Radha seeing this sitting on the floor with folded legs lauged and siad," See

Sunitha amma.I told you it will feel good."

Sunitha shyly smiled and the maid and seeing her reflection on the glass china

cabinet felt ashamed as well as proud at what she had become in just a few weeks of befriending Priya.

After they had finished their tea and Sunitha realized that her arse had been plugged

for more than 30 mins now and it felt comfortable and natural. She would have loved

to stay longer with the butt plug but she had to go home as Bhabi will sometimes

come after lunch and if she found Sunitha missing for a long time the word may

get back to Rajseh, so she allowed Radha to unplug the butt plug in the washroom

and even the sensation of Radha pulling on the buttplug gave her intense sexual sensations.
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SUBMISSIVE PRIYA-THE CHEATING WIFE - by akshatha - 13-11-2020, 11:16 PM
RE: SUBMISSIVE PRIYA-THE CHEATING WIFE - by akshatha - 22-09-2024, 11:47 PM

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