Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
(21-09-2024, 10:49 PM)RCF Wrote: What's the point of that conversation unless you think there's more to it..and Meera has been convinced of his innocence. It doesn't matter end of the day Desai is getting clean chit for his sins.
1. Ananya herself wanted Desai so there is no seduction or blackmail involved according to Meera as she believes Desai more than her husband.
2. Desai is desperate so its OK for Desai to assault Nidhi..according to Meera...and its not her concern if some other women is sexually assaulted as long as Desai is not her husband.
3. Desai confessed so its OK to commit a crime and confess...Meera is more than happy to take blame that its them who made him despo so he can do whatever he wants and Issue is Meera thinks since she is not available for him so he did it else he would have been a great human being.

Reactions are all wrong. She is now sympathizing with Desai because he saved her from taking the blame on cheating Krish. I think this story ending is not for our liking. I better prepare myself for the doomsday. One thing I would like to see before story ends is honest conversations without blame game on owning their mistakes. Meera blaming Krish for Jai's episode is such a lame plot. She slept with 2-3 guys with out Krish's consent and cheated on him too and she always had the privilege to say NO for any adventure. I don't understand why Krish blames himself for everything that happens in this story.

Agree for the most part. I think this is the point where Krish should be written as a better man and improvise his character. I remember reading part 2 and how Krish indirectly took revenge on Das , it was satisfying to read him having a moment of glory over someone. But with Desai , it has always been a loosing streak. I would definitely start to write Krish as getting more focused and determined and becoming a kind of person that will make Meera realize he will always be the one for him. And I believe that is possible when Krish's wish come true and overcome his confliction. He should bare witness to Meera and Desai's sexcapade and that should make his mind decide a definite path and start to overcome Desai and finally gain the upper hand and win back Meera. And I believe the perfect scenario is Desai inviting Meera and Krish to Shimoga for an outdoor vacation where Krish will get his wish fullfilled without their knowledge and see Meera and Desai having sex. That will eventually make his conflicted mind clean and finally make the decision to overcome his cuckolding kink and try his way to win back Meera. 

There are many ways it can happen , maybe through his security agency getting a new contact who is much more richer than Desai but sees Krish's potential and motivates him and becomes his support. Or maybe Piyush and Meera's old boos siding with Krish and helping him in his fight against Desai. And the whole story ends with Desai's empire crumbeling in his feet and loosing towards Krish as he regains Meera's love and affection and become a better couple.
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