, and you have fucked up our marriage and
relationship royally."
That real incensed Meena and she went on the offensive.
"No, I, I haven't fucked up our marriage royally, as you put it. Yes, I made a
terrible mistake. I got caught up in the excitement of being with Jalal and I lost
myself some moments and I made really bad decisions. And nothing happened
but some touching and kissing. It will never happen again. But we can get
beyond this if you will just slow down and stop accusing me..."
I interrupted her, "For some moments? You lost yourself for some moments? How
about for some days!"
"That is not true!" Meena wailed.
"It is true Meena, you left here with him and for him, and you didn't come home
until your sleeping time! These are not some moments!"
After getting my thoughts together I said to her, "Meena, I don't believe you. I
do not believe things got out of control and I don't believe that it just happened. But
what I do believe is that you planned it..."
"No! No! No! I did not plan this, it just happened. Everything just got out of control.
You have got to believe me!" Meena cried.
"Meena, I don't believe you. I believe when you left here with Jalal you knew
where you were going and what can happen. It was the whole purpose of going
out with him. Dancing, having dinner, watching garden or movie theatre, were just
with him was just a ruse to mislead me and your conscience and guilt!"
Meena was shaking her head side-to-side indicating no, that what I was saying
was not true.
My words left Meena's head spinning and all she could up with to say was, "But
I am here with you. I am not with him. I am here with you! I didn’t leave you or our
life and love!"
"Yes, you are here with me just because I am back!  After you let another man
enjoy you and do whatever else he wanted to do with you, and this not just for a
moment or day, but for the days I was not here!" I spoke.
"It is not true, and I let him not to do whatever he wanted to do with me, I had my
red line and I stayed on my red line". She argued.
“You were unfaithful to our love and relationship. I don’t know about your red line,
Meena. You can change the position of it, move back and forth. I know just that
your emotional affair with him bothers me and makes me very sad and
sometimes angry, more than your physical on…” I spoke.
“Pardon?” She interrupted me.
“Talking to him outside of the relationship about personal things, some flirting,
some texting and telling him about your personal other relationships, telling him
about your sex life, maybe even sexting, exchanging pics etc.
That means you were and are still, emotionally connected to him, and you hide it
to me, your partner, your husband, and somebody that you claim to love him.
Emotional affair can be just as bad as a physical affair, because it’s easy to get
emotionally involved then it can quickly and easily turn into a physical affair…
Now I need to know everything about your time with him, and about what and
how you two come close, I mean physically,”
"I... I honestly can't phrase my point in a couple of sentences. All I know is....
talking about this in so much detail is a bad idea."

To be continued...
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RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by Lollobionda - 09-12-2019, 11:23 PM
RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by Lollobionda - 09-12-2019, 11:47 PM
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RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by Lollobionda - 10-12-2019, 11:57 PM
RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by Lollobionda - 11-12-2019, 04:12 AM
RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by Lollobionda - 11-12-2019, 07:57 PM
RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by Lollobionda - 13-12-2019, 06:46 PM
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RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by Lollobionda - 16-12-2019, 01:44 AM
RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by Lollobionda - 17-12-2019, 11:03 PM
RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by Lollobionda - 22-12-2019, 05:19 AM
RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by Lollobionda - 01-01-2020, 08:30 AM
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RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by jamanuram - 20-01-2020, 04:05 PM
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RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by Lollobionda - 21-01-2020, 04:13 AM
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RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by Lollobionda - 28-01-2020, 11:43 PM
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RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by Lollobionda - 18-02-2020, 09:22 PM
RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by Lollobionda - 24-02-2020, 10:03 PM
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RE: An Old Dep has to be Paid - by Lollobionda - 29-05-2020, 10:52 PM
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RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 20-11-2024, 09:33 AM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 24-11-2024, 01:49 AM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 24-11-2024, 04:21 AM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 25-11-2024, 01:03 AM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 25-11-2024, 08:49 PM
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RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 30-11-2024, 08:29 PM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by Salir - 25-11-2024, 10:26 PM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 27-11-2024, 03:14 PM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 28-11-2024, 06:41 AM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 28-11-2024, 04:52 PM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 29-11-2024, 02:04 AM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 28-11-2024, 09:27 PM
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RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 17-12-2024, 12:24 AM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 17-12-2024, 11:03 AM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 18-12-2024, 04:24 AM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 20-12-2024, 04:20 AM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 20-12-2024, 08:01 PM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 25-12-2024, 02:00 AM
RE: An Old Debt has to be salir - by RCF - 27-12-2024, 08:16 PM

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