21-11-2024, 10:56 PM
(20-11-2024, 07:28 PM)Salir Wrote: Meena’s Narration:Yeah, no doubt quality writing takes time, and it’s totally clear in your post.
This is the last part of pond master 16, mainly written by me, enjoy!
I've heard that someone has complained that my posts are too short and that they should appear all at once.
I only write in between when I find time, and since we recently lost our documents (virus attack?), I'd rather
not wait until the next post and send that written part, straight away, it's that simple!
If someone wants to get it right away, there's no need to worry, just wait a week and then read eall at
once, it's that simple!
Kiss u all,
You’ve really put in the effort, and it shows.
I must admit, though, I’m starting to think you’re outshining Salir a little.
Maybe he should step back and let you take over more often? Just kidding!
Your narration adds so much to the story,
and I can’t wait to see more from you in the future.